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Python Social Auth (matiasaguirre.net)
55 points by edward on Feb 22, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 8 comments

For those using python-social-auth with Django, omab has also produced a number of examples that aren't contained in the main PSA repo or docs. These were a real time-saver the last time I worked on a project using it.


psa-allauth https://github.com/omab/psa-allauth

An attempt to demonstrate feature-parity with django-allauth. Demonstrates: Signup of both local and social accounts; Connecting more than one social account to a local account; Disconnecting a social account (require setting a password if only the local account remains); Optional instant-signup for social accounts (no questions asked); E-mail address management (multiple e-mail addresses, setting a primary); Password forgotten flow; E-mail address verification flow.


psa-passwordless https://github.com/omab/psa-passwordless

Passwordless Email Auth


psa-recovery https://github.com/omab/psa-recovery

Email Auth + Simple password recovery mechanism


psa-friendsinvite https://github.com/omab/psa-friendsinvite

Facebook Friends Invite with delayed permissions request.

A nice product, but it should be noted that every additional authorization method you add to your product is a very high value and often mis-implemented weak point!

Sorry, dumb question: why is this on HN today? Was there some major change in a recent release? Or is it just that the OP just discovered it?

I have no objection to either reason; I just want to make sure I didn't miss it if there were a major update that added new functionality.

I recently added social login to a project I'm working on. Python Social Auth was the perfect solution, it was very easy to integrate. I thought that others might find it useful.

Very timely, I'm currently working on an oauth provider and client in Flask.

Having a single library for all Python oauth clients is a great idea.

IMO, simplifying the use of oauth in a library that is widely used and reviewed is way better than leaving it to individual implementers.

Interesting, although I don't know if I like the decision to leave password check functionality for the "classic" auth types completely to the user.

Does this support OpenID Connect? (as distinct from OpenID)

Yes, it does. Various backends use it, if you want to implement one that's not supported, extend `social.backends.openid.OpenIdConnectAuth`.

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