Some other poster is talking about "hubris", "neopotism", or "tales from the aristocracy."
Are we so focused the 99% / 1% difference that we are too blind to see we're all in the same team, team Humanity?
Nothing is sadder that a live going away, knowledge, experience, etc all going to waste. Sentient creatures have a moral duty to live.
Extending our lifespan is also a necessary first step for serious large scale projects. I don't think we are ready with a 70 years lifespan to care about the consequences of our present days actions in 500 years, or to tackle serious projects such as building a Dyson sphere.
To all those who talk about how some people won't have access to that technology - yes, just like how they don't have access to antibiotics, cellphones or the internet in Africa.
When a certain portion of the 1% seems intent on seeing the populace as cannon fodder (Kissinger's ideology), or as idiots to be manipulated into submission (Bernays's ideology), or as any of the other indsidious descriptions that the 1% use for the rest (welfare queens, leeches, etc.), we are certainly not all on team humanity.
Are we so focused the 99% / 1% difference that we are too blind to see we're all in the same team, team Humanity?
Nothing is sadder that a live going away, knowledge, experience, etc all going to waste. Sentient creatures have a moral duty to live.
Extending our lifespan is also a necessary first step for serious large scale projects. I don't think we are ready with a 70 years lifespan to care about the consequences of our present days actions in 500 years, or to tackle serious projects such as building a Dyson sphere.
To all those who talk about how some people won't have access to that technology - yes, just like how they don't have access to antibiotics, cellphones or the internet in Africa.