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Ask HN: Who wants to be hired? (March 2015)
110 points by whoishiring on March 1, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 171 comments
Share your information if you are looking for work. Please use this format

  Willing to relocate: 

I am a computer engineering student and looking for summer internship. I am eager to learn any popular and new technology/language/tool like Node.js, Go, Rails... In addition I don't have experience and good knowledge but I want to learn big data related technologies like Hadoop, HBase, MongoDB...

  Location: Istanbul, Turkey

  Remote: NO

  Willing to relocate: YES (want to)


   - Java(almost 3 years experience, used in college projects, Android)

   - Objective-C(iOS projects, OS X command line tools)

   - Android (a paid image editing app, an app for a contest, an app to communicate raspi...)

   - iOS (paid image editing appS, a paid video editing app, a social app)

   - Spring(a RESTful web service for mobile app)

   - SQL (coursework + wrote complex queries in web service)

   - C# (a simple windows phone app, a MS Word plug-in, some desktop apps, used in Unity3d)

   - Unity3D (2 simple platform games [on github])

   - C,C++(coursework)

   - Python (only tried to program Raspberry Pi)

  Résumé/CV: http://harunurhan.github.io/cv.pdf

  Email: harunurhan17@gmail.com

Location: Philadelphia metro region

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Linux, Python, Django, PostgreSQL, Vagrant, HTML/CSS, bash/zsh, AWS, Git, SSH. Want to learn/am learning: Ruby, JavaScript

Résumé/CV: on request

Email: wyclif@gmail.com

I'm looking for entry-level or junior dev work and a career change from a civil engineering background (land/marine surveying). While I'm into both front and backend and will happily accept work on either end, I am most interested in DevOps and backend. I'm comfortable on the CLI and with vim, tmux, git, ssh, etc. I also have some sysadmin experience. Excellent soft skills, and I'm easily in the 99th percentile of English fluency and written communication. If you need good documentation, technical writing, or even web copy, I can definitely help you with that if you're willing to carve out time for me in exchange for helping me improve my programming chops and technical development. Please shoot me a message—I'm hungry to level up.

  Location: Washington, DC
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Node.js, Angular, PhoneGap, .NET/C#, 
  Postgres, MSSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, variety of others
  Resume: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/zachcowell/31/812/709 
  Github: https://github.com/zachcowell
  Email: zachcowell [at ] zachcowell [ dot] com
Full stack engineer. Recently built an iPhone app that leverages the MEAN stack. View it at zachcowell.com/violations .

    Email: jona@mit.edu
    Location: Cambridge, Massachusetts
    Remote: yes, or local
    Willing to relocate: for something great!
    Skills/Interests: EE/CS, science, math
                  analog/digital/power/low-power/high voltage,
                  Mathematica/MATLAB/Pure Data/Max,
                  physics/signal processing/sensing,
                  Ableton Live/DP/Pro Tools,
                  Altium Designer/EAGLE/TINA(SPICE),
                  PCBs/turn-key/sourcing/assembly/low/hi volume,
                  front-end/back-end web
    Resume on request.

Location: Delhi [or Remote]

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, Django, Mobile(iOS, Android), jQuery, Bootstrap, Backbone, Angular, Docker, Chef, Ansible, AWS, Golang, Clojure Resume: http://www.linkedin.com/in/sidmitra

Resume: http://www.linkedin.com/in/sidmitra

Github: http://github.com/sidmitra

Homepage: http://www.sidmitra.com

Email: sidmitra.del @@@@@@gmail.com

Some examples from the portfolio:

* http://publish.saxo.com - publishing platform where anyone can publish e-books, and soon printed books (print on demand) and online courses.

* http://www.cpaselect.com - An online marketplace for tax experts. [Formerly Teaspiller, acquired by Intuit]

* http://www.hypedsound.com - A platform for music artists to share their content from various networks.

* http://www.grapevinelogic.com - A platform for advertisers to work with Youtube content creators.

Location: Oxford, UK

Remote: Yes or local

Willing to relocate: No

Expert Technologies: PHP5 (Symfony2, MODX, WordPress), ElasticSearch, Salesforce, System Integration, Data Processing, Continuous deployment, RDBMS, PDF generation, graphics algorithms (custom graphing/charting), analytics & user tracking, Git, HTML5/CSS, JavaScript & jQuery, Change management, coaching. DevOps & monitoring. System design, planning & technical strategy.

Am pragmatic - get the business built, deal with technical debt along the way.

Other likes: UX research & design. I am a user advocate and will champion their cause. Enjoy Product managing and keeping it on-vision. Business development and strategy.

Non-expert: JS frameworks (in line with pragmatic view, waiting for market to settle down - AngularJS, EmberJS, React). Visualization (D3 et al). Dashboard design. CRO. Graph databases. Working on improving my management and negotiation skills.

Enjoy new ideas.

Resume: 15 years' experience as consultant and business owner. Consulting CTO. I enjoy startups & training/progressing staff. Worked with one fintech startup founder taking his idea to £1M funded w in-house dev team, another startup training dev team on best practices & setting them on a productive trajectory. Trained both to use Git effectively (so many teams struggle!)


Background in computational physics, but bit rusty now!

Email: peter+hnmar15 [ at] peterbowyer[dot ]co.uk

  Location: South Dakota, USA
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Python, Linux, Windows, PostgreSQL,
  MySQL, C#, C, C++, git, bash; learning and playing with
  HTML, CSS, Javascript, Flask, Django
  Résumé/CV: http://c10n.net/assets/c10nResume.pdf
  Email: zedpm[at]c10n[dot]net
I'm a software development generalist with a long history of tackling problems well outside of my comfort zone. I believe in simplicity in design and implementation whenever possible, in thorough testing, and in taking the time to understand your problem deeply before trying to solve it. In the past I've worked on AI research in C and Python, telecom systems in C++ and Python, on Windows desktop software using C++, C#, and VBA, and assorted other projects scattered across four operating systems and at least seven languages. I've typically worked on small teams, which means being the architect, developer, tester, database administrator, sysadmin, and even the front line support. I've successfully worked remotely for almost nine years and I'm looking for another remote opportunity.

Location: Saint Petersburg, Russia

Remote: Maybe (with a future relocation possibility)

Willing to relocate: Yes, please. Canada (Vancouver, Toronto) or US (San Francisco) preferred, other options are considered as well. Visa required.

Technologies: Ruby (Ruby on Rails), JavaScript / CoffeeScript, HTML / Slim, CSS / Sass, MySQL, MongoDB, Git, AWS S3, PHP (Laravel, Cake), C/C++, C# (ASP.NET, WPF), Objective-C

Résumé/CV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/is7dfttrx2no0q1/CV_KirillRagozin_F...

Email: ragozinkirill (at) gmail (dot) com

Fullstack developer. Graduated in summer 2014 with major in information systems and technologies. Primary experience involves web development with Ruby (which is the best language of ‘em all), however I’m a fast learner and willing to work on awesome projects using other technologies as well. Have a passion for design (don’t tell other developers).

There’s also a personal blog where I write about non-technical stuff: http://notes.kirillragozin.com

Location: South East Asia (for the last 2.5 years); Russia, Saint-Petersburg (originally) Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes! (USA or Singapore or Hong Kong)

Technologies: Ruby (Rails), Python (Django), Scala, Haskell, C#, C, SQL, Java, JavaScript, Rust.

Resume: http://my.linkedin.com/in/gildedhonour/

Email: me (att) gildedhonour dot com or gilded.honour (att) gmail dot com

Github: https://github.com/GildedHonour

Web-site: http://gildedhonour.com

I'm an all-around programmer interested in different technologies and languages. I became a freelancer over 2 years ago, left home in Russia, relocated to South East Asia and since then have been learning as much as I could and had to working full-time. As a freelancer, I learned I could come up with the zinger of a solution to a problem I have if it could be solved at all. And I'm the one who is responsible for it. I'm also stoked about learning functional programming, finance and IT security.

  Location: Moscow area, Russia
  Remote: no
  Willing to relocate: Highly desirable (in order of
    preference: Canada, USA, western Europe)
  Technologies: Objective-C, iOS SDK, C++ (C++11),
    OpenGL ES, computer graphics, OpenCV, JavaScript,
    Leaflet.js, Grunt, Mocha, PDF, XML, HTML5,
    SVG, JSON, OOP, GoF patterns...
  Email: razhukoff (at) yandex (dot) ru
Résumé/CV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4t94nbp03rdgfli/rz-resume.pdf?dl=0

Mostly experienced in crossplatform mobile development, have some experience building HTML5 web apps. Love non-trivial R&D tasks that need going beyond the borders of ordinary mobile or web app development, learning new technologies, making prototypes. Passionate English learner with good communication skills (8.0 IELTS). Have a master's degree in CS-related field, according to my canadian education assessment report.

Looking for a job in a fast-paced environment that would bring me new challenges and professional growth.

Location: Istanbul / Turkey

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: Yes


  Programming Languages:  Java (4 year)

  Front End Technologies: Javascript, jQuery, Css, Html

  Java Based Frameworks: Spring(Spring-Core, Spring-MVC, Spring-Data, Spring-Boot), 

  JPA-Hibernate, Jsp, Struts, Velocity, Freemarker, Apache Solr, Apache Tika

  Databases: MySql, Oracle, MongoDB

  Testing: JUnit, JMockit

  Build Tools: Maven, Gradle, Ant

  Version Control Systems: Subversion, Git

  Application Server: Apache Tomcat, Weblogic,  Jetty

  Operating Systems: Linux (Ubuntu), Windows

  IDE: Eclipse, Intellij IDEA

  Source Code Analyse: FindBugs, PMD, Cobertura
Résumé/CV: https://tr.linkedin.com/pub/u%C4%9Fur-g%C3%BCneri/28/554/a88

GitHub: https://github.com/guneriu

Blog: http://www.uguneri.com/

Email: guneriu [at] gmail [dot] com

I'm passionate java web developer with 4 year professional experience.

  Location: Novosibirsk, Russia
  Remote: yes
  Fulltime: yes
  Willing to relocate: maybe (I have no working visa)
  Email: please find it in my CV
I have 15+ years of experience in IT industry. Actually I am a system architect in a medium sized software company (900+ employees). Meanwhile, I believe that theoretical knowledge is useless without practice, so I always have enough time for programming.

I have a deep knowledge in the web applications development including building of different APIs as well as integration of various products. Nowadays I am passionate about modern cloud technologies like AWS services, Docker, OpenStack, Puppet, Chef, Heroku, ZeroMQ, Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark.

Technologies: JS, PHP, Python, SQL and NoSQL, bash, Node.js, Symfony, Django, jQuery, ExtJS (Sencha), Dojo, Backbone.js, Angular, Flux, XML/XSLT/XPATH, SOAP, RESTful, oAuth, OOP, architectural design patterns, etc. /this list is very long and it grows every day/

I always learn something new. Nowadays I am taking some courses about machine learning from Stanford university.

CV: http://nta.guru/cv/resume.pdf

I am able to build development teams from scratch. Moreover, I managed to do it several times. One of these teams was distributed and successfully worked remotely for about 5 years. For each project my number #1 goal is to find a balance between requirements and the reasonable cost. I always try do not reinvent the wheel and reuse the existing solutions. Meanwhile I am quite creative and able to make something absolutely new.

Currently I am looking for a new challenge to make something valuable. I want to find a project where I can utilize my talents to the maximum.

Location: US

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies:C++, C, Python, Java, PHP, Javascript, Git, MySql



I'm a self-learner. As such, I love learning just to know what is possible. As far as technologies go, I am confident that I will be able to learn whatever is necessary to get the job done. I consider myself as a generalist and believe that I can work anywhere ranging from developing for the web to developing for time-sensitive embedded hardware. My current interests are as diverse as the design of programming languages to artificial intelligence. To make it short, I really like the challenge of solving difficult problems.

I want to point out my latest project, tealang. It is a programming language inspired by different other languages including Python, Lua, and Objective-C. An interpreter for the language can be found at [1].

1. https://github.com/sourya7

Location: Istanbul, Turkey

  Remote: NO

  Willing to relocate: YES


  - Java, JEE (CDI, EJB3), Spring (Core, WS, MVC, Messaging, AOP, Data, Security)

  - ORM (JPA, Hibernate), SOAP/Restful Web Services

  - Struts, JSP, JSF (RichFaces, Primefaces), JQuery, html, css

  - Apache Lucene & Solr, Apache Mahout, Hazelcast, Coherence

  - MongoDB, MySql, Oracle (not much experienced in PL-SQL)

  - Tomcat, Apache HTTP Server, JBoss, Glassfish, Weblogic.

  - TDD, JUnit, JMeter, JConsole, Eclipse MAT

  - Maven, Subversion, Git

  - Continous Integration & Deployment, Jenkins, Sonar, JIRA, Confluence

  - Linux (not much experienced), Windows

  - 7+ years of hands-on experience in JAVA and all phases of SDLC.
    Learning Functional Programming (Scala) nowadays.
    Currently holding PSM I certification.

  Résumé/CV: http://www.linkedin.com/in/bariscangungor

  Email: gbariscan [at] gmail [dot] com

Location: Frankfurt, Germany

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Backend Development CTO Entrepreneurial Spirit Opensource People Leadership Project Leader Software Architecture Software Quality Auditing Technical Concept APIs Symfony2 MySQL noSQL PHP Python RESTful Services Android DNS Github Google Cloud Platform Linux PHPUnit Regular Expressions Subversion HTML5 Angular.JS Continuous Integration Doctrine2 Git Security Webstandarts XML Amazon S3 Apache Coaching Go Javascript Jenkins Mentoring PEAR Travis Ci Java MongoDB PostgreSQL Conference Speaker Usability jQuery ZeroMQ Microformats JSON-LD Open Data Open Source DevOps TDD / BDD / DDD

Résumé/CV: https://angel.co/coderbyheart

Email: m@cto.hiv

From April 1st 2015 I’m available to join a new team where I can apply my craftsmanship to software, my leadership skills to the organization and my wit to the daily standup.

I used to work as a freelancer, but having been part of an amazing team provides something that is missing if you are a keyboard for hire: relationships and colleagues–which is equally important to me as being able to work remotely from a coworking space.

I’m looking to join a team as a lead-developer or CTO because I know that I can contribute more than S.O.L.I.D. code and software that is deployable everyday–even on fridays. I believe that there are better ways to work than building waterfall projects in open plan offices and I can help you transform not only the way you build software but how you talk to your clients.

I did join dotHIV last year because I wanted to build a project that has a purpose and serves a real need–not some made up first-world problem. This is still true and this is what I will ask you when we talk: Why does working at your company matter?

Location: Toronto, Ontario

Remote: Yes, but would not accept below market rate for it

Willing to relocate: Yes

Expert technologies: Node.js, Frontend JS, AngularJS, Docker, MongoDB, RethinkDB, C/C++, HTML5 (especially buggy/experimental corners), CSS, Go, Mercurial, Git, shell/admin

Other likes: Design. I consider myself experienced enough to take a designer role but I prefer being an engineer.

Non-expert technologies: I dabble in most things. Git pull and ripping things apart regardless of language or technology is a hobby.

Do not enjoy: Office politics, inefficiency, machine learning, data science.

Résumé/CV: consecutively: BMath; ~2 years west coast companies; ~5 years high-stress startups. Email for more.

Email: torontohn@gmail.com

Prefer serious startup work. I have cofounded two startups and I've been round the block a few times. I'm commonly described as having an insane work ethic. I thrive in stressful environments, and I tend to break out of my roles quickly, but I have low tolerance for politics and roadblocks to progress in business goals.

  Location: Istanbul/Turkey
  Remote: yes
  Willing to relocate: yes
  Technologies: Senior Linux Devops Engineer, Linux, 
  apache, nginx, tomcat, php, python, symfony, django,
  mysql, postgresql, mongodb, mysqlcluster, redis,
  twemproxy, squid, varnish, memcached, saltstack, 
  configuration management, continous integration,
  elasticsearch, kibana, logstash, docker, lxc
  continous deployment, zfs, dbd, sms, mms, gsm, 
  payment systems, high availability,  clusters ...
  Résumé/CV: http://www.yalazi.org/p/resume.html
  Email: onur@yalazi.org
I am an experienced computer engineer, system administrator, devops engineer. I have extensive hands on experience with payment systems, mobile/gsm systems, sms, mms, vas systems in designing, coding, integrating, maintaining and administration.

If you need extensive industrial experience and someone who can extend possibilities, I may be your man.

Location: Boston, MA / Cambridge, MA

Remote: Would prefer in-house

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Python, R and Javascript. Git. SQLite.

  Python tech:
    Flask, Django, Jinja2, SQLAlchemy

  R tech:
    ggplot2, BioConductor

  Javascript tech:
    d3.js, jQuery, underscore.js
Resume: Available on request. See a handful of projects at http://ejstronge.net and https://github.com/ejstronge.

Email: My HN username at GMail

I'm a self-taught full-stack web developer and developmental neurobiologist. I'm ideally hoping to work in a professional software-development role to complement the skills I've learned on my own. I've had a chance to build software solutions in a fast-paced Harvard research lab and want to learn how to do the same in the 'real world'.

I would be interested in an intern role, too, if one were available.

Location: San Francisco Bay Area, California (CA), USA

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: python (Django, Flask, Google App Engine), JavaScript (Backbone, Marionette, jQuery, requirejs, grunt, bower, angular), SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL), AWS (Amazon Web Services), UNIX terminal, full stack, front-end, back-end, HTML5 and CSS3, junior product management, basic UX, UI.

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulcraciunoiu/

Email: paul [at] craciunoiu {dot} net


Freelance independent consultant looking for web or software work. I get things done and hit the ground running. Great communicator (for estimates, handling vague specs, open-ended work), knows startup chaos (former CTO and co-founder). Passionate about doing good, building great products, and quality work.

Satisfaction guaranteed.

I'm also able to join forces with a UX/UI designer whom I often work with in a team. We are an incredibly productive pair.

Location: Looking to relocate to Boston, Atlanta, Austin, Seattle, D.C or SF. I'm open to other cities depending on the opportunity, though.

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Angular, JavaScript, Django, Python, HTML/CSS, jQuery, Java, MongoDB, SQL, assorted webdev tools (grunt, bower, etc)

Résumé: http://davestess.com/assets/resume.pdf

Portfolio: http://davestess.com/

Email: davestess at gmail.com

I paused my job search to create http://www.gtdecision.com/, a tool for fantasy sports fans to follow player news (made with the MEAN stack). The fantasy sports communities on Reddit really enjoyed it and the site now has thousands of users. I've since improved the site in accordance with user feedback - my main focus is to create products that people enjoy.

Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: PHP, JS, Laravel, CodeIgniter, MongoDB, MySQL, Drupal, Joomla, Angular.js, jQuery, Backbone.js, React.js, Java, Spring

I'm a freelance developer with a Zend PHP 5.3 certification. I'm looking for remote work, either full-time or small projects.

I am a full stack developer with extensive front-end experience. I also have experience writing shell scripts for deployment and task automation.

Résumé/CV: http://chrismm.com

Certification: http://www.zend.com/en/yellow-pages/ZEND014048

GitHub profile: https://github.com/innerspirit

LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christianmm/en

Email: mmchristian [a-t] gmail [d-o-t] com

  Location: Berlin, Germany (US & UK Citizenship)
  Remote: yes 
  Willing to relocate: perhaps but prefer near-remote.
  Technologies: Go/Golang, C++ (5+ years), Javascript
  Résumé/CV:  http://goo.gl/t5r1hE
  Email: stefankoshiw306 (aaatta) gmaaailll dooot cooom

I have a graphics & large scale C++ applications background (3 years) but now I’m in the broadening my skillset to include the web. I believe an hour of writing tests saves a week of debugging and that curiosity, humility and cooperation are an engineer's best assets. I'm looking for ideally 24 hours a week and mostly remote, but I'm fine coming out for a few weeks to do onboarding etc. and popping over for a visit when needed. I'm looking for backend work, ideally in Go but I'm happy to adapt my skill set to your business requirements.

Location: Northern VA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes, mostly interested in NYC, but open.

Technologies: After Effects, CSS3, Fireworks, Flash, HTML5, Illustrator, InVision, Indesign, Ionic, Lightroom, Mobile UI, Mobile UX, Photography, Photoshop, SharePoint, UI, UX, Video, WordPress

Résumé/CV: https://www.be.net/jonwheeler/resume

Portfolio: https://www.be.net/jonwheeler/

Email: jon.k.wheeler@gmail.com

Talented and creative media producer with over twelve years of expertise in the Digital Space, including most recently 3 years in Mobile App Product Management and Design. Specific experience includes providing innovative solutions and design for commercial and government customers, IT system design/development, research, and expertise in numerous communications media tools. Top Secret Security Clearance.

LF Production & Project Management. Will entertain QA/UX testing.

4 years in Video Game Development. Call of Duty, Injustice, Pokémon TCGO

Location: Madison, United States

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Worldwide

Technologies: JIRA, MS Office, Trello, Psyberfire, Jenkins, Photoshop, Maya, X360/XBOne/PS3/PS4 dev kit, Unreal, Wordpress, Mailchimp, SurveyMonkey, SCRUM

Résumé/CV: http://www.anthonylbarnes.com/resumeacute.html

Recommendations: http://www.anthonylbarnes.com/recommendations.html

Portfolio: http://www.anthonylbarnes.com/portfolio.html

Email: barnesal[at]gmail[dot]com

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anthonylbarnes

  Location: Currently in South America

  Remote: Yes (Second time I've ever posted in one of these threads, last month I 
  received many interesting offers but they weren't REMOTE. Guys, I'm not moving
  to SV any time soon)

  Willing to relocate: Not right now, I may go back to Europe next year

  Technologies: At one point or another I've been paid to develop in Python, C,
  Java, Perl, x86 assembly, Matlab, Fortran, R, PHP and a few other languages. I
  do mostly Python these days.

  Résumé/CV: On request
Some projects I've recently completed:

- RESTful API for a mobile app (Relational database design, PostgreSQL, Flask, Jinja2, collaborative filtering, NumPy, SciPy, JSON, Sphinx)

- Concurrent, asynchronous, scalable tool to check a wide variety of responses on clusters of servers over HTTP (Python 3, XML, ElementTree, concurrent, requests)

- A couple of scrappers for large amounts of data (asyncio, BeautifulSoup, lxml, pdftotext, pdfminer, requests, MySQL)

- Scalable, non-blocking proxy for Android/iOS/BlackBerry push notifications (Tornado, Supervisor)

- Redesigning an existing document-oriented database as a document/graph database (MongoDB, OrientDB)

- A couple of mobile-optimized websites (jQuery Mobile, SQLite, PHP, Symfony)

I'm partial to FreeBSD, Vim and the command line, but adapt to whatever I have to use to get stuff done.

I've also completed a few dozen gigs in a major freelancing website across a wide variety of skills, you can check my work history and feedback there: https://www.freelancer.com/u/denep.html

If you think I'm a good fit for your project, contact me. I'm available for full-time or (even better) part-time work.

  Email: hndenep@kaffeeschluerfer.com

    Location: USA
    Willing to relocate: Yes
    Technologies: C, C++, Haskell, Python, Go,
                  Linux kernel, Ethernet, IEEE 802.3, TCP/IP,
                  HTTP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js,
                  I2C, SPI, MAC, PHY,
                  parallel & concurrent programming,
                  algorithms, data structures
    Résumé/CV: http://brpbr.com/ (resume upon request)
    Email: brooks !dot* brian ^at% gmail
Looking for an opportunity to create & grow solutions to real-world problems via boundary-less engineering. Over 5 years experience in software for networking devices: L1/L2 Ethernet, Linux kernel, infrastructure, network protocols. Spare time includes contributing to OSS, programming challenges, and learning new technologies & languages.

  Location: San Francisco

  Remote: ok

  Willing to relocate: yes

  Technologies & others: C++ (STL), Java, C# (.NET), Ruby,
  Go, Bash, TCL, XML, UML, Eclipse, Visual Studio, Git,
  VMware, SQL, PL/SQL, Windows, Linux (Ubuntu, OpenSuse),

  Github: https://github.com/manycoding

  Email: vamukhs (gmail)
Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gknNVqN3FL-XE2lVr4Fcswpv...

Experienced in developing EDA tools, mostly looking for internshp. Here're a few projects of mine:

- Verilog project, added Verilog support in company's EDA software (parsing, testing and simulation subsystems)

- ViewPoints project. GUI for IC testing - no need to hardcode your IC tests anymore

Location: American (Pittsburgh, PA) living abroad in Italy

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Maybe

Technologies: Laravel 4/5, modern PHP (5.5, 5.6, etc), CodeIgniter, jQuery, MySQL, Apache, MongoDB, Xdebug, Linux.

Résumé: I am from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and have worked as a full-stack web application developer in the U.S. since 1999 and Europe since 2009.

For the last two years, I have been using the Laravel Framework in an Agile/Scrumban environment and a TDD/BDD (Behat/PHPSpec)-based approach to building applications running on LAMP/LEMP.

I hold a B.S. degree in Computer Science and I am a writer (currently "Mastering Laravel 5" for Packt), speaker (phpDay 2014, PHP UK 2015), and contributor to open source projects whenever possible.

I speak native English, Italian, and I travel frequently.


Email: chrispecoraro@gmail.com

Location: Currently in South America (Venezuela)

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes, preferably anywhere near the D.C. area as I have a place to stay there

Technologies: I've been paid for coding in C/C++, C#, PHP, Javascript, HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3. I've also coded in Java, Objective-C (currently learning Swift), Scala, LISP, Scheme and Python.

I've done mobile development (Android, iOS and WP8). Currently working on building my app portfolio as I'm looking for a iOS Development job (both Objective-C and Swift)

Other Technologies: MySQL, SQLite, Microsoft Access, Visual Studio 2010, Visual Studio 2013, Eclipse, XCode 5, XCode 6, Interface Builder

Résumé/CV: On Request

LinkedIn: ve.linkedin.com/in/jdpelayop

Email: pelayojose [at] gmail [dot] com

Over 5 years of professional experience in positions as a Freelance Developer, IT Consultant, IT Support, Web Developer and Software Engineer.


Location: San Francisco

Remote: Sure

Willing to relocate: Tentatively


Technologies: Design/front end generalist with a background in user experience and interaction design. Used to wearing all hats in the design process, from research and prototyping through visual design and front end code.

Résumé/CV: http://livemethoddesign.com/

Email: patrickjsteele@gmail.com


I've been a contractor for awhile, but I've been increasingly hungry to work on something bigger and harder. I'm interested in interfaces that teach people useful things, especially w/r/t finance, data vis, and problems that require a lot of systems thinking/ have a lot of surface area.


Feel free to shoot me an email if you've got a cool project and just want some feedback, I'm always open to seeing what people are working on. Also happy to meet for beers if you're in SF.

Location: SF Bay Area

Remote: ok

Willing to relocation: no

Technologies: Python, Clojure, Ruby, Django, Javascript (including ClojureScript and CoffeeScript), React.js, Backbone.js, Objective-C/Swift, Lua (OpenResty/Lapis), PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, AWS, Chef, Ansible, FreeSWITCH and many others.

Résumé/CV: available upon request.

Email: erikwickstrom+hnhiring [at] gmail [dot] com

I'm a senior full-stack developer with over 10 years of professional experience. Have lead the development of multiple successful software projects from MVP through to full production. Very comfortable working in both small and large teams. In addition to my technical know how, I have a strong business background. I'll happily work with all stakeholders in your team to make sure the right product gets delivered. I'm comfortable ramping up on new technologies (and codebases) quickly.

  Location: Chicago, IL
  Remote: No
  Willing to relocate: Yes, to major US cities, particularly SF, NYC or Boston.
  Technologies: Web (HTML/CSS/JS), Ruby on Rails, Python, Lisp, R.
  Résumé/CV: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/16238897/Avy%20Faingezicht.pdf
  Email: my username at google's email service
  Github: https://github.com/avyfain
About to graduate from Northwestern University with degrees in Integrated Engineering and Economics. I've had two summer internships in finance tech, and currently I work part time at a healthcare startup. I have experience in analytics/machine learning and full stack web.

Looking for full time Software Engineering or Data Science positions starting around Summer 2015.

Location: Seattle

Remote: No (just spent 3 years working remote, looking for something local now)

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Everything from C/C++ to JavaScript with lots of stops along the way (Python, Java, C#, Scala, CoffeeScript, etc.)

Resume: http://www.almostinfinite.com/curtisb-resume.html

Notes: I am not up on the hip new JavaScript frameworks (I used Ext-JS and Sencha Touch at my last job, but although they are JavaScript frameworks, they are definitely not hip.) but on the other hand I was doing hard core stuff with raw JavaScript and direct DOM manipulation way back before even JQuery. And I can't really call myself a full stack programmer because there is probably some part of your stack that I don't know -- yet.

Location: Vienna / Austria

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: Main stack: PHP (symfony), Javascript, CSS (Sass), MySQL, MongoDB, Vagrant, ansible, git; Other technology I played with: Python, nodejs, Haskell, bash, Go, Rust, Ruby, ElasticSearch; Platforms: Amazon AWS, DigitalOcean, Codeship, github, bitbucket, CloudFlare, BrowserStack, MailChimp

Résumé/CV: https://www.xing.com/profile/Sebastian_Goettschkes

Weekend project: https://cllctr.net | https://github.com/agileaddicts/cllctr

Email: sebastian dot goettschkes at googlemail dot com

I like to build stuff. I like to learn stuff. I like to deliver value.

Location: Moscow, Russia

Remote: Yes (full-time)

Willing to relocate: Yes (US)

Technologies: Objective-C (iOS), Web-development (PHP, MySQL, jQuery, HTML, CSS)

Résumé/CV: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/28984842/ios-developer-s...

Email: evseev.srg (at) gmail (dot) com

I'm looking for full-time remote project or relocation (H1B visa sponsorship). I have over 10 years of software development experience with focus on iOS applications over the last 4 years. I'm highly motivated and organized iOS developer. I have experience of working remotely with international teams. Currently, I'm working as Senior iOS Developer on secure iOS messenger (voice, chat, conferences, mail and notes).

Location: USA

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: JavaScript, AngularJS, Node.js, MongoDB, AWS, HTML/CSS, Git.

Résumé/CV: http://prashishrajbhandari.com.np/ / https://www.dropbox.com/s/7w2nr1rv3hfjh3k/Prashish_Rajbhanda... Email: hello[@]prashish.me

Full-stack Software Engineer. Prefer working with JavaScript esp. AngularJS/React and NodeJS. Fast learner and healthy team player/independent. Can finish projects building from scratch. Say hi!

Looking for a summer internship, preferably around DC/NYC area. Will graduate in August, so looking around for full-time positions(F1 visa) as well .

Location: Seattle, WA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Growth Hacker/Online Marketing/user acquisition consultant specializing in paid traffic channels, marketing automation, Conversion Rate Optimization. PPC, SEM, Google Adwords/analytics, Bing/Yahoo ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Adobe Omniture & Site Catalyst, Marketo, ExactTarget, Eloqua, ClickTale

Resume: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bxs8dstFCH0xMEtyQjBvSW5pNG8...

Case Studies: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bxs8dstFCH0xSW1jUjN1STVTakk...

Email: jkuria gmail

SEEKING WORK: Remote/Rajkot, India

Has 3 months of experience working with a Y-Combinator - 2014 non-profit startup https://www.zidisha.org/ Credits on http://p2p-microlending-blog.zidisha.org/2014/10/04/the-new-...

Remote: YES

Willing to relocate: NO

Language: PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Git

Frameworks: Laravel, AngularJs, Twitter-Bootstrap, Slim

Tools: PHPStorm, SublimeText, Vagrant, Navicat

Resume: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wllb72590c9hc80/Bhargav's-Resum%C3...

Email: bhargavdjoshi@gmail.com

Location: Belgrade, Serbia, Europe

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes (preferably USA, Canada, Ireland)

Technologies: Java, C#, SQL (Oracle, Postgre), some C++, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, scripting (batch, gawk...), Git, TFS

Résumé/CV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cuyoadv8hw4ocs3/Resume%20-%20Ivan%...

Email: ivan.mile@gmail.com

MSc in computer science, over 8 years in the trenches, mostly on server-side development in online gaming and sports betting. I have very high personal standards for the code I write, especially regarding readability, testability, good OO design etc. I am also willing to learn new technology if job demands it (e.g. Scala, Android, Go, Ruby on Rails).

Location: Washington, DC/Nova

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: C++ (w/boost, 11), python, linux, AMQP, MySQL

Resume: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3xTtjze6ftUVFJjY3A0a2ZHOGc...

Github: https://www.github.com/sfpiano

LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/sfiorell

Email: sfpiano (google mail)

Over six years of experience with a 1.5MM LOC code base. Most recent/notable work centers on designing and developing new transport framework based on AMQP/GPB to replace legacy CORBA framework. More interested in backend development or library/tool writing for use in other apps.

Location: California

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Android Development, Object Oriented Development, Android SDK, Eclipse IDE, Java, C/C++, SQLite, XML, HTML, CSS, Git and Linux.

I'm an Android Developer, developing mobile apps for phones and tablets, with published apps in the Google Play store and full life cycle software development experience. My Android app project experience, includes: concept development, project planning, research, algorithm development, programming, testing, debugging, publishing apps to the Google Play store and app maintenance.

Resume/CV: http://compxpressinc.com/docs/kpcv.html

Email: ken dot compxpress at gmail dot com

Location: California

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Android Development, Object Oriented Development, Android SDK, Eclipse IDE, Java, C/C++, SQLite, XML, HTML, CSS, Git and Linux.

I'm an Android Developer, developing mobile apps for phones and tablets, with published apps in the Google Play store and full life cycle software development experience. My Android app project experience, includes: concept development, project planning, research, algorithm development, programming, testing, debugging, publishing apps to the Google Play store and app maintenance.

Resume/CV: http://compxpressinc.com/docs/kpcv.pdf

Email: ken dot compxpress at gmail dot com

Software engineer currently working with nodejs & backbone for the last year or so, no formal work experience in Python but plenty of school projects and small side things, some experience with large Java/Spring MVC web applications.

Looking for a position working with large-scale web applications, preferably in javascript, more preferably with React or similar separation of concerns model. Bonus points for west coast and/or warm climate.

Location: New York

  Remote: No

  Willing to relocate: Yes

  Technologies: nodejs, backbone/marionette, python/flask, Java/Spring MVC, sass/scss

  Résumé/CV: upon request

  Email: hello at jillmunson dot com

  Location: Sunnyvale CA
  Remote: OK
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: C, Python, JavaScript, Go, Scala,
  Functional Programming,
  Linux, FreeBSD, HTTP, Spdy, TCP, HTML, CSS,
  Performance, Hadoop, Spark, Machine Learning
  Résumé/CV: https://linkedin.com/in/ndeepak
  Email: n dot deepak at gmail dot com
10+ years experience writing code for high-perf networking systems, interested in newer problem domains and tech stacks: distributed systems, concurrent systems, big data and machine learning. Have worked for successful startups, done patches for OSS. Always eager to learn. Let me know if I can help!

Location: Connecticut, intent to relocate to Los Angeles in the near-ish future

Remote: yes (or LA)

Willing to relocate: yes if to LA, no otherwise Technologies: Unix administration, Salt Stack, Ansible, Apache, Nginx, Python, Perl, Ruby, Go, SQL, C, etc. I'm a sysadmin, so my job, in principle, is to know everything, and I take that seriously. If I don't know it now, I'll learn it. That's what I'm for.

Résumé/CV: http://resume.cmhamill.org/ (PDF: http://resume.cmhamill.org/resume.pdf)

Email: me@cmhamill.org

I can be your jack-of-all-trades.

Location: Saint Petersburg, Russia

Remote: Ok (for starters)

Willing to relocate: Yes. VISA required (H1B, J1)

Technologies: C++11, Swift, JavaScript; now learning: node.js, iOS

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2tIjBsHxwnWeVJnSEpINjZIcUE...

Email: ipotuzhnov@gmail.com

Graduated university last year. I've been working for 2 years as a C++ developer, though. I'm very eager to learn and have passion for new technologies and challenges. I'm looking for a position as a software developer in an enthusiastic team (traineeship/internship with an opportunity to get a full-time job would be ok).

Location: Boston, MA (looking to relocate to Boulder, CO later this year)

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: to Boulder

Technologies: JavaScript (Angular, Knockout, Node, React, jQuery, Require, Browserify, Grunt, Bower), CSS (SASS, LESS, Bootstrap, Foundation), MongoDB (Mongoose), Photoshop, Illustrator, Sketch.

Résumé/CV: http://resume.mariusc23.com/

Email: marius@craciunoiu.net


Experienced UX designer and frontend developer. I can take a project from a simple concept to a fully designed and implemented solution. Former co-founder used to working on a tight deadline and learning new things quickly.

I'm also able to join forces with an excellent python developer whom I work with on a team.

    Location: Orlando, FL, USA
    Remote: Yes
    Willing to relocate: No
    Technologies: Application Security,
                  Apache, nginx,
                  MySQL, PostgreSQL, 
                  PHP, Python, Java,
                  HTML5, CSS3, Javascript
    Email: scott@arciszewski.me
I don't make my Resume/CV publicly available. If anyone is interested, I will email it to you.

If you want a casual, no-obligation overview of what I have done/am capable of, check out my github:


Location: Oklahoma City

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No, but willing to travel

Technologies: Server - Node.js, PHP (.5, .6), Rails. Frontend - Javascript frameworks, CSS, HTML. Database - Relational DBs (MySQL, Maria, Percona) and caching (Redis, Memcached)

Résumé/CV: N/A, see https://embedkit.com, https://onroi.com/project/, https://github.com/snellingio, and https://snelling.io

Email: sam@snelling.io

PHP Developer looking for contract work.

Location: north Wales, UK

Remote: Absolutely

Willing to relocate: No


~ PHP (Laravel, Symfony2, CodeIgniter), MySQL, Postgresql, L(A|E)MP stack

~ Wordpress (themes & plugins), Drupal, Expression Engine

~ HTML since 1999, CSS, Bootstrap, Javascript (jQuery, jQMobile, IonicFramework, D3.js)

Résumé/CV: http://meigwilym.com http://github.com/meigwilym

Email: mei.gwilym@gmail.com

Working since 2006 on the web and nearly 3 years as a freelancer. Recently I've done lots of full stack work with Laravel4, and looking to get started with Laravel5.

I have 3 days/week free so available immediately.

Location: Lithuania

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Mostly Python or Matlab for Data Science or Quant Finance Applications

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomaskazemekas

Email: tomaskazemekas[at]gmail.com

My recent Matlab application was getting more than 200 ETF historical price data from chosen data source, calculated custom made trading strategy based on momentum, simulated and optimised a portfolio of best performing assets, and provided portfolio performance data.

I am looking for new projects in the field of finance or data science. I am also interested in remote or short term projects.

Location: Australia

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: Yes - USA preferred. Visa Required (E3, H1B, J1)

Technologies: Java, HTML/CSS (Since 2002), JSP, C++, Eclipse, Windows, Linux, Photoshop, Balsamiq, UX/UI Design

Résumé/CV: https://angel.co/stephanie-hansen

Email: stephanie@stephanie.com.au

I am in my final semester of a B.S. degree in IT majoring in Software Development. Seeking a junior developer position at the completion of my studies (July 2015).

I hope to be hired under an E3 visa which is a visa exclusive to Australians to work in the U.S. (the process is free, easy and is renewable every two years indefinitely).

Location: Portland, OR.

Remote: Possibly.

Willing to relocate: No.


    - Python: Django, Flask, numpy, pandas, SQLAlchemy
    - Javascript: Ember.js, jQuery, backbone.js
    - Postgresql: performance tuning, backups, and high-availability
    - Redis, zeroMQ
    - FreeBSD, Solaris, Linux (Ubuntu, Arch)
I'm an experienced (10 years) full-stack web application developer looking for new opportunities.

Things I am interested to learn/am learning:

    - Go
    - Python Blaze, PySpark
    - Apache Spark, Cassandra
    - Scala, Clojure, Haskell
    - React.js, Reflux, io.js
    - Ansible and Docker with CoreOS
Email: in profile.

Location: Charleston, SC

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Possibly if most of the hassles and costs of moving are taken care of and it is a city/state I'm interested in moving to (ie. no CA or NY)

Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (node.js, express, React, Angular, knockout, and built my own), .NET (C#, MVC, Web API, ServiceStack) SQL, MongoDB (I've done backend, fullstack, and frontend)

Non-experience technology interests: Elixir, OpenResty, Moonscript, Haskell, RethinkDB, plus more

Resume: http://careers.stackoverflow.com/akkuma

Email: gmail - gregorywaxman (I hope you can figure this out)

Location: Eugene, OR

Remote: YES or local

Willing to relocate: NO

Technologies: JavaScript, nodejs, jQuery, HTML5 canvas, SQL, CSS, mongodb, PHP, etc

Résumé/CV: https://github.com/CamHenlin http://henlin.org/about.html http://henlin.org/projects.html

Email: cam.henlin@gmail

I am an enthusiastic full stack JavaScript developer, and I am looking for exciting remote work! My preference would be doing something canvas-related, but I am open to all JavaScript jobs.

  Location: Studying abroad in Long Beach, CA and Berkeley, CA.
  Will be in France (or maybe US) for my last year of studies.
  Mostly looking for internships and remote work opportunities.

  Remote: ok

  Willing to relocate: yes

  Master in : Objective-C, Swift, C, C++, Docker
  Comfortable with : Python, Django, Ruby, Rails, Java
  Playing around with : Go

  Résumé/CV: http://linkedin.com/in/mlequeux

  Email: em5lZ3ZhLnlyZGhyaGsudGVoYXZhdHJlQHR6bnZ5LnBieg==
  Let's see if you can get this one, it's easy !

  Location: Kharkov, Ukraine
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: Yes 9USA- preferred, Canada, Europe)
  Technologies: Objective-C, iOS SDK, JavaScript, Java, Python(Dajngo), SQL, NO-SQL, Git
  Email: sergey.edg3@gmail.com
I'm looking for full-time remote project or relocation (H1B visa sponsorship). I'm dedicated software engineer with 3+ years industry experience. Have worked on iOS development of various projects and comfortable working with a number of technologies and languages. I have experience of working remotely with international teams.

Location: San Francisco, CA

Remote: ok

Willing to relocate: within US - ok

Technologies: full stack c# asp.net mvc ruby rails frontend knockout angular

Résumé/CV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rijw9b0mben6c7i/Roman%20Pushkin%20...

Email: roman.pushkin [-at-] gmail.com

10+ years of experience, Microsoft Certified c#/asp.net since 2005.

I don't have experience with Ruby/Rails, but I have strong C/C++/C# background and I sell my 100-hour ruby/rails video lessons for newbies.

I'd be happy to switch to ruby/rails stack from asp.net mvc.

Location: Victoria, BC, Canada

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Office, XMind, Balsamiq, Trello, Visual Studio, C#, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API, MySQL, SQL Server, HTML, CSS, Sass, JavaScript, jQuery, JSON, PHP, WordPress, Mercurial

Résumé/CV: http://ca.linkedin.com/in/grantpalin

Email: grant[at]grantpalin[dot]com

Recently completed a BSc in Health Information Science. Interested in technology work in the health space, but also tech work in other domains. Specific type of work interested in includes web and software development, database, and testing.

Location: Malaysia, Penang

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes


• Creating wireframes and prototypes

• UI design of promotional websites, corporative sites, e-commerce, software, landing pages, game interfaces, mobile apps and facebook apps

• Lead of designers and artists team

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/denyskutsevalov

Email: kucevalov@gmail.com

Portfolio: https://www.behance.net/kucevalov

Experienced UI designer and Art director. Interested in interactive design of complicated projects, mobile application and responsive design.

Github: https://github.com/geuis

Major projects: http://jsonip.com, https://github.com/geuis/helium-css

Location: San Francisco

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Full stack, Javascript, Python, CSS, html5, node, all things browser api related (websockets, storage, etc), mongodb, AWS, mysql, many other techs

Resume: Available on request (sorry has address & contact info, don't want to put links on the web to that)

Email: geuis.teses@gmail.com

Location: Philly

Remote: Maybe

Willing to relocate: Maybe

Technologies: Clojure, ClojureScript

Full stack web apps, ReactJS expert, built two enterprise grade frontends in ReactJS (designed and led implementation - 50 to 100 pages of wireframes), two open source React libraries, multiple conference talks and workshops. However I am no longer interested in working in javascript except on a contracting basis.

https://github.com/dustingetz https://www.linkedin.com/in/dustingetz

Location: California

Willing to relocate: YES


- Programming Languages: Ruby, Python, Perl, Java, C, JavaScript, HTML, x86 assembly language, Prolog, Objective-C

- Design Skills: TDD, BDD

- Web: HTML, Ruby On Rails, Ember.js, CSS, Javascript, jQuery

- Testing Frameworks: Rspec, Capybara

- DB Technologies: Oracle, Postgres SQL (PostGIS), MySQL, SQLite, MS SQL-Server 2008

- Distributed Computing Frameworks: Hadoop

- Big Data: Hive, Pig

- Web Frameworks: Ruby On Rails, Sinatra

- CSS Frameworks: Bootstrap, Foundation

- Messaging Systems: RabbitMQ

- Mobile: iOS

- OS: GNU/ Linux, Windows , Mac OS X.

- Reverse Engineering Tools: OllyDRX, WinDbg

- Text Editor: Vim, Sublime

- 5+ years of industry-based experience on Ruby on Rails and Ember.js

Resume: http://daqo.github.io

Email: davoud.qorashi@gmail.com

    Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Remote: yes
    Willing to relocate: no
    Technologies: Python, Django, Javascript, Angular.js, Backbone.js, AWS, Frontend, Backend, Mobile (iOS, basic level), REST, MongoDB, Redis.
    Résumé/CV: https://angel.co/lardissone
    Email: lardissone@gmail.com
I'm a software developer from Argentina who worked remotely for companies in the US and several other countries for more than 12 years. I'm looking to help you make your project the next big thing!

Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

Remote: Yes/OK

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: iOS/OSX (C/C++/Objective-C), Java, Python, Perl, Bash, Javascript, Git, a million other things

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomashauk

StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/users/161161/shaggy-frog

Résumé/CV: See LinkedIn and/or request via e-mail

Email: thauk@ualberta.net

First computer: Atari 800

Cake: YES

I'm a proud generalist. I add value. I care about my work. I get stuff done.

Send me an e-mail!

Location: Portland, Oregon

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: HTML, CSS, jQuery, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Git, AJAX, TDD, SQL Databases, Object Oriented Design, JavaScript, Agile Methodologies, Pair Programming, PHP, Drupal

Resume: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0g65v97k35q4r7h/CoreyNorrisResume....

Email: coreypnorris@gmail.com

I'm currently on the last few weeks of a six month web developer internship at a startup in Portland. I'm looking for another internship or a junior developer position.

Location: Santa Barbara, CA Remote: yes Willing to relocate: yes Technologies: Python, Django, Javascript, frontend (css/html), Google Chrome extensions Résumé/CV: https://github.com/priestc Email: cp368202@ohiou.edu

I am a self taught programmer, I studied aviation in college but switched careers to working at startups since 2009. I do a lot of personal projects in my spare time (which you can find on my github). I've been at my current job for about 2 years.

Location: Phoenix, AZ

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: Yes. Anywhere in the world.

Technologies: LabView, CATIA, MATLAB, SIMULINK, ANSYS, Adobe Fireworks

Email: GaliciaL@my.erau.edu

Résumé: Upon request.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=15091975

About Me: Aerospace Engineering student graduating Spring 2015. I'm looking for a position in space or drone startups (SpaceX, Matternet, Makani Power, Airware etc.) Strong CATIA and project management skills. Fast learner, team player. Basic understanding of UI/UX, Learning ROR.

Location: Kazan, Russia

Remote: YES

Willing to relocate: NO

Technologies: iOS, Obj-C, Cocoa Touch, Cocoa

Résumé/CV: http://aleksandrov.ws/cv

GitHub: https://github.com/ealeksandrov

Email: evgeny@aleksandrov.ws

3+ years of iOS experience; active Git user and open source contributor, keeping up-to-date with community; 15+ apps pushed to App Store + couple of OS X apps. Looking for an opportunity to join a strong team where I can use latest technologies and develop intensively as a specialist.

Location: DC area

Remote: Prefer not

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python (numerical stack) C/C++, MPI/openMP, some GPGPU and VHDL experience

Résumé/CV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dshyukh4g39hxqu/ASCResume2015.pdf?...

Email: adamcadien@gmail.com

I'm 2 months away from finishing my PhD and I have several internships under my belt. Self driven and highly motivated learner that takes pride in his work. Hoping to join a team, expand my skill set and work on interesting problems.

  Location: Berlin, Germany and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  Remote: Remote ONLY
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Node, CoffeeScript, Backbone, Lua, among others
  Résumé/CV: http://elros.com.br
  Email: adelgado1313@gmail.com

I currently live in Berlin, but I'll move to Rio de Janeiro in the second half of this year. I'm looking for a nice stable remote work opportunity starting around July this year. I've been writing code for 14 years and developing software for 7.

Web/Mobile developer: Location: Czech republic Remote: True Willing to relocate: yep Technologies: Web(Python, PHP, Java, C(kidding but why not), JavaScript, XML-based etc..) Mobile(Objective C, Swift) Résumé/CV: http://cz.linkedin.com/in/ttatarshaov, http://famer.github.io/assets/CV-Timur.pdf Email: tatarshaov@gmail.com

Graduating in May with a Computer Science degree from the University of Waterloo. Interested in functional programming, machine learning, security, distributed systems and all other fun stuff.

Location: Waterloo, ON, Canada

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: Yes. London, Berlin, Amsterdam, San Francisco, Vancouver.

Technologies: JS, iOS, Python, Ruby (Rails), C/C++, Scheme

Resume: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zLVv0vDLZOOFaKh2U2FJlwdo...

Email: zak.semenov [at] gmail

Mexico, Remote, Full time or contract

Stack: elastix, nagios, snmp, smokeping, proxmox, vagrant, shell, python, ansible scripting, logstash, software packaging (deb,rpm)

Resume: http://javier.io/cv/en

Contact: echo m+javier.io | tr '+' '@'

Culture and people matter the most to me. I want to be surrounded by smarter and more experienced engineers than me. Unix geeks, vim users, open source fanatics. Logical thinkers, tool tinkerers. I think I can help most in a DevOps position.

Senior Software Developer, UI/UX Designer, Internal Tools Developer for videogame developing team

7 years in Video Game industry

Location: Moscow, Russia

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: USA, Canada, Germany, Netherlands

Technologies: .NET, C#, WPF, User Experience, C++, GameDev

Résumé/CV: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17443884/Docs/SergeyTros...

Email: wr.main (gmail)

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thewr

Location: Luxembourg, Europe

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: no


- Clojure, Java, NodeJS, Prolog, VB, plpgsql

- postgres, MongoDb, cassandra

- Willing to learn Haskell, F#, Scala, Python, C# and some other functional languages

- Other: Strong background in statistical + ML algorithms + their set up as part of a back end

CV: http://lu.linkedin.com/pub/daniel-michulke/81/bba/118

Email: login at hotmail dot com, s/hot/g

Can be hired through toptal.com (to avoid the legal obstacles for US companies hiring non-US remote employees)

Location: Cambridge, UK

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: I'd love to

Technologies: anything VR, C, C++, all things graphics, iOS, some web programming, Unity

Résumé/CV: Oculus VR intern last summer, almost finished Cambridge CS + Maths undergrad, Thiel Fellowship winner


Email: sp668@cam.ac.uk


Location: Ukraine

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: Yes, currently I have B1/B2 USA VISA Type

Technologies: Java, Android SDK, git, SQLite, JSON, XML, REST-clients, Android Design guidelines.

Résumé/CV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xuq2gbd6jtpb754/YURIY%20MANTULIN%2...

Email: yurezcv@gmail.com

Forward thinking, result-­oriented, self-­motivated, reliable, deadline oriented, adaptive Android developer. You could find more details in the attached résumé.

I’m a developer form Germany. I’m planning to travel the world and work at different locations and companies for a short period (like 1-3 months). Except from what I have to offer, the result will be a book which gives insights on “how companies work” in different countries and cities (I already talked with publishing houses about it). I don’t want to give too much details here, but if you’re interested, message me please. I’ll sent you more details! fabse3@web.de. Thank you!

Location: San Francisco, California

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Python, Java, Clojure, SQL, C, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Ubuntu, Arch Linux, OpenWRT, IPv6, BIND, DNSSEC, 802.11q, SNMP, MS Office, LibreOffice, GIMP, Photoshop, Unicode, FAT32, projectors, speakers, analog and digital cabling, Audacity, education, algorithms

Résumè/CV: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/38079179/resume%20v6.pdf

Email: theos unforgettable dot com

I’m a generalist.

Location: Nanaimo, Canada

  Remote: Yes

  Willing to relocate: Yes (America and Europe preferred)

C++, Java, Ruby (Rails), C# (ASP.net MVC)

Javascript (Node.js, JQuery), HTML5/CSS3

Perl, Python

Lisp, Prolog, Smalltalk, J

Git, Agile, OOD

  Résumé/CV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/no1uv1lt7swrr11/David%20LaMothe%20CV.pdf?dl=0

  Email: David.a.lamothe@gmail.com
I am about to finish my Bachelor of Science in Computing Science and am looking for an entry level position.

Location: Porto Alegre - Brasil

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Not right now

Technologies: PHP (did a lot of projects with Yii Framework and Wordpress), Javascript (from JQuery to NodeJS).


I am a 25 y/o grad student about to finish my CS course and looking for freelance/remote opportunities to improve my portfolio and meet people around the world.

Currently I'm available close to 30h per week, but I'm very independent and fast to get work done. Please send me an email and I'm sure we can work things out.

Email: gdelavald <at> gmail

Location: Frankfurt, Germany

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: possible within Western Europe (not far from an airport)

Technologies: Linux, Windows, Ruby, C/C++, PowerShell, Chef, Amazon AWS, Icinga, HTML/CSS, KVM, Cloud Computing

Résumé/CV: https://registry.jsonresume.org/misha_z (password: job2015)

Email: see CV

30 years old, 12 years international work experience - systems engineer, computer science PhD - interests: music, travelling, literature, sports

Location:Italy Remote:Yes! Willing to relocate: yes, sure! Technologies: Python, Django | Php, Zend, Php_cacke, Codeigniter | MySql, MariaDB, Postgresql | Java, Anfroid Dev | Html5, css3, jQuery, Angular Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/tommy-roberto-dimitrio/29/598/2... Email:tommy.dimitrio@gmail.com

Location: Normal, Illinois

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Haskell, Security, Machine Learning, Linux, Math, Technical Writing

Résumé/CV: http://writes.co.de/resume.pdf

Email: jp @ writes.co.de

I'm in the market for a summer internship where I can learn new things and solve interesting problems. I love technologies at the intersection of mathematics and computing and helping real people solve real problems, and I would love to get in touch. Thanks!

Location: Toronto, ON

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Ruby/Rails, Javascript, Angular JS, React, SQL DBs, Mongo

Resume: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=203187157

Email: sgarvagh@gmail.com

Currently gaining machine learning skills and looking for a position which will help me move in that direction (though not necessarily hired for that role: having someone on your team who is well versed is worth a lot to me).

Location: Seattle, WA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Ruby, Rails, HTML/CSS, Javascript/Jquery/Ember/Angular/React/NodeJS

Github: https://github.com/enilsen16

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/erikdnilsen

Resume: http://tinyurl.com/eriknilsen

Email: erik@erikdnilsen.com

Location: Tirana, Albania

Remote: OK

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: python, flask,postgresql, hypertable, elasticsearch, mongodb, html/css/js, php, mysql

Resume: https://www.dropbox.com/s/k6wrtpzjf2pibef/hn-hiring-resume.p...

Email:Inside my profile or inside my resume.

I'm looking for part-time and full-time also in other technologies, I'm a fast self-learner.

Location: SF Bay Area

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Depends

Technologies: Java, Python, SQL (MSSS, MySQL, PL/SQL), HTML, PHP, Javascript

Resume: Availiable upon request for personal contact, see LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaeljvarner

Email: mikejvarner <at> gmail

Broad generalist with a strong background in database and API, looking for my next set of challenges and new grounds to conquer.

Location: Columbus, OH

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Maybe

Technologies: Scala, Shapeless, Scalaz, Akka, Slick, C#, C#, Haskell, C, C++, Python SQL, MATLAB, LISP, Bash, Coq, Play! Framework, ASP.NET

CV: http://www.aylasoftware.org/harvey_cv.pdf

Résumé: http://www.aylasoftware.org/harvey_resume.pdf

Email: harveywi@cse.ohio-state.edu

  Location: Berlin, Germany
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: PHP 5.3+ (Symfony + Composer), WordPress, MongoDB, Docker, Rails, HTML & CSS (mostly Bootstrap), JavaScript (mostly jQuery)
  Résumé/CV: Mail me please
  Email: info [at] dennismorhardt.de
  GitHub: http://github.com/gglnx
  Website: www.dennismorhardt.de
  Personal blog: dennis.so

Location: Germany

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Maybe


* Wordpress/Drupal/CodeIgniter/Kohana/Yii (Components, Hacks, Themes)

* CI & Unit testing - Jenkins, Mocha & Karma for JS, Toast for PHP, as well as Selenium

* JavaScript (jQuery/BackboneJS/AngularJS/Phaser)

* Django (general Python too)

Resume: Upon request.

Email: admin (at) kidsil.net

Highly experienced Web Developer (65% Back end, 35% Front end).

My most recent experience is working with Core WordPress contributors (WordPress VIP) on a global News/Media website.

Location: Austin, TX

Remote: ok

Willing to relocate: yes in general; Preferably to NYC or Bay area.

Technologies: Java, C, C++, Architecture, Relational & NoSQL, IMDG's, Hadoop, etc.

Résumé/CV: 14 years' experience. Hands-on with code. Currently Sr Enterprise Architect at payment major. Worked as hands-on Dev Manager for Capital market firms & investment banks. Looking forward to work in Go / Erlang / Scala.

Email: vivek[dash]joshi[at]hotmail

Location: Chicago, IL

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: Yes

Languages: C, Haskell, Python, Java, Awk, Javascript, Bash, Golang, PHP

Technologies: AWS, Apache, Git, Django, MySQL

Website/Portfolio: http://alexcbecker.net/programming.html

Email: acbecker@uchicago.edu

I'm primarily a backend developer specializing in algorithm design and implementation, but I've been working my way steadily towards full-stack.

Location: Santa Cruz, Bolivia

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Rails, Go, Meteor, HTML responsive, CSS, PostgreSQL, Android

Résumé/CV: https://www.odesk.com/companies/Oceanis-Bespoke-Ruby_~012969...

Github: http://github.com/sergiotapia

Email: sergiotapia@outlook.com

Location: Toronto, Canada

Remote: Yes (worked this way for 3 years)

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Scientific Computing, C++, Python, Fortran90, PhysX, sklearn.

Résumé/CV: ca.linkedin.com/in/alexvyskocil

Email: alex[dot]vyskocil[at]gmail[dot]com

Completed a M.Sc in Physics with a focus on theoretical (computational) problems. Worked in the gaming industry for a while, and more recently branching out into Machine Learning for more interesting applications.

Location: India

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies/Skills: UI, UX, iOS, Android, Web, Knowledge of HTML and CSS.

Résumé/CV: On request

Email: http://radesign.in/contact

I'm a no-nonsense mobile & web designer who designs to meet product and user objectives; not to fill my portfolio with pretty pics. I've been freelancing for 4 years with 6 months full-time in a startup.

Location: Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: C, C++, Java, AngularJS, Spring, Python, PHP

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=82665273

Email: see linkedin.

I am mostly interested by IT security development. I have experience with low level C code and Windows (kernel and user mode).

That being said I am willing to explore other fields.

  Location: San Francisco
  Remote: No
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: python, php, lua, django, flask, sqlalchemy, zend framweork, symfony 2, mysql, psql, postgresql, redis, mongodb, distributed systems, aws, api development, rest api
  Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jordimarinvalle
  Email: py200ok@gmail.com

Location: New Delhi, India

Remote: yes ($30/hr upwards)

Willing to relocate: yes

Technologies: NodeJS, Android, Backbone (other frontend js frameworks), Algorithms. (In past: Embedded Software and middleware integration, Linux Kernel, etc)

CV: http://flipflopapp.com/files/NavalCV_2014.pdf (or profile www.flipflopapp.com)

Email: navalnovel@gmail.com

Location: Akron, Ohio

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: C++, Swift, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Python, MongoDB, Git

Résumé: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw912t51WwIzZjRtdFNNai1rZWs...

Email: mariajmiller13 at gmail

Completing Bachelor of Science in Computer Science in May, looking for entry level/junior position.

  Location: Greenville, SC

  Remote: YES

  Willing to relocate: YES

  Technologies: Mid-Senior UI UX DESIGNER

  Résumé/CV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gzbcwxd5xxzg10x/2014_winniehung.pdf?dl=0

  Email: skinniwini@gmail.com

  Perfer: remote freelance / virtual company

  portfolio: http://www.in-ni.com

Interests: Big data analytics, FinTech

   Location: Seattle WA
   Remote: Yes
   Willing to relocate: Yes
   Technologies: MySQL, R, Tableau, Python, PHP, JS, Hadoop, MapReduce, NoSQL   
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/guptaak

Email: hnusername <at> gmail

Location:Denver Remote: YES Willing to relocate: NO Technologies: PHP/HTML/CSS/Codeigniter/Linux/Github/JQuery/MySql Résumé/CV: http://www.strategic-options.com/resume/ Email: chad@strategic-options.com

Location: San Francisco, CA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: JavaScript, Angular, Node.js, SQL, Neo4j, PHP/Laravel. Some experience with Python, Ruby, Go, and Java.

Résumé/CV: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7HY6lg6ztb8dEkyQmVDLTg3TkE...

Email: adrice727@gmail.com

Location: Malaysia

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes.

Technologies: Python, C, C++, Java, PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, MySQL, Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator

Résumé/CV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mgcxp16fg9wo2gu/Resume%202.pdf?dl=...

Email: wasif_hyder@hotmail.com

Prefer Intern Roles, or Open Source Mentoring.

Location: Philadelphia PA

Remote: I'd prefer not

Willing to relocate: Definitely

Technologies: JavaScript (React.js, jQuery, Node.js, Express, Bluebird, Director, Lodash), Java (Spring, SpringMVC, JPA), Git, LESS/SASS

Resume/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=213772259

Email: alex.banks0@gmail.com

FYI your linkedin profile has very little for regular linkedin users - might want to open your permissions up a bit.

Location: Kyiv, Ukraine

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Maybe

Technologies: Ruby on Rails, Ember.js, D3.js, PostgreSQL, Coffee, CSS, HTML, all other related stuff required for development/deployment

Résumé/CV: http://pavlobabenko.com/PavloBabenko_CV.pdf

Email: pavlo.babenko@gmail.com

Will prefer part-time position up to 30hrs/week

Location: San Francisco

Remote: no

Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: node.js, real-time web, microservices, lightweight automation of amazon aws

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=5769642

Email: james.pitts@gmail.com

My most recent large-scale effort was building out rapt.fm, a realtime freestyle rap experience.

Rapt.fm looks very cool and, all of a sudden, I'd really love to kick some rhymes. Good luck in your search!!!

Location: Jamaica

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python (Django), Java, C#, Objective-C, GIT, PostgreSQL (PostGIS), HTML, CSS (LESS, Sass), Javascript (CoffeeScript)

Résumé/CV: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/n7mzrblhkaqtr71/AAAoVQFSrhl2FvwHO...

Email: jeanrick@gmail.com

Location: SF

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python/MATLAB/R/SQL


Email: tcacollins@gmail.com

Previous: Co-founded two healthcare related startups

Interested in: Software Engineering/Data Science positions

Location: Chennai, India

Remote: Yes

Willing to Relocate: Yes

Technologies: iOS development, reactive UIs, testing, REST javascript and python backends, Parse, CloudKit


Email: krish.kumar@gmail.com

4 years at web payments giant. 3 years in mobile dev.

Location: San Francisco, CA

Remote: No, local Bay Area

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: C, C++, Matlab, Python, bash, computer vision, image processing, signal processing, machine learning, algorithms, sensor algorithms, 3D geometry

Resume: http://web.stanford.edu/~rahimi/resume.pdf

Email: m.s.rahimi@gmail.com

Location: Russia

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: not sure. only to place where a lot of sun, sea, tasty food.

Technologies: javascript: html5 canvas, backbone, react

GitHub: http://github.com/lavrton

Résumé/CV: on request

Main OS project: http://konvajs.github.io/

Email:lavrton @@ gmail dot com

Location: San Francisco Bay Area

Remote :No.

Willing to Relocate : Yes.

Technologies: Java,C++, C#, Python,JavaScript,PostgreSQL, Cassandra.

Email :kodeseeker@gmail.com

Experienced software engineer with a master's degree in Computer Science. Have both Startup and professional world experience in Java, PostgreSQL and JS. Im looking for challenging engineering opportunities.

Resume : Available upon Request. -----

Location: Richmond, VA, moving to Denver, CO this summer

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: To Denver, CO

Technologies: PHP, JS, HTML/CSS, MySQL, now picking up Ruby/Rails

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/scott-moore/13/534/277

Email: scott.chandler.moore@gmail.com

Location: Archer, FL

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No, unfortunately this isn't an option right now.

Technologies: Python, Prolog, Scheme, C, MS SQL Server, AngularJS, Delphi, Postgres, SQL, Linux, OCaml, HTML/CSS, etc

Resume/CV: http://aquila.blue/misc/resume.html

Email: zephyrfalcon@gmail.com

Location: San Francisco, CA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Javascript, Node.js, jQuery, AngularJS, SQL, PHP, HTML5, CSS3

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexhophoang

Email: alex4hoang@gmail.com

I'm looking for part-time or full-time opportunities. Growth hacking background.

Location: Lahore, Pakistan Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: iOS ( Objective C and Swift ), C#, Python, Git Javascript, NodeJs, C, C++, Digital Ocean, MySql, CoreData, Firebase, Parse etc

Résumé/CV: http://resume.fahadmansoor.me

Email: fahadmansoor dot ali at gmail dot com

Location: Warsaw, Poland.

Remote: preferred (!)

Willing to relocate: maybe, depends on the project

Technologies: C/C++, x86 & ARM assembly, embedded, firmware, bootloaders, Linux device drivers, board bringup, Verilog-2001, SystemVerilog

Resume/CV: https://appliedsourcery.com/

Email: in resume

Location: Manila, Philippines

Remote: yes

Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: Python, Javascript, Django, App Engine, AngularJS

Résumé/CV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/x3v0sk62lgcoh51/Resume_BenAdrianSa...

Email: me@bensarmiento.com

Google "yowmamasita"

Location: Austin, TX

Remote: Open to remote

Willing to relocate: no

Technologies: Javascript, jQuery, Node, React, MEAN, HTML/CSS

Resume: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By05iqHrOHzVcHJ4Q0ZpOF9QRGs...

Email: joseph.charles.marshall@gmail.com

Location: North Carolina

Remote : Yes

Willing to Relocate : Depends on the offer.

Technologies: Ruby, Obj-C, Swift, JS/CoffeeScript

Resume : Available upon Request.

Email : taintedz@gmail.com

I'm a Ruby/iOS developer currently, always looking for new opportunities. I'm especially interested in remote work. If you're in need of an experienced developer, drop me a line.

Location: Toronto

Remote: not prefered

Willing to relocate: Yes, but not for below market salary

Technologies: Python (Django as well), Javascript, HTML5, and CSS3 (when I absoloutely positively need to), I dabble in Go(lang), been working on learning Clojure and Scala (basically anything that runs on the JVM except Java)

Resume/CV: On request.

Email: akalsatos@gmail.com

Location: Muenster, Germany

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes (worldwide)

Technologies: HTML, CSS, Javascript (Angular.js, NodeJS, jQuery), PHP, MongoDB, MySQL, Java, a bit Ruby

Resume: https://github.com/c0dr (More details on request)

Email: info@simon-schraeder.de

Open to everything, but mostly interested in internships.

Location: Boston / Madison, WI / Remote

Remote: Yes / 25% travel

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Data Scientist and Programmer: Machine Learning, Python, WEKA, R, SQL, Oracle / MySQL

CV: http://www.linkedin.com/in/kurtroots/en

Email: kurt.roots@gmail.com

Location: Lyon (France)

  Remote: No

  Willing to relocate: Yes 

  Technologies: JavaScript (Backbone), PHP (Symfony), Python

  Résumé/CV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/942eid881f4i5mj/cv-quentin-agren-2015.pdf?dl=0

  Email: quentin.agren@gmail.com

Location: Brazil

Remote: Y

Willing to relocate: Y

Technologies: .Net C#, Javascript, Windows Platform, Sql Server

Résumé/CV: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yJ3LkIUwIu_z-HR9MGyXEYZ-...

Email: acazsouza@gmail.com

Location: New York Remote: No Willing to relocate: Yes (in US) Technologies: C, C++, Java, HTML, CSS, Javascript (React, D3, webgl, node), python, Android, Swift, mongo, mysql, openframeworks, processing, cinder, arduino Résumé/CV: on request Email: thesurreystudent@gmail.com

Location: São Paulo, Brazil Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: Yes Technologies: Java, Progress, Ruby on Rails, Linux, PlayFramework, plpgsql, Bash, Résumé/CV: http://bit.ly/eantonini Email: See résumé link

Location: Bangalore , India

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Within India. Outside possibly.

Technologies: iOS , Javascript , Rails

Résumé/CV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3r2td2x71ebcndm/Resume%20%281%29.p...

Email: samhan.knr AT gmail DOT com

    Location: Germany
    Remote: Yes
    Willing to relocate: Yes (preferably English-speaking countries)
    Technologies: C, Python, basic Go, basic D, Shell/sed/awk, Linux (-kernel), *BSD, Git
    Email: sulami[at]peerwire[dot]org
Also sulami on GitHub

Location: New York, NY

  Remote: OK
  Willing to relocate: Yes
  Technologies: Python, MSSQL, PostgreSQL, Java(some), Flask, 
  LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/taurenk
  GitHub: https://github.com/taurenk
  Email: tauren.kristich@gmail.com

Location: Mexico

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: C++, Python, Obj-C, C#, Bash, Qt, Unity3D, Django, Vagrant, PostgreSQL, Git

Resume: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q51rieu3ei5zg15/Resume.pdf?dl=0

Email: ivoreroman at google mail

Location: NYC

Remote: Willing

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Python/Django, SQL, Java, HTML/CSS/JS

Resume: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-0LFvLPVqZRaWoxMXBJbURsaVk...

Email: Josh@JoshAddington.com

Location: Gila Bend, AZ

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Depends on opportunity

Technologies: Javascript, Node.js, jQuery, Angular.js, Ruby, C/C++, Java, SQL, C#, Objective-C, PHP, HTML5, CSS3.

Resume/CV: http://resume.pierotoffanin.com/

Email: pt@masseranolabs.com

Location: Serbia/USA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Python, Google App Engine, Bootstrap, jQuery, Angular, Big Data, noSQL, Datastore, Blobstore, GCS, webapp2

Resume: https://www.linkedin.com/in/borkopolo

Email: borkopolo[at]gmail.com

I'm looking for a summer internship!

Location: Silicon valley Remote: preferablly not

Willing to relocate: Technologies: Backend development/ some frontend.

Résumé/CV: http://nickysemenza.com/resume

Email: nicky [at] nickysemenza.com

   Location: Cebu, Philippines
   Remote: Yes
   Willing to relocate: Yes
   Technologies: Java, Rust, c/c++, PostgreSQL, docker, linux, angularjs, voxel 3D rendering.
   Résumé/CV: https://github.com/ivanceras

Location: Moscow, Ru

Remote: Maybe

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: C#, ASP.NET MVC, webapi, signalR, angular.js, javascript

Résumé/CV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/551a8gwlkmdf1gx/resume.pdf?dl=0

Email: ilya.pir@gmail.com

Location: Los Angeles Remote: No Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: PostgreSQL, PL/pgSQL, Python, Clojure, C

Résumé/CV: Self-taught programmer with no technical experience.

Here is my github: https://github.com/dt1

Email: dbtoomey@gmail.com

Location: Austin, TX

Remote: Yes

Relocate: No

Technologies: Hadoop, Spark, Hive, Python, Django, Angular, Ionic

Resume: https://my.indeed.com/r/ae0b7c0b62849b95?trk.origin=myindeed

Email: jrule [at] alumni [dot] rice [dot] edu

Location: Washington, DC

Remote: Yes (full-time permanent only)

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: R, Stata, SPSS, LaTeX, Linux (Debian), Git, Bash, OpenVPN (admin)

Résumé/CV: Respond to this comment with your email address.

Email: Respond to this comment.

Interested in: data analyst, research analyst, research associate, research assistant

Location: UK

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Go, Node, Ruby, PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MongoDB, MySQL, Angular, Backbone, React, Ember

Résumé: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=342746157

Email: hi@daryl.im

    Location: Stuttgart, Germany
    Remote: Yes
    Willing to relocate: No 
    Technologies: Front-End (JS&Co), Usability-Engineering
    Résumé/CV: https://careers.stackoverflow.com/kay
    Email: k@kay.is

Location: Boston, MA / Cambridge

Remote: No

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Ruby on Rails, JavaScript, Angular, PostgreSQL, AWS

Résumé/CV: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidallenfisher

Email: tibbon[at]gmail[dot]com

I'm a kickass iOS dev looking for full time, contract, or freelance gigs. Looking to work remote or in the Seattle area.

Location: Seattle, WA

Remote: Yes

Willing to Relocate: No

Technologies: iOS, Objective-C, Swift

Portfolio: http://cameronkle.in

Let's build some apps.

Location: Pittsburgh, PA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Django, PostgreSQL, Knockout.js

Resume/CV: https://www.dropbox.com/s/n0qdh1zy97nvbku/resume.pdf?dl=0

Email: bontaq@gmail.com

Location: Bangalore, India

Remote: Yes please

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: Python, Django, Go Language, Postgres/PostGIS, Travel technologies.

Email: shabi@fossix.org

LinkedIn: https://in.linkedin.com/in/shabinesh

Location: Italy

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJS, Bower, Grunt, Git, SVN

Résumé/CV: Available upon request

Email: g [at] esposi.to


Front-end Developer, being stuck at a consulting work.

Willing to take on Remote work, not scared by Back-end (NodeJS), interested in ReactJS/React Native.

Location: Germany, near Cologne

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Depends

Technologies: C#, SQL(MSSQL, MySql), HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP

Email: sebastian[dot]vannahme[at]gmail[dot]com

Experience with development and maintainance of ERP Software.

Would like to explore new fields, willing to learn the technologies I need.

Location: New York, NY

Remote: OK

Willing to relocate: No

Technologies: HTML, CSS, Javascript; currently learning Angular; some familiarity with MySQL, C# and .Net

Resume: http://joeboland.com/cv

Email: josephjboland at gmail dot com

Location: Cleveland OH USA

Remote: Sure

Willing to relocate: Can't :(

Technologies: HTML, CSS, JS, UI/UX design

Résumé/CV: http://www.linkedin.com/in/brendancullen

Email: bcullen at gmail dot com

Location: Toronto

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Only within Canada

Technologies: Javascript, Python, Java, Haskell/OCaml, SQL

Resume/CV: http://unawaz.github.io/website/

Email: nawaz.umar+jobs@gmail.com

Location: Seattle area Remote: yes Willing to relocate: no I'm a freelance developer looking for projects. Technologies: .Net, JavaScript, Angular, Knockout, SQL Server, MongoDB. Email in profile.

Location: Northeast

Remote: Sure

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, C++, MATLAB, Mathematica, VBA. Worked briefly in healthcare software, but currently working in finance and looking to re-enter tech industry.

Résumé/CV: e-mail for more info

Email: tmh2790 at gmail dot com

  Location: Phoenix, AZ
  Remote: Yes
  Willing to relocate: No
  Technologies: Ruby on Rails
  Résumé/CV: https://garthgaughan.wordpress.com/
  Email: garth0323@gmail.com

Location: Bulgaria Remote: Yes Willing to relocate: No Technologies: PHP, RESTful APIs Résumé: http://erusev.com Email: hello@erusev.com

Location: Mexico City

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: It depends

Technologies: Python (Django), JavaScript (Node.js), iOS, Markup Languages, Haskell, Linux, DevOps, UX, UI, PM.

Resume/CV: mx.linkedin.com/in/mauzsch

Email: mauzepeda+hn@gmail.com

Location: Miami

Remote: no

Willing to relocate: Moving to SF

Technologies: Java, JS, RubyRails

Resume: BS in CS from UM, also Wyncode grad

Github: https://github.com/tasiov

Email: tasiovictoria@gmail.com

Location: Karachi, Pakistan

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: No


- PHP(Core,Laravel,CI and Cake)

- Python(Core,Flask)

- Java

- Rails

- .NET

- Data Scrapping

- Browser Extensions.

- Systems/API integration.

Résumé/CV: http://justpaste.it/adnanprofile

Email: kadnan(gmail)

Location: San Luis Obispo, CA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, Perl, Java, C, Rust, Go, SQL, MongoDB, UNIX administration

Resume: Send email

Email: garrettsquire at gmail dot com

Location: SF Bay Area

Looking for a software engineering internship

Java, Python, web technologies, some iOS and Android experience

Resume on request

Email wertheimjoshua@gmail.com

Location: Sacramento, CA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Python, JavaScript/jQuery, HTML/CSS

Résumé/CV: PM or email please

Email: rasheed.bustamam [at] gmail.com

Location: Philippines

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes, but I cant yet

Technologies: java, javascript

Résumé/CV: bit.ly/1n3gUvZ

Email: mark.ranosa@gmail.com

Skype: markenranosa

Availability: Can start asap

I have 6.5 years of experience, I am self taught, I am looking for a long term fulltime job. Willing to learn any stack, and am only looking for a junior position. I believe I can get anything done, I am just hoping that someone give me a chance. :D can work for $30k per annum

Location: San Francisco, CA

Remote: Yes

Willing to relocate: Yes

Technologies: Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Computing, Machine Learning, Predictive Analytics, Partnership & Business Development, Sales & Marketing, Software Engineering, Algorithm Optimization and development. Working on data classification and pattern matching algorithms. Initial work involves an advanced context-controllable content summarization systems including - http://genopharmix.com/TuataraSum/index-156.html http://genopharmix.com and http://www.genopharmix.com/TuataraSum/medium/medium_summary_... - additional applications in Finance, Trading/Investing, Recommendation Systems and related.

Resume/CV: http://genopharmix.com/TuataraSum/index-156.html

Email: genopharmix@gmail.com

Location: Belgium, Europe; Manchester, UK

Remote: Please! Not required though.

Willing to relocate: Maybe

Technologies: C, x86 assembly, Win32, Lua, FFmpeg

Email: james.darnley@gmail.com

PGP key ID: 0x99412908

Ohloh profile: https://www.ohloh.net/accounts/J_Darnley

Gitorious profile: https://gitorious.org/~jdarnley

I speak English and Dutch. I have no problem adjusting my day to suit your timezone. Desperate enough to accept almost any offer.

    Location: Vancouver, BC
    Remote: Yes
    Willing to relocate: No
    Technologies: Python, Flask, PostgreSQL, LAMP, jQuery.
    Resume/CV: http://appsonify.com
    Email: john@appsonify.com

Join us for AI Startup School this June 16-17 in San Francisco!

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