If it's currently unavailable on Android, you should be able to start seeing the site again whenever the TTL of the DNS records ages out... this just happened for me on my own home network where I have a DNSSEC-validating DNS resolver on the edge of my network.
However, when I do "dig +dnssec @ ds hbonow.com" I don't get any DS records back, indicating that the issue should be fixed on Google's PDNS.
Can you tell what DNS servers you are using on your Android device? It may be that your ISP is doing DNSSEC validation and experiencing a similar TTL issue.
However, when I do "dig +dnssec @ ds hbonow.com" I don't get any DS records back, indicating that the issue should be fixed on Google's PDNS.
Can you tell what DNS servers you are using on your Android device? It may be that your ISP is doing DNSSEC validation and experiencing a similar TTL issue.