Every time you bitch, consider this: you've still got users.
It'd be appropriate to bitch about it if you didn't have users. But, in the end, it doesn't matter how fancy things are: the user is the only thing that matters. Ever.
Until the users want a new feature - save/load, say - and you can't add it without breaking the toaster in the office kitchen. And so the users bugger off to play Candy Crush Massacre or whatever :-)
And they can't rationalize why you're saying it'll take months to implement save/load.
The newest SimCity is a great example of this.
"zomg offline mode should be really easy for you guys to write! Why haven't you yet!?" "well... ...technical debt and design decisions that are at odds with that..."
It'd be appropriate to bitch about it if you didn't have users. But, in the end, it doesn't matter how fancy things are: the user is the only thing that matters. Ever.