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At some startups, Friday is so casual that it’s not even a workday (washingtonpost.com)
402 points by petethomas on Feb 7, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 215 comments

Back when I first got into the start-up scene, I used to work long hours because everyone else did. At some point, I realized that literally nothing has to be done RIGHT NOW OH MY GOD RIGHT NOW. Almost everything can wait until tomorrow morning. Sure, there are some high-priority bugs that are breaking the site that need to be fixed ASAP, but during normal operating procedures, once that clock hits 5pm, I should start wrapping up my work so that I can pick it up fresh in the morning.

I don't take my work home with me, I don't check my work email when I'm at home. It's just not worth the stress to me.

I love my job, I love my work, I feel like I'm contributing to making the world a better place -- it's just not 100% of who I am. I have a dog, a girlfriend, a handful of close friends, a few engaging hobbies, and a ton of books to read and miles to run. I'm more than my job, and once I can pay the bills, the rest of the money is just a nice to have -- but not nice enough to give up my health and sanity.

Then again, I'm extremely lucky to be in this situation, and a lot of people aren't. Some of my coworkers work long hours still, but they seem happy about it. As long as that's true,... well, whatever floats your boat, right?

That's why I love the start up I work at. We work 9-6 M-F. No weekends. No long nights.

I feel like places that have a "show up at 10 and work till its late" are immature and fooling themselves thinking they have gains in productivity.

Properly managing your time is a skill and one that management should help you develop. I shouldn't feel pressured to stay late because everyone else was fooling around all day. It also sets clear expectations of how hard and long you should work. There's no "Oh if I don't stay till 9 tonight will my manager think I'm not working hard?" Everyone is on the same page.

Before I started working there I was one of the people that would stay up all night sometimes to finish something. come in groggy the next day and get nothing done for that day. When in reality if I spent 8.5 hours the first day working on it and 8.5 hours the second day, I would have had full mental clarity when working on the project and the added bonus of mental and physical well-being.

I can't disagree more. Working 9 AM to 6 PM in San Francisco now will mean you get sunshine two hours from 7 to 9 (and that's assuming you get ready for work/play instantly). All the lovely daylight hours are wasted indoors.

Working in Sweden i get no sunsine hours no matter what schedule i follow.

Its not about what time you start and finish its about how long you work. Having an open ended working schedule is what is wrong with the work culture at most startups in silicon valley.

Wait, what? So what do you propose? Work until 3 pm?

I like 10-7.

Not everyone feels like they're wasting their life because they're indoors when it's sunny.

Lunch? Work outside? Take breaks?

Totally agree. Setting aside some specific time periods for a big push, having a regular and sustainable cadence is invaluable. Especially if you have big audacious goals that require you to be clever. It is terribly hard for people to have that "aha" moment without sustained cadence. Hardly anyone is clever when habitually sleep deprived

I'm not sure if it's due to increased self-awareness, or whether it's physically due to aging, but I know for a fact that pushing over 50 hours a week will quickly lead to lower overall productivity for me. I love what I do and I used to work insane startup-level hours, but on reflection a lot of those hours are less efficient, whether due to decreased efficiency or downright procrastination when I'm too tired to deal with a difficult problem.

To some extent I think tech startup culture evolved this way not just because it takes a superhuman effort to build a successful company, but also because learning to be a good programmer is something that is extremely difficult if you're not at least a little obsessed with it. My tendency to work 80 hours a week at my startup is the natural evolution of my 14-year-old self wanting to spend all my time working on the computer.

But now that I have a couple decades experience under my belt, I can sit down and focus for 8 hours that will lead to far more productivity than slogging through 16 hours. Furthermore, my subconscious is able to continue working on problems during my downtime, so stepping away, getting some exercise, cooking some healthy food, sleeping 9 hours all feed back to greater overall productivity.

Ok, I have to ask.

Geniune question here. How the fuck do you people do this? I hear stuff like this a lot, especially in the software community. Do you guys actually log 80 hours a week of doing stuff? How on earth do you "start loosing productivity" at 50 hours a week? I start loosing productivity around 40 if not before.

BTW, totally not asking this to be a dick, and I really respect your work ethic and your choices for how to live. I just don't understand how people can live in that reality. Most of Europe says 40 hours of work a week is too much, and frankly I'm completely on board.

I'd say watch out for the "One brain" fallacy/cognitive bias in all of these responses.

There are lots of factors (age, discipline, interest in what you're doing, etc) but I think a lot of people overlook that one big component of this is brain chemistry. Some athletes are endurance athletes, some athletes are sprinters. It seems obvious that you wouldn't expect Usain Bolt to run the fastest marathon just because he's a runner.

Our brains are just as genetically varied as other physical characteristics. For me, I know that my peak productivity is from 11 pm - 4 am and it goes down exponentially if I have to do non-fun tasks or if I'm in a stressful crunch as opposed to a positive crunch. I also know that after 3-4 months of 10-12 hours, I need to go back down to 5-6 hours until I get excited again. And for some strange reason, if I don't feel something is required, I can leisurely work on something for 12-16 hours a day indefinitely (researching, reading conference papers, learning). If I have to debug code nasty bugs like multithreaded data races, I can't be productive at those lengths of time so I try to mix fun work with this type of dreaded work.

Know what works for you and build your work schedule around that. That's how we work at our startup.

I lose serious productivity at 30hrs. But I manage to fill in the corners with mindless tasks like answering emails. I think 80 hours a week is only achievable with the help of drugs i.e. caffeine

Speaking of silicon valley, it seems like it's often:

* Caffeine in public, or for starters, and then adderall or something more potent,

* Alcohol after work to wind down,

* Maybe oxycodone or heroin.

If it seems like your problems can be solved by working more hours, then you end up medicating yourself into oblivion, blowing up, or burning out.

I am also baffled by the idea of working 80 hours in a week.

Well, its not just peeps in SV that use the caffeine + alcohol recipe for productivity, its pretty much all of America. Speaking anecdotally, I find that Caffeine makes me super alert and alcohol super relaxed, both of which are the intended effects. But I do make a point to not abuse either of them, simply because I don't want my senses to get numbed by their effect.

what's the difference between daily use of coffee/alcohol and abuse?

One beer a day is not abuse? I drink 1 beer at workdays and probably 10+ in the weekend usually in one night. Needless to say, the day after having those I do not drink any beer at all and suffer from a hangover... Which in turn sometimes sort of is enjoyable because it makes you stop thinking for a day.

A doctor would probably classify this as some level of abuse, since medically accepted drinking levels are low (few drinks a week, I think?). Even if its just "1 per day", chemical dependency in order to function is usually seen as an issue. Sure, small doses of coffee & alcohol are well... small, but there are tons of people out there who rely on neither at all, where as the absence of these "small" doses would greatly impact your life. EDIT: I should mention though that I am not really against small-dose self-medication, as the alternative of getting medicated through the "proper system" is probably even more frightening. I do wish I could kick all small-dose habits though, rather than dealing with relapses (boring work without coffee is haaaard) & other compensatory habits.

As for your 10+ beers followed by welcome hangover comment, I believe Adorno addresses this in Minima Moralia and some of his other texts. His basic belief is that people are so alienated from themselves that they treat the weekend (their only time to really be themselves completely) as a respite that will ready them for the onslaught of the next week's work. Basically, the work week and attitudes that have arisen to rationalize it are a system of total self-alienation, with all traces of your "in an ideal world" personality smothered out of you.


Anyway, sorry if this came off sounding very dramatic. I really am not like deeply worried about you, hah, I'm just saying from a theoretical standpoint what you're describing does not prove your point at all. It's more like you're just using black humor to perpetuate bread&circus mentality.

Not to discredit what you're saying, but I've heard two drinks a day for men, and no more than 4(?) in a single day is not considered abuse.


Daily use of such substances is abuse, pure and simple. If you can't function without your morning coffee, then your body has adjusted to the presence of caffeine and you are abusing the substance. Doesn't matter if everyone does it or not, medically speaking.

Personally I don't drink coffee unless I'm interviewing someone at a coffee shop (even then I sometimes order hot chocolate), and only drink socially. Does that mean I work less than some adderall-infused college kid? Maybe. But quality of life and stability should also be valid concerns.

> But I manage to fill in the corners with mindless tasks like answering emails. I think 80 hours a week is only achievable with the help of drugs i.e. caffeine

I work 60+ hours a week at my startup and 20+ hours on various side projects.

I also am completely anti-stimulants (include caffeine). If you truly believe in what you're doing (in my case, engineering the future of culture to retain intellectual thought while simultaneously building my financial independence), it's trivial to work long hours through adrenaline alone.

Well, I guess if your life is your work you have to choice but do it 24 hours a day. I got to experience that at grad time, it's not even stressful. In fact, it may be quite funny.

The bad side is that if your work fails for some reason (as work often does), your entire life failed.

Do you have a family?

No, I'm young.

How is your health?

My health is fine. Since I don't have a family or many friends, I'm still able to get plenty of sleep despite working a lot.

You just power through. I worked as a management consultant a while back and we had record hours for accounting purposes although i was on a salary. One week i worked 106 hrs. That included 20 hours on the weekend and one day where i clocked 20 hours.

Needless to say i don't work there anymore.

Were you actually productive the entire time?

Hell no.

I can hit 50 hr in a week and be pretty productive. After that i'm running at 50% efficiency and rapidly dropping after that. Once over 80 hr it's a struggle to get the most menial tasks done.

It depends on how varied your stuff is.

I can easily log 30 hours of paid coding a week, tack on 10-ish hours of email, add some 5+ hours of marketing, and add 10 hours of working out with 10 hours of learning new stuff. I call all of this productive hours and will gladly say an average week contains 70 to 80 productive hours.

But you'll notice that I never spend more than 30 hours a week on any one type of productivity. And that only some 30 odd hours a week are directly billable.

I can go 55-60 hours/week at a pretty good clip, but the fall-off after that is drastic, and I can only keep it up for a few months before everything starts to get sad and depressy.

50 hours/week is probably a sweet spot for me.

> Sure, there are some high-priority bugs that are breaking the site that need to be fixed ASAP

This is why after making "deploy" a one-click operation, "roll back to the last deployed version" should also be a one-click operation.

Fixing things "ASAP" in a panic doesn't work at all well. First get to a known good state and then do a calm assessment of the right fix, taking as much or as little time as you need (and no need to work late).

I know that this doesn't work for all failures - If a server's drive fails, you still need a plan for how to repair - but it does for many common things.

This is also why having rules about when you can release new features or big changes is very valuable. Or at the very least training your team to stop and think about the timing before pressing the deploy button.

There are rarely cases when a new feature needs released Fri at 4pm or days before a holiday break.

Our general rule is no big deploys on Fridays. Minor bug fixes, maybe, but most of the time it can just wait til Monday!

Yep! Agreed! Usually the bugs I'm talking about are things we didn't catch until well after deployment where a hotfix makes more sense than rolling back. But you're right, if something goes wrong soon after deployment, we roll back immediately!

If you're getting your work done, on time, and to the quality specifications, who the hell cares how many hours in the week you work?

We're working on computers, doing work which does not benefit from typing for N hours straight; there is no meaningful correlation between quality/quantity and hours worked.

I wish more people realized this.

If you are hired as a full-time, salaried employee of a company, the default expectation is that the company is trying to buy ALL of your professional output. They expect that you treat your position not just as a job where you work so many hours or do just the tasks that you are asked to do, but that you take more personal responsibility for doing the very best job you can, improving your own productivity, and making the company function better and more efficiently. Your work for the company is not just a job, it is a part of your career. You're not just an hourly assembly line worker, you're part of the team, an insider, and remember, "We're all in this together."

The company managers don't care about you and your work/life balance, only the work they can get out of you. And in terms of efficiency, that means paying you the smallest salary and benefits that you'll accept. And it means telling you whatever is necessary to get you to be as productive as possible. If they can get you to inprove processes or something, even better.

Also, with pretty much everything in life, including software development, there IS a correlation between hours worked and quality/quantity. All other things being equal, the one who spends 40 hours working, not just typing, but thinking about the problem, fixing bugs, finding new ones, improving performance, refactoring to improve structure, et cetera, will produce work output that is higher quality or in grater quantity than the one who puts in 30 hours. And I know you're the special snowflake who can do a better job in 30 hours than that other guy can in 40, but that's irrelevant. They are paying you a complete salary, so they can demand that you put in complete effort. The good news is that once you can prove that you're producing more in your 40 hours than the other guy is, you can demand a higher salary or take your talents elsewhere.

Edit: Fixed grammatical error.

>They are paying you a complete salary, so they can demand that you put in complete effort.

They can "demand" whatever they want. They can demand a pony for all I care. I provide what I want, and that's not always 40 hours a week. If it's still worth it to them to employ me, then they may continue to do so. That's all there is to it.

Let's not grant the corporation too much moral high ground. They routinely ask people for more than forty of those hours. Let's not pretend someone is a reprobate for granting fewer.

It's pointless to act like they have a moral right to a specific number of hours simply because that's the convention or because that's what they wrote in an employment agreement that grants you nothing in consideration for your concessions. I work, you pay me. If you don't like my work, fire me. I'll do my work in as many or as few hours as I please. Those are the terms I'll abide by.

Don't get me wrong, I understand the incredible luck I have to be able to operate this way. Only the strength of the seller's market that is software labor, and my own financial prudence, allows me this freedom. But it is a freedom I feel no reluctance, moral or otherwise, to exercise.

This is why I love working at early-stage startups: it aligns incentives. Nobody is pushing me to work those extra hours: I'm doing so because I genuinely believe that they will materially increase the value of the company (and thus my stock).

Honestly, I genuinely don't understand how the classical employment model (salary alone) ever worked for any professional employers/employees. Incentives are diametrically opposed, and in 90% of situations someone is getting at least partially shortchanged.

Your stock options? The whole 0.01%? Unless you own > 3% (and there is little dilution), or the company is the next Google, then you may be in for a surprise...

Also, with pretty much everything in life, including software development, there IS a correlation between hours worked and quality/quantity.

Yes; there's one shaped a bit like a bell curve. Too many hours, and you start losing creativity, your focus becomes too short-term, and you start missing things, making expensive mistakes.

Coding when tired is usually net negative, unless it's something throwaway for a demo due at short notice, or it's something you've done a dozen times before and don't need to think about. All too often, you overpay later fixing bugs and refactoring design mishaps.

I think there's a bit of a fallacy behind your assertions. Whether you're present at work for 30 hours or 40 hours doesn't make a massive difference to a job as intellectual as software development. Your brain doesn't completely shut off work when you go home. Much of the thinking time that you'd spend at work in 40 hours a week will happen at home when working 30 hours. Manual labour, and famously, showers, are conducive to this thinking.

I find I'm both more motivated and create better software if I stop working in the middle of something, before I've gotten too tired, and come back to it the next morning. I don't know my optimum number of hours that need to be spent at a desk in front of a PC to maximize my productivity. It's almost certainly less than 40.

You are not only paid to write your piece of code and be happy about it. You are also paid to be on stand by and do whatever you can to move the company forward which includes helping out other people at work.

We have one employee who thinks he is a rock star (he is not), he finishes his assigned tasks in 4 days instead of 5 and then takes Friday off because he thinks he "deserved" it for being so damn creative and intellectual and he thinks about work at home anyway... Guess what happens on Fridays, people are still at work and need to contact this guy, questions about old code, plans for future, a new task came in, and surprise surprise, the code he merged in on Thursday night wasn't as good as he thought, it has tons of bugs and actually breaks the build which stalls everyone else, who should take care of that?

Its a tough balance, i am also very against pushing through when unispired and the sit on your chair and wait for the clock kind of job and I also need distraction free creative time. But this guy has thought me that many times the team needs you more than you need your oh so precious creativity and that is what you are being paid for, helping the team, the company, to move forward.

he finishes his assigned tasks

A team leader that uses people like this - cogs that munch through assigned tasks - is not operating at high efficiency. It's top-down directed, and is missing effective feedback from people who know most about the code, its architecture, what it can and can't do. People are treated as manual laborers rather than self-directed professionals. You're only using 40% - if that - of their capabilities.

There are times when a team needs to operate like that - e.g. impending business-related deadlines - but they should be exceptional. The top-down model creates work politics, where the team members need to lobby and scheme to influence the team leader to make particular choices, and it leads to atrophy of initiative, and destroys most of the creativity that ought to be latent in a team.

I'm extrapolating a lot from a single statement of yours, so it may not actually apply to your organization, but it definitely does apply to a lot of dysfunctional workplaces.

the code he merged in on Thursday night wasn't as good as he thought, it has tons of bugs and actually breaks the build which stalls everyone else, who should take care of that

The person merging code should be the person reviewing the code, not the author of the code. If code breaks the build, the person reviewing it is at fault for merging it. And code isn't finished until it's reviewed and merged. Reviewing, at a minimum, means making sure it builds, the tests pass, and the tests have enough coverage, using code coverage tools if necessary.

If the code is no good and accidentally got merged, the merge commit should be reverted. If the code is absolutely necessary (e.g. for Monday), that's a crunch, the guy shouldn't have left on Friday, and he's let the team down. You can't do that too often without needing to leave. But not for productivity reasons, for team reasons.

Well then obviously your company should let him go. If not, then maybe he is as productive as you seem not to think.

These two sentences do not jive:

> They expect that you treat your position not just as a job where you work so many hours or do just the tasks that you are asked to do, but that you take more personal responsibility for doing the very best job you can, improving your own productivity, and making the company function better and more efficiently.

That's actually how I prefer to treat my job, and why I like startups. But...

> The company managers don't care about you and your work/life balance, only the work they can get out of you. And in terms of efficiency, that means paying you the smallest salary and benefits that you'll accept.

If the company treats me like that then I'm going to start punching the clock, that's only fair.

There are a lot of employees that take advantage of their employer, and there are a lot of employers that take advantage of their employees (with more leverage FWIW), but such an adversarial relationship is a drag on overall resources and productivity. In knowledge work trust is paramount, there are no metrics which you can use to guarantee that an employee is "100%" productive, and management attempting to do so is a huge red flag for me.

> All other things being equal, the one who spends 40 hours working, not just typing, but thinking about the problem, fixing bugs, finding new ones, improving performance, refactoring to improve structure, et cetera, will produce work output that is higher quality or in grater quantity than the one who puts in 30 hours.

The only difference in opinion that I see here is that those 40 (or 50, or 30, or whatever) don't all have to be done while sitting at a computer and looking busy.

Who is to say that the folks in the OP's article aren't thinking about work problems on a Friday? I'd be shocked if they don't get more of the thinking portion of their job done on a Friday (or after hours or over lunch or...) than they do in the remaining 32 hours "working hours" of the week.

People are up in arms about the lack of traditional appearance of work (that is, in a chair in front of the computer, or in a meeting, etc.), not the time actually spent thinking about how to solve a problem.

The problem is that I can't put in 40 hours of meaningful work in a week. I think the average is 20 hours of work. When I work actual 40 hour weeks it's usually a lot of time wasting.

So when you think I'm working 40 hour weeks, I'm actually working 20 hour weeks and browsing reddit/HN. The guy you're comparing to that's working 30 hour weeks could actually be working 30 hours straight.

If you compare me working 30 hours and me working for 40 hours, I'll do the same amount of work (20 hours worth + emailing/meetings/other work-related non-coding things)

"Special snowflake" actually describes quite well stories like the OP which totally are not representative of how the world actually works for 99% out there. Most people have to work very hard much of the time and as a general rule it pays off. [1] Nobody that you have ever read about and for that matter all the people that I have ever met that nobody has ever read about have gotten there working a short schedule. Exceptions? Sure. This nonsense has to end. Unless someone has for some reason hit the tech startup lottery, work hard, as much as you can. You won't always (when you are older) be able to do so.

By the I knew Arrington (mentioned in the article) prior to Tech Crunch. He worked very hard to try and convince me to join Pool.com writing multiple times and not taking no for an answer. Back and forth, negotiating all of that. And I'm glad he did because after agreeing to get involved we made a ton of money from that service for years. I owe that all to the effort that Mike put in and was able to do so because of the hours that he worked (as well as the hours that I worked which was "all the time".)

[1] The problem is people don't realize that some people can work all the time, actually enjoy it and not be stressed. Just like some people can exercise or can climb mountains or swim fast or practice piano or anything else. Just because it burns one person out to work 7 days don't assume that it burns everyone else out to do the same. If you are exceeding your limitations and can't take it don't assume that everyone feels the same way (although they might..)

I think you're confusing intrinsic and extrinsic motivations with willingness to work hard. You're ascribing a behaviour to a character trait or ability (a "type of person") that is IMO usually due to work circumstances (i.e. a situation that person finds themselves in, and well placed to exploit with the resources they have).

Working 7 days on extrinsic motivations is soul destroying.

Doing the same on intrinsic motivations is life affirming.

There's also different types of work. Manual labour can be done for long hours - if you're young. Mentally intensive work can be done briefly for long hours, but it rapidly stops working well. If you work is more about connecting people and motivating them, I think it's a bit more scalable, especially if you can feed from the emotional energy of interaction.

Can you explain further what you mean by this:

"Working 7 days on extrinsic motivations is soul destroying."

If you're working overtime all the time chasing a carrot on a string, you're wasting your life on a tomorrow that will probably never come.

If being in the moment isn't its own reward, that moment only pays off when you get the reward at the end. If you need to put in too many of those moments, no reward justifies it.

If your work isn't playful, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

The book Drive, by Daniel Pink, does a good job of explaining the differences between intrinsic and extrinsic motivations. I recommend the book regardless, but especially if this topic is intriguing to you.

> You're not just an hourly assembly line worker, you're part of the team, an insider, and remember, "We're all in this together."

Good luck selling that line when it becomes more profitable to outsource or eliminate your position.

Probably true that 40 hours results in greater output than 30 hours of work.

But it may not be true for 40 vs 50, 60 or 70 hours of work.

I remember reading the 40 hour work week actually was the result of research into maximizing productivity (but I'm too lazy to look it up right now).

> If you're getting your work done, on time, and to the quality specifications...

Does this exist in software development? There is always more work to do than there are people to do it (wherever I have worked). If I clearly goof off/don't work friday while others struggle to push us to our goals, I will not have a very good relationship with my team. Our team philosophy is that if you finish early, then you help others out who are struggling. I'm all for working less hours, but there would have to be a perfect storm of events to make it a regular thing, including a push from management to make it the culture.

I don't think it's fair to blame this on bean-counting or crazy managers. Many of us are salaried and don't have people scrutinizing our hours worked.

> There is always more work to do than there are people to do it

That's a failure at the management level, not the developer's level. Expecting developers to make up for the management failure will work for a week, maybe even a month. Then attrition will rise, overall productivity will fall, and the team is screwed anyway.

It is quite literally management's job to identify what needs to get done when, and to ensure that they have the proper resources to get it done. If they can't hire, then they need to triage between pushing their workers harder now at the consequence of loosing their productivity (or the workers themselves) later, or pushing out the timelines.

The problem is that most managers don't understand the tradeoffs involved, because we as programmers don't provide the proper feedback (or they're just bad managers and don't listen to feedback that's provided).

> [...] I will not have a very good relationship with my team. Our team philosophy is that if you finish early, then you help others out who are struggling.

It sounds like management has been able to use group dynamics to create an unhealthy working situation. These kinds of attitudes typically come from above, not below. The problem which will arise from this situation is going to manifest itself as the "early finishers" dropping their productivity (why bother working hard when all I get is to pick up after my co-workers), burning out, or they just plain leave. Have you seen any of that yourself?

Try providing feedback up the chain that you need more workers for the given workload. You'll learn a lot from their response.

You get a round of funding, or you have X in revenues. That's all you have. There is always more things that you want to do with your product than that amount of money will buy. That's not a failure of management, that is physical reality. You can't change physics, even if you are a manager.

Sure, there are plenty of cases where management has unreasonable expectations. I'm not talking about that.

And it is often not a 'management' at all. I have side projects I'm working on. I can watch TV at night, or work on the project. I have a limited budget (time) and if I don't spend it on the project, the work won't get done. It's my equity, it's my labor, it's my project. If I'm rested and able to work, but choose not to, well, I end up with less as a result.

Sounds like you assumed we are working overtime, we're not. I'm describing the reason why on Friday morning I don't just take the day off if i've met my goals. I don't think the desire for team success is unhealthy, and would counter that only caring about your own work is pretty unhealthy. Just my opinion though.

> That's a failure at the management level, not the developer's level

Management don't necessarily accurately know how much effort the work will take. They can ask developers to estimate this, but even then it will not always be accurate.

The crux of movements like the agile movement (and management processes like scrum within it) are to make things more process orientated - management ensures employees work for x hours a week following a process, and adapts based on what output they produce (increasing resources if they want more output).

Product orientated processes (where managers tell employees they have to produce y output, and after that they can slack off or go home if they want to) might work if someone's job is to sit on a production line doing a well understood process, but it does not work well for software. I think both businesses and developers are better off for the trend to abandon such processes when it comes to software.

Given a process orientated environment, it is the prerogative of management to make sure everyone works as close as possible to their contracted number of hours - someone who is working less should rightly get called out on it. They may have finished their current task, but they should help someone with their task, or work on improving processes / infrastructure / addressing tech debt to make likely future work easier.

Not everyone needs to work the same number of hours in a process-orientated environment, but if they work less, that should be in their contract (and most likely they will get paid less than they would have if they worked longer) and not just the employee unilaterally deciding that.

> (or they're just bad managers and don't listen to feedback that's provided

Or they listen and empathise, but their budget comes from above and there is nothing they can do.

The deadlines come from above, too.

In which case it's their job to push back on "above". They are particularly well suited to writing up a business case which says in a thousand words of manager-eese (and with lots of dollar figures) that "we need more people to finish your projects on time". Simply pushing back on you with "I have to work within the constraints set from above" is the manager being lazy.

Note, this is a subtly different response from "We will have to do more with less", which is manager-eese for "I've been shut down by my managers". That said, in either case you should probably be ready to jump ship (though in the second case, your manager will probably be willing to give you a good reference).

Your posts are fairly thematic in the sense that you are always willing to do less or need more resources to accomplish the task.

More manpower, more money/pay or more time off isn't the definitive answer to problems.

At the end of the day, an employee who is as rigid as you present yourself to be is the kind you hope jumps ship ASAP. It seems like you are the austist type who would complain that they wont be getting a greater variety of snacks in the break room because managers said "We will have to do with less" after being shut down by their managers.

> More manpower, more money/pay or more time off isn't the definitive answer to problems.

Personal attacks aside, how would you solve the problem, in a way which won't result in churn or reduced performance?

Now, I do have to admit that for certain companies (such as EA or the Financial sector), this technique works fine. They will hire a developer who is "passionate" for the work (writing video games) or for the money ($250,000+ a year), work them for 80 hours a week for a year, and when they leave just replace them with another "passionate" developer who is waiting in the wings.

Honestly, I think you both have some good points.

Any manager who consistently pushes their team to work 50+ hours a week is probably not doing their job correctly.

On the other hand, in a startup particularly there are always certain cases where everyone has to work 80+ hours a week for a while (ex. this is the closing date of the acquisition; for every day you delay integration, we are losing thousands of dollars in revenue.)

Good startup management is threading the needle between the two.

At least at my work there's always more to do but that doesn't mean it's always worth jumping in on it.

For instance I tend to be put on larger umbrella tasks which take a few weeks. It isn't uncommon for me to wrap up a little ahead of time - sure there are things I could do but usually because of the way things have been planned there are other pieces of that puzzle which aren't fully in place either. So I'll poke around a bit but take it easy for that day or so. Sure, I could jump in to help someone else out for that day but is it really worth distracting that person to get me up to speed with what they need and what they're doing for what would amount to a few hours worth of work? Not really.

The flip side of this is that when one finds themselves in a position where the deadline is going to be difficult to meet there's an expectation that extra time is put in to make it happen.

As long as the two are happening roughly the same it balances out anyways.

That's basically what makes agile (in the original iteration) so valuable.

Give engineers the discretion to take on what they deem reasonable and trust them to finish it.

This can be addressed by managers making more reasonably attainable goals. Every other industry in the world has an endless list of things to do as well and yet most don't suffer from the same lack of work/life balance.

Let me play slight devil's advocate. I am a coder that is now starting to take on some management tasks. How much work should I ask people to do? Because it's even harder for me to guess how long something should take a programmer than it is for them to guess themselves.

So if we assume that all the programmers are honest (which I do), then I can't just say "get this done by Friday." But I can say, "So you think this might take a week? Okay, I know how hard it is to do estimates, so please make your best effort to reach that goal, but if problems crop up, let me know and we'll adjust the schedule. Or if it turns out to be easier than you thought, let me know that too, and we can find another fitting task for you to tackle." Regardless, it only seems possible to ask a certain amount of time and effort from a programmer since that is the basis on which the schedule is created. Now I fully acknowledge the ideal amount of time is likely less than 40 hours a week. But still, it's the most a person can comfortably get done in a certain amount of time that we're paying for.

How else could it work? I fully acknowledge there may be better alternatives, and I'm glad to read about them. My only caveat is that such suggestions would be best if realistically applicable to full-time employees, which is short-term-unchangeable situation I'm in.

Focus not on the time, or the perceived effort, but on the output. After all, it's ultimately the output that matters to the business, not the process of getting to that output. Make the charitable assumption that they are willing to do work for the money you're paying them (but don't forget to follow up if they aren't).

More specifically, give them a list of things to work on. Have them give estimates, silently apply the "Scotty" factor, and base their performance against that.

The list means that they are never short of work to do, so our ideally motivated candidate will always be working towards the company's goals. This list should comprise of at least one easy thing "I can do that in an hour", one "less than a week" project, and one "greater than a week" project. This provides your developers with a bit of variety, so they don't get burned out on trying to grind through the tough problems. It also makes them feel like they're making progress by letting them knock out at least one project every week - this can be very motivating.

The Scotty factor (development estimate * 3) will give you a more realistic idea of how long something will take. I use it on my own estimates, and it's accurate more often than it's not. You can use this to gauge both their skill at estimating, and as a measuring stick for identifying when they are underperforming (getting a second opinion on an estimate can help identify the underperforming part).

This does mean that you won't be able to look at the output of a given day/week and gauge a worker's performance just on that. However, you will be able to look back on a month, six months, or more, and get real data with which to identify the exceptional performers and those who need help (and perhaps even those who need to be let go).

This all sounds like very good advice and like you know what you're doing. So I take it all to heart. But when you say to not focus on time, I have to assume we mean time for a given person to complete a given task? Because time-to-project-completion can not be ignored completely.

I'm very sympathetic to this, because I've been on both sides. I've been a developer under pressure to estimate things that I don't yet understand, and I've been a lead dev responsible for overall project management who needs some sense of how long a task is likely to take, even if is just an educated guess. What you've said is true - time-to-project-completion simply can't be ignored.

So far, my strategy goes like this: rather than pressuring a developer to give me a more optimistic timeline, I instead do the opposite, I encourage them to really consider things that may go wrong. I'll sit down and try to talk about the potential overlooked risk. I try to understand the assumptions they're making, to help them become aware of the assumptions they're making. Are they assuming the data feeds they're counting on are available and easy to integrate? Are they assuming a certain amount of support from other departments will be available when they need it? Are they assuming they'll be able to understand and work with an existing code base before they fully immersed themselves in it?

This doesn't just improve your odds of getting a more accurate estimate of time-to-project-completion, I find it reassures the developers that you really do understand the difficulty of understanding and estimating a complex task.

> But when you say to not focus on time, I have to assume we mean time for a given person to complete a given task?

I meant butt-in-chair time, not project completion time.

> Focus not on the time, or the perceived effort, but on the output


But I understand companies. When they won a cash cow, they want to milk it.

A good dev can either slow down, till he's as fast as the others and keep chilling the rest of the time, or, get more money for getting more things done than other devs.

As long as you all aren't consistently incorrect in the same direction it'll probably work out.

Suppose week 1 you tell me to get X done by Friday and I finish on Thursday. Perhaps I get Friday off, slack off or whatever.

Then on week 2 you tell me to get Y done by Friday and on Weds I realize that's not happening so I end up working an extra 8 hours over thurs and fri to make it happen.

What's the difference?

(Yes, I realize that this is an overly simplistic example, but hopefully it conveys the point)

If things average out on week (or even month) level, then I think you are absolutely right. So far they pretty much have for me. In full disclosure, my job is effectively lead developer right now, and I am officially "manager" for only one junior level programmer. Who's been awesome so far, and my push with her has been mostly making sure she leaves on time as I worry she's working too hard.

Yeah, I'm talking about the month or even multiple month level. Also, our company's culture is similar to your last statement - get your work done, and please don't kill yourself. Work/life balance is important to us.

I'm in a similar situation as you, one of an upper echelon of devs and while nothing is ever official sometimes increasingly there are people "under" me on any given project. So because of that, the tasks that I'm holding in my mind and have deadlines for tend to be longer running - not the typical 4 hour sprint ticket.

If I was fresh out of college and simply pulling stickies off the queue I'd likely have a different take on things. In those situations it's literally just a matter of doing something and moving on to the next something. My personal experience these days is different, it takes a little bit to shift gears and move on to the next thing, it's not as simple as simply grabbing a sticky.

For me as a developer, the difference is huge, for the negative. An unplanned day of "slacking off" is a small gain, and they absolutely don't make up for the days when I feel like I'm doing nothing else but work, eat and sleep.

I think the problem is that in your average job, the company is paying you for your time, not your productivity. I mean they should be paying you for your productivity, but that's pretty hard to measure and easy to game.

I think it does have an unfortunate cooling effect though, in that, if they're paying you for your time there's no particular reason to put in extra effort to do things faster or better (other than personal pride and the nebulous possibility of a raise somewhere down the line).

There's been times I've gotten my entire sprint done in a couple days, only to get rewarded with... more stuff to do. That's not a criticism, I mean, that's the employment agreement I signed up for, I'm expected to do stuff 5 days a week, but I imagine that if I could get a sprint done in 3 days and then take 2 days off, I would be more motivated to get that stuff done quickly, and then QA would have more time to test it, and so on.

Which highlights another issue - when problems are found in what the dev has 'finished', where is the dev to talk it over or rework?

It's like the good old "Don't push on a Friday", except now "Friday" can be Wednesday or Thursday.

I imagine that there'd be more than a few of the less scrupulous devs who would push stuff earlier than they should (which creates more work for everyone downstream), to get the promised day off. In any case, if you do find yourself with extra days left-over in your sprint, why not tackle some tech debt or documentation, things that are usually lacking?

I think the best balance is to allow remote working anytime, but only hire local. The focus of management should be on results, not on hours in the office. This system has the best of both worlds.

Remote from anywhere in the world has a lot of issues. The benefits are well known. Time flexibility and it forces management to focus only on results. However, doing face to face meetings is extremely difficult due to distance. Even tools like skype and hangouts are not effective when big time zone differences exist. Face to face communication has a lot of advantages and it's missing in this kind of workplace.

Forcing everyone to be in the office everyday also has a lot of issues. Going to the office and staying 8 hours or more regardless of productivity is a waste of time. There is also the wasted time commuting and it allows management to be lazy by focusing on hours in the office instead of actual results.

Allowing remote anytime anywhere, but hiring only within 50 miles of the office has the advantages of both. Face to face meetings are easy to schedule since everyone is only 50 miles away or less from the office. There are no time zone issues so skype and hangouts are very effective. It also allows all the flexibility of working remote.

I feel like widely distributed teams have a whole different set of problems than remote in the same time zone.

I like to always physically going to work because then the environment externally pressures me to actually do stuff. I much prefer the external pressure instead of internally trying to motivate myself.

But here is what goes through the mind of a manager who never been a programmer:

If John is working only 4 hours coding everyday and gets stuff done. He can do double in 8 hours. So I should ask John to not goof around and focus on getting more things done.

I have a technical boss now whereas before I had a non technical one. My previous boss would have me stay till 10 or 11 sometimes. My new boss lets me go home and take naps in the middle of the day. My productivity has been roughly the same at both places.

Non-technical co-founders need to avoid this way of thinking too. It's detrimental to the personal relationship and any potential for a positive outcome.

And while there are severely diminishing returns on more hours worked, there is of course an optimum. Most of us will get more done working five hours a day then five minutes.

So the challenge seems to be finding the ideal and somehow getting management to understand/believe it.

I think the challenge there is that the "optimum" varies from day to day. Some days, John might not need to be in the office for more than 5 minutes - the time to check and respond to emails - and other days he might need to be in there 12 hours as he dumps the contents of his brain into an implementation.

You don't hire those managers in a company that values 4 day work weeks.

> But here is what goes through the mind of a manager who never been a programmer:

That's why every technical manager should have a technical background.

:( I know a lot of non-programmer managers who act nothing like that.

> We're working on computers, doing work which does not benefit from typing for N hours straight; there is no meaningful correlation between quality/quantity and hours worked.

Has it genuinely been studied in a meaningful way, and this was in fact the conclusion?

I recommend visiting the question and answer found here and make that decision for yourself:


For myself, it's absolutely the truth. I do not get more meaningful work done in 8 hours than I do in 6, or some days, 1. I spend more time thinking about design and implementation than I do coding, and thinking does not require me to be at my computer, or even in the office. The only benefit of being in the office is the ability to BS with my colleagues (and occasionally it's even about work!).

It really depends from whose perspective you're looking at. If you are working for a startup this is exactly how you may think. If I am the owner I would probably think otherwise. There is always more work and more responsibilities that someone can take on, and I would expect my people to do just that. If you're doing something specific in half the time it normally takes, it doesn't mean you can't start doing something outside of your scope and expend your knowledge, maybe help others with their work.

> If I am the owner I would probably think otherwise.

If you're the owner, you're the one setting the goals and timelines. If your team seems to easily meet your expectations, then yeah, you're justified in pushing them a bit. But if they can't keep up, you have to make the choice between hiring more people or easing the expectations back to where your existing team can complete the tasks. There is a third option: push harder and expect more from your workers, but the tradeoffs from the short term productivity increase is just that - short term - and detrimental to your business in the long run.

More specifically, if person A can get `N/2` tasks done in a week (where N is the average velocity), and person B can get `N * 2`, reward person B, set up a performance plan for person A, assign out tasks appropriately, and move on with life. If you really need `N * 5` output every week and have four employees, hire another employee. Don't keep giving person A N tasks and expect persons B, C, and D to do their work plus person A's.

EDIT: Formatting fix

Or where you work from. Most of our dev/design team is remote, and that's been hugely beneficial to us. I wish we could figure out how to shoot really high quality video remotely too.

> If you're getting your work done, on time, and to the quality specifications, who the hell cares how many hours in the week you work?

This is a simple question with a very simple answer: Because if you can get your work done in 15 hours, that means you can handle more work. I can't think of a single project I've ever worked at where there wasn't bugs or backlog or refactors that I could work on during spare moments. What kind of place do you imagine working for that doesn't have these waiting to fill in time?

I can't believe how negative the article's comments are. Is everyone so addicted to work?

I would understand if I could work at top performance 10-12 hours a day, 5 days a week but that's just not possible for me. In the end driving developers to exhaustion is worse for everyone, with subpar code that'll probably require refactoring Monday morning.

Yes, everyone is addicted to work. This is what we've been conditioned to know/believe/live. I'd also venture to say "fear" is the foundation upon which many managers/motivators operate, at least here in the U.S. Remote work has the same challenges; "if I can't see my employee at his desk, he's probably screwing off somewhere!". It's lazy, but it's what most know.

"Remote work has the same challenges; "if I can't see my employee at his desk, he's probably screwing off somewhere!"

This should not be a problem in a sane software development shop because there should be a way to track a) code reviews done b) tickets implemented/code merged /etc.

LOC/hour is a crappy metric for software development but averaging these over, say, six months should give some indication if someone is slacking off. Or just working in a different project than anyone else but task based variances ahould be accounted for. It does not give a "perfect metric" that could be used for perf evaluation but should be a sufficient safe guard against total slackers.

I've implemented 300 tickets. All of them typo fixes. You've only implemented 100 tickets like Bitcoin payment integration and the DB migration. I should get a raise.

Could you please re-read my last sentence in the message you responded to :)

> Is everyone so addicted to work?

I would say that everyone is addicted to the thought that attendance == effort. It's just such an easy measuring stick to use when comparing the relative worth of two people.

<s> I mean, come on. That other lady might be "smart", but she leaves at 5, but I'm here until 6, so I deserve the raise, not her. </s>

>> "I would say that everyone is addicted to the thought that attendance == effort"

This is very true. Personally I find that after a certain number of hours my ability to write good code and solve problems is significantly diminished. Although I would love Friday off personally I would find it more useful to finish at 3pm or 4pm instead of 6pm as that's when my productivity declines quickly. First of all that's a waste of my time in those final few hours as I'm getting much less done. But for the company I think if I had an extra few hours every evening I would be better rested and prepared for the next day and probably more productive in those first 6/7 productive hours.

"If he gets to work 4 days then why can't I?"

Go for it! Just make sure that you meet the deadlines we've agreed upon, just like he did.

Based on what you wrote, I expected the comments to be along the lines of "who do these privileged man-children think they are, don't they realize what real work is?". But when I read them, I saw they were more along the lines of "this can't last". Which I agree with. 40 hour weeks (or more) are the norm across the entire industry. I've met some people in small companies who work less (or have a lot of vacation). I envy the lifestyle, but these positions are fairly niche and definitely not the norm.

I would be very happy to do 75% of my current work for 75% of the pay. Unfortunately things don't scale like that for a number of reasons. E.g. a team of 8 people working at 75% will not be as effective as a team of 6 people working at 100%. Coordination is costly, and the fewer people can get a job done, the better.

Selection bias.

Is everyone so addicted to work?

The overwhelming majority of people are in a situation where such a practice isn't possible. Jealousy is a very, very strong emotion, and leads to the crab mentality.


You see it in any sort of "someone has a better situation than me" post.

I feel like some people have built this fantasy that working at startups is like vacations.

These people probably work their ass off during their 40, 60, or maybe 80 hrs on the job. So they dont understand when they ear that startups' work schedule is more relax because they cannot relate to it. However, when they leave their desk, it's over, they're up to something else and they probably even force themselves not to think about work anymore.

Startups take a relaxing approach to work hours because the (right) person who works there lives and breathes startup 24/7.

It's easy to say when you're a founder (disclaimer: I am one). But it is something I have witnessed in (good) startup employees as well. They think about it all the time.

@falcolas is right, who the hell cares how many hours in the week you spent executing your tasks? Shouldn't the time "thinking" about work be valued as much as "executing" the work? Don't we all "think" better outside of execution time?

+1 to this. I'm a relatively early employee at my team, and while my founders don't really mind whether I'm in the office or not, they do know that I give a damn and that our work is on my mind 24/7.

And I don't mean that in a workaholic sense. I mean that if that anything arises or emerges, I respond to it immediately out of genuine interest rather than out of obligation. It's just the way things are, I think, when you're that much closer to the "value source". (How I choose to think about it.)

Things like rigorously structured work days are constructs that can only exist in large companies. I'd use a naval metaphor: If you're working on an Aircraft Carrier or a huge Cargo Ship, you can take sick days, you can operate tight schedules. If you're working as part of a small team on a little rowboat, though, the concept of a schedule itself is rather ludicrous– just mutual fiction.

The real schedule is closer to "do whatever it takes to get it done, and take whatever breaks you need to stay fighting fit".

If you're a pre-PMF startup then you better be working all the time, because the clock's running out and your "dream" will be in the dumpster once there's no more money.

Early stage startups are a sprint, startups like Treehouse have a proven business model and are now basically dealing with scale and optimization, they can go into a well-deserved "regular job" mode with weekends and family time. If you want a 9 to 5, do not do a startup, unless you have something absolutely incredible in your deck that will allow you to bypass the "work crazy" stage.

Also early startups aren't all about coding. There's a lot of other extremely beneficial work that can be done once you've reached your coding quota for the day.

Nobody wants to hear this, everybody wants to work 4 hours a week and be billionaires, so this inaccurate mythology gets propagated.


The clock isn't ticking that fast. I have some experience here . I was the second technical hire at a company that went on to sell for nine figures. I founded an unsuccessful company. My second startup (as a founder) went on to be a successful and ongoing thing (revenue in the 7 figure range). For the last two years I've been with a nicely growing early stage startup.

I'm throwing out my resume to establish that I'm coming at this with nearly 15 year of startup experience.

I've rarely put in more than a 40 hour week at any point in my entire career. While I understand the idea that you are racing to product market fit.. I've never bought into the idea that effort is the thing that drives it. You need to be focused. You need to work hard, but you also need to keep your mind and body fresh. It's more important to produce great work at a reasonable speed, rather than bad work really quickly.

Those pre-PMF days aren't a sprint. They are most definitely a marathon, just one with a clear finish line. When I think of great early stage teams I don't think "high output", but instead I think "methodical" and "relentless". They are constantly analyzing the problem they want to solve. They are clever about soliciting feedback. They build prototypes leveraging every useful shortcut they can. However, few of them (again this is my experience) approach these early days with 60 or 70 hour work weeks. The benefit just isn't there.

Yep. Turning your brain off is impossible, and your brain's the most critical piece of you in a lot of these roles. If we counted thought time I'm not sure how many hours I'd log each week, but it'd be well above 32.

>Turning your brain off is impossible

That is what meditation is supposed to help one do - in a sense :) - thinking when you need to, none when you don't.

I retract my statement. Let's pretend I said "Turning off your brain is hard" instead?

Good point.

I'd say even some "procrastination" is about thinking how to do something (in the background)

Once everything fits together you just do it.

Two things in the article that I found interesting but were not highlighted:

> "But he soon found himself working that same intense pace until his wife asked him why he was working more and making less. She suggested taking Fridays off."

So the central concept of this workplace format, around which this entire article is based, was the idea/inspiration of Ryan Carson's wife, whose full name is not even mentioned. (Her first name is Gill, but is her last name Carson? Unclear from the article.) Not that it's a purely original idea---other companies have done four-day workweeks before---but it was obviously one that hadn't occurred to this particular founder. Three cheers for Gill possibly-Carson!

> "With Treehouse, Carson said he hopes to, again, buck conventional start-up culture, and not cash out by selling the company, the brass ring for most start-ups, but continue to run it as a sustainable business."

Let's hope that also starts a trend. I'm so heartily sick of companies building a great product and actively recruiting user bases to use and love that product, only to shutter it and throw all the users under the bus when the founders achieve their real goal, which is getting the attention of Google or Facebook or whoever and getting acquihired or otherwise bought out. I know that individual founders and other startup workers will often (indeed almost always) say that they really do care about their users, but as a collective structural pattern in the way that SV startup culture seems to work, it sure doesn't look that way from afar. So three cheers for (the currently-stated intentions of) Ryan Carson!

> Her first name is Gill, but is her last name Carson

Yep, Gill Carson. It does suck that they didn't give her more credit. Gill's had a lot of positive effect on Treehouse.

>> "whose full name is not even mentioned. (Her first name is Gill, but is her last name Carson? Unclear from the article.)"

I think the general assumption when two people are married is that they have the same surname. I know this isn't always this case anymore but it seems to me that it's so common that if her surname was different they should point it out but that it's unnecessary to do so if it's the same.

Of course they want to get bought by Google, they're overworking themselves and don't want to work 80 hour weeks anymore!

Treehouse is actually in a very luxurious position right now. They've raised a bunch of VC and this is a fairly new niche they operate in and more and more of society is recognizing how valuable these skills are. They can work minimal hours, see a lot of growth and everyone is happy.

Fast forward five years from now. There are going to be a ton of tough competitors in this space and eking out revenue growth month over month is going to be much harder. However, in five years they probably have the added pressure to start thinking about something called profitability.

The going is going to be a day of reckoning here when the harsh realities of cut throat competition set in. That just hasn't happened yet.

> However, in five years they probably have the added pressure to start thinking about something called profitability.

We don't talk publicly about finances, but let's just say that's something that's been thought about already and that bit of what you're saying doesn't scare me.

> There are going to be a ton of tough competitors in this space and eking out revenue growth month over month is going to be much harder.

Codecademy (free), Code School, Pluralsight, Lynda, Udacity, Coursera, Udemy, free online content. Things are already tough, and they get tougher every day. We have an amazing team that works like crazy, 32 hours a week, because we believe we're uniquely situated to work on this problem. So the competition thing won't magically appear. It's already here.

Refreshing. After a burnout, I set to work 25h a day (program management role). I realized soon enough that I was crazy more efficient. I was also less stressed, less verbose, left all frustration behind, and started to see people change the way they saw me (= they started to like me).

It's a competitive advantage to offer less hours and more intensity.

I think you mean 25h a week, not day.

Or they're a unicorn or thunder lizard or whatever they're called these days.

It's interesting that you completely dismiss the hypothesis that they could actually be more productive in the fewer hours which I find quite plausible.

When the 40hr work week came in, it was in part pushed by industrialists because it produced higher productivity than longer hours. That was for relatively low creativity work.

Every investigation that I know of that has looked at this matter finds that working more than 40hrs a week gives you a relatively short boost (2 weeks or so) and within a few more weeks, you're producing less over your 60hrs than you would if you'd just worked 40 the whole time.

It's quite plausible to me that this is true for 32 hours too for particularly creative jobs.

It might actually be an advantage that helps them defeat the cut-throat competition to work a 4 day week.

Exactly. Enjoy happy fun time while it lasts.

Soon enough everything is a commodity and the Amazons and WalMarts of the world hire managers who's only possible goal is to eke out that last 2%.

I wish it wasn't like this, but I can't see it being otherwise.

I'm Treehouse's CTO and cofounder. I'll try to answer anything I can.

How about meetings? I can get some really great work done in 4-5 hour stretches, but find meetings really throw off my rhythm. With limiting the work week, do you also limit meetings?

We don't really have fancy meeting rules, if that's what you're asking. Our team does a great job overall of keeping them as short as possible and staying the right amount of focused, but not too focused. It's always fun to goof around a little when you're face to face, right?

Because so many of our team members are either remote or working from home any given day, we're often meeting via Hangouts, and that helps a ton with time in meetings since you really just don't want to be on there too long.

I spend what feels like a lot of time in meetings, but it's probably like half of each day for me, and maybe only half of that is scheduled. For most of our developers and designers, though, I think it's probably a couple of 15-30 minute meetings each week tops.

It's awesome that you guys are willing to take the risk of trying something that's extremely unconventional. I hope it pays off and catches on!

Also, can you hire me? :)

Great. Your website says, "Response times from our Support team are fastest from 9am-6pm ET, Monday thru Thursday. Support requests submitted outside those times may receive delayed responses." How is the "delayed responses" part handled? Do you rotate 'on call' people, and if so, what are those hours like?

We used to rotate, but now we have one awesome person on support Friday to Monday to make sure our students always get great support with a quick turnaround.

What's the optimal amount for "computer people" to work each day, in your experience? What percent of "working time" do you think consists of actual "work"?

Do you have any opinions about optimal work spaces?

> What's the optimal amount for "computer people" to work each day, in your experience?

I think a lot of folks, once breaks and all are accounted for, probably work 6-7 hours in an 8 hour chunk, and that seems to work pretty well.

> What percent of "working time" do you think consists of actual "work"?

See above :)

> Do you have any opinions about optimal work spaces?

I like a clean desk. I like to stand more than I sit. I like to be in a spot where I can walk freely, and I go outside a good bit during the day, even in our lovely Portland rain, to think. I think the best work space is probably always the one you want, and over time what you want changes. It's iterative.

We have folks on our team that like working from home. I like working in the office. Some of our team sits on the couch at the office with their computer in their lap, and that seems crazy to me. So yeah, whatever you want.

Cool, thanks for the reply. Do you see the "6-7 actual / 8 attempted" thing to be "inevitable", like that's the maximum ratio people can reasonably sustain, or do you think that with better environment and habits, we could/should get up to 8/8? (I'm obviously not talking "eliminate lunch", though. More like "eliminate needless chichat/mindwandering/newsreading")

> Do you see the "6-7 actual / 8 attempted" thing to be "inevitable", like that's the maximum ratio people can reasonably sustain, or do you think that with better environment and habits, we could/should get up to 8/8?

I think a lot of managers on Earth spend a lot of time trying to get folks to 8/8 because that's their job, but that's not a job I'm all that interested in. There are way too many hypotheticals around it. Let's say you don't look at HN for a few and instead keep cranking. Is that extra crank time as productive?

If you were on my team I'd want you to be the most productive person you could be, but I'd bet (maybe I'm wrong) that how you communicate with others would be a lot bigger issue than your HN reading time, and we'd probably talk more about that. How you tested might be a bigger issue (I'm assuming you're a dev or designer here). Or how you shipped even though CI failed.

In my 15 years of software experience I've seen a lot of folks do a lot of weird stuff at work, but reading a website for 15 minutes has seldom been the main reason they weren't a top performer on the team.

How large have you gotten with no managers?

We're a little above 80 people on the team.

While I certainly commend them for being able to make this work (we need more innovation in management practices across the board), it does seem like there's a bit of a holier-than-thou trend in this comment thread.

As the founding engineer at my current startup, I have tremendous flexibility in setting my own hours but I willingly and intentionally work 60+ hours a week. Not because any manager pushes me to. Not because I even have to. Simply because I genuinely enjoy it.

Indeed, work is probably the most enjoyable thing in my life. On a given Friday, I'd rather be building products at work than watching a movie or engaging in some other leisure activity. Some of us don't have wives, children, or friends—we just want to spend our time executing.

Would Treehouse be accepting of that? If not, they're just choosing to enforce a different paradigm of work rather than giving their employees true freedom.

Nobody is stopped from working longer hours, but the expectation culturally is that you should probably be doing something else instead of working on Sunday.

Not working on Sundays (few professionals do) is pretty different from the 32 hours the article describes. Which is it?

Sunday was just an example. Nobody is stopped from working if they're movitated to do so, but we generally discourage each other from working overtime unnecessarily. I personally work 32-hour weeks regularly and still contribute meaningfully.

And then, I go backpacking or bike-riding or something that tends to be demanding physically and relaxing mentally—I find it helps me keep a healthy balance. I know there are plenty of people that don't crave that reprieve though, and that's totally okay as well.

There's weekends where I'm working on a particularly interesting problem where I'll work through the weekend because I want to. The big difference is the extrinsic pressure is missing. Nobody has to.

Fatigue is such a killer of creativity and innovation. When I'm tired I feel my brain deliberately shying away from anything but the familiar and rote. How many great ideas have been sacrificed to stay an extra hour at work instead of using that hour for rest and replenishment?

It's a balance though, right? Sometimes I'm still tired at 6AM when I wake up and I have to get out of bed and do things anyway. Then other times I'm tired at 4PM and I just give up and go home. I think you've got to do the work, but being flexible around the margins is great.

When I get really, really tired I get more creative, not less.

At my last job and now at my current job, I negotiated from full time work to less than full time work. Last time, I didn't work Fridays and now I work 20 hour weeks. In each case, I am absolutely more productive (per hour) that I honestly don't know if I get any less work done. On top of that, I have much more creativity and energy. From this experience, I'm always on the side of pushing for less work hours per week as a standard.

I know that I have roughly 5-6 hours worth of productive programming time in any given day. If I had a job where I was required to be on-site for eight hours a day, I'd get roughly the same amount of work done. Maybe even less, since I'd practice sitting at my work desk not doing things for 2-3 hours per day. I'm a huge fan of the whole "notice you're not accomplishing much -> go home" plan.

I've been waiting for an article like this. There really is an ethos of working yourself to death, and on surface it can make sense. If you put in 80 hours per week and your competition puts in 60, you'll win because you'll learn more quickly than your competition. But I don't think that accounts for efficiency. If you work 80 hours per week, is every hour equally productive? And if so, are you working on the most valuable things? (Eg can you delegate, outsource, etc?). People like to think so but it's far from a universally held belief. On the flip side, if you work 32 hrs per week, you're pretty much forced to be focused and productive. You'll still have same goals, how do you achieve them in half the time each week? You cut out things. I just graduated from one of the many bootcamps, and about half of students "worked" about 45 hrs per week, vs other half who worked 60+ hrs. And there's been zero difference thus far on who has gotten jobs more quickly. Ok I'm done with my soapbox but I wish more people in valley would consider worldview espoused in this article. Also with the Michael Arrington comment, I don't think most investors give two shits how long you work as long as you are delivering that up and to the right growth.

Some startups are so casual, that work is not considered work and more of a paid hobby, with unpaid overtime being insisted upon...

Pretty simple: if a developer can be 10x-100x as productive than the average developer, you don't really worry about only getting 80% of their required time.

So if this perk gets Treehouse talent that is +30% more productive, even if they lose -20% of productivity from Fridays off, they still win.

One caveat, so much of programming is loading things into your head, I think three days off every week would be difficult for anything sophisticated being developed.

> These days, on Fridays, he gets his two young sons off to school and spends the day hanging out with his wife, Gill. “It’s like dating again. We go to coffee shops. We read books together. I really feel like I’m involved in my kids’ lives and my wife’s life,”

This assumes that your wife is not working. I've tried taking some days off like this and, in the middle of the week everyone works, so you don't get to hang out much

Yeah, my wife's back in school, so we go to lunch but beyond that we don't get to spend our whole Fridays together. When we were getting started Ryan would go on adventures with his family on Fridays, but my kids were already in school. YMMV on the family aspects of having Fridays off.

But I'm no martyr. If you think Friday with your family is awesome, you should try having Fridays with almost no responsibility sometime. It's pretty great.

For me, the biggest thing about having Fridays off is you actually get a day for yourself. My weekend is 100% spent with my wife and kids, so having a Friday where I actually get to unwind and do my own thing (hacking on Arduino, playing games, programming for fun, whatever) is crucial to my well being.

Before I had kids, this wouldn't have mattered since you already have 2 days a week you can do whatever you want. Having 3 free days a week vs 2 is not really that different. But after kids, and working 5 days a week, I had 0 free days a week for myself. Going from 0 to 1 free days a week is a HUGE difference.

"...as a thunder lizard, the tech world’s name for the tiny handful of start-ups that actually become $1 billion businesses." I thought we were calling these unicorns? Maybe I'm behind the times terminology wise.

I thought unicorns were people who can do anything. I'd never heard the thunder lizard thing either, though.

No, you're not behind, it doesn't seem that anyone on this thread has heard of a thunder lizard. I wouldn't trust the Washington Post to have this kind of tidbit right either.

In web development at least, unicorn generally refers to developers/designers who are very good at both. Not sure how the term is used outside of that context.

> “As far as I’m concerned, working 32 hours a week is a part-time job,” Arrington, said in an interview. “I look for founders who are really passionate. Who want to work all the time. That shows they care about what they’re doing, and they’re going to be successful.”

Efficiency is key, not some arbitrary limit of working hours.

Chances are yes, as a founder you aren't going to work just 32 hours a week. But it also depends on the state of the company.

And quite frankly, sometimes you can't solve problems by sitting at your computer or even talking to others in the office. Sometimes it involves taking a break and chilling out or exercising.

I really don't get much "work" done in the office; most of my work gets done at 2am or on the weekends. (We talk alot and strategize, so technically that's work I suppose, but the actual coding usually happens elsewhere)

I, for one, immediately checked for Treehouse's open positions. In a world where retention and recruiting are huge challenges for tech, a strong work-life balance policy is very powerful.

Too bad they don't have a need for a front-end engineer right now. I would be all over that.

Keep up the good work, guys!

+1. I'll keep checking that jobs page as well.

In my fifteen years of tech work, the only occasions I had to work overtime were those when somebody screwed up. It was often because somebody didn't say no to requests for: CYA meetings; last-minute scope changes; mandatory "butts in chairs" policies.

Thirty-two hours a week doesn't give lousy management enough time to take root. Like kvcrawford, I can't overestimate how appealing that is when it comes time to recruit.

We don't hire strictly front-end developers, only designers who can write markup, and developers.

My question is, what do you tell customers that demand responses Friday through Sunday? I mean if something breaks I am sure people come in/do remote work, so that's not the cases I am talking about. I assume this only works for companies that have non-critical or fully automated products where users don't have any person to person interaction built in anywhere.

I ask because I would love to implement something like this, but we get requests for service or user questions every day - and a three day turn around time on a user issue is terrible customer support - especially if they have other work riding on it. I realize treehouse is different in this respect.

It seems like the more employee focused you are the less responsive to customers you can be.

We have a support person who works his four days over the weekend to make sure it's covered.

Sounds like lonely work. Sacrificing one for the tribe!

We did this in the military and would rotate who had Watch/CQ/duty[1]...


He works on Mondays with the team to help with that aspect, but yes, it'll be great when we've got two weekend support folks.

Not always so.. maybe his circumstances favor working on the weekends and it happens to be a benefit to him?

Interesting how the companies discussed are outside of SV.

Silicon Valley's startup culture is eerily reminiscent of 19th century Europe... "We're more successful than everyone else, so our culture must be superior to everyone else's culture." This completely discounts all the other factors that led to localized success.

Silicon Valley is a successful environment for startups because it has many unique advantages that have nothing to do with working harder - see pg's numerous essays on the subject. "Hard work" (defined as long hours and obsessive focus) is not the key ingredient, because people work hard everywhere. I watch people do startup-like hours in the sluggish old enterprises that baffle startup folks. Concentration of money and experience? That matters.

Think about the utility function of hours worked. What's the relative productivity of the 50th hour of work this week, compared to the 10th? At what point does exhaustion and overfocus actually hurt rather than help productivity? It may be earlier than you think. If I'm only 20% as productive on the least pleasant working hours, why am I even doing that to myself and the people who love me?

Work is a marathon, not a sprint. If you sprint in the middle of a marathon, you'll get a slower time overall, because you're draining too much energy. Likewise, an all-nighter or two of coding will hurt you for days afterward.

Work smarter, not harder. People who brag about how smart they are should understand this.

I think there have been pros and cons of us being outside of SV. I'm personally really glad that we're not there. I love Portland and think it's been a really good place for my family. I know we have folks who wish we were more present there too.

I'm in Silicon Valley right now for conferences (SaaStr and Startup Grind), enjoying soaking up the culture, but I've had at least a half-dozen people advise me to move here. No, no, no! As much as I love it here, and as useful as it is for business, I'd rather live in Minnesota.

Wasn't there a thread recently here that discussed how everyone was expected to work 60-hour weeks by their managers or face heaps of wraith?

So what is it...32 or 60?

The only answer can be "it shouldn't matter!", if you work in an industry where you can just as easily work from home as work from your desk.

I am speculating, but I would think that most of the IT developers at Treehouse work well over 40 hours a week.

Oh, on the work from home part, most of our developers and designers do. Because we have a video training service, though, we still shoot in the office, and some of us go into the office just because we like that environment (I'm one of the office dwellers). Being in the office is optional for anyone that it makes sense for, though.

I don't stand over the team with a stopwatch, but it's something I try to keep a pulse on and I don't think most of our folks "work well over 40 hours." Most do probably end up over 32 though, I'd say.

Fair enough...perhaps a tad bit of unnecessary hyperbole was thrown in for effect.

[edit] see bdcravens comment for the idea I was trying to express.

> The only answer can be "it shouldn't matter!", if you work in an industry where you can just as easily work from home as work from your desk.

Huh? How many hours I work has very little to do with whether I can work from home. If I'm expected to work 60 hours/week and have the option of working from home for all of them, that's definitely still a problem.

He means that working from home implies quantity of work is less important than quality. Nobody knows how much time you put in, but yourself. One way or another, you will be judged on what you deliver, not how much time it took you.

Some managers (or even people hiring contractors) think they can get around this, but, ultimately, you can always do in 4h what they expect you to do in 8h and get paid for 8h. Not saying it's moral, but it is the reality. The conclusion is inescapable: working from home implies that the only important metric is the quality of your work (and the deadline), not how much time you spend on it. Because you can "simulate" one with the other.

Some people don't realize this, yet. Doesn't make it not true.

EDIT: PS: I'm talking about project where the "deadlines" are reasonably far apart and predictable. Say, no more than a few times a day. If your work includes being on-call and responding to incoming requests, that's a different story.

> Some managers (or even people hiring contractors) think they can get around this, but, ultimately, you can always do in 4h what they expect you to do in 8h and get paid for 8h.

I can do that, but I won't. I value my integrity. So to me, it definitely does matter if I'm expected to work 8h as opposed to 4h, even if I can work from home.

The whole point of the article was that, at this particular company, the employees only have to clock 32 hours a week at the place of business.

My speculation had to do with believing that most IT employees, given this situation, would "work", at job related tasks, for over 40 hours anyway.

Personally, if a job that paid me for 40 hours a week expected me to work 60 for more then perhaps once or twice a year, I would quit instantly, so I've never understood the "mandatory 60-hour" meme.

Perhaps this is where our wires were crossing.

Just to be clear, a lot of our company logs their hours from home in cities where we have no office. We've about 30 people in Portland, 20 in Orlando, and 30 remote. In all cases folks can work from home unless they absolutely need to be in the office for some reason (like being part of a video shoot).

So what if you work from home?

If this is a "nudge nudge wink wink we don't really work 40 hours when we're working from home" kind of thing, then why make the pretense of working 40 hours?

I value my integrity. When I say I'm working 40 hours, I work 40 hours. If "working from home" is implicit permission to lie about how many hours you work, then that creates a system where dishonesty is rewarded and honesty is exploited.

And if it's a "it's a little nicer to work from home" thing, then I'd say, not really. I would actually rather not work from home--my home is my space, where I can de-stress and do what I want. I currently work at a job where I "work from home" and I actually have an office I rent for myself so that when I go home, I'm actually not working.

I've wink winked at people about it, but never prefixed with a nudge nudge. Arguments like this are always kind of funny to me, because I can't do anything but say our intention and what we do and hope you'll believe me. Believe me or not, I don't wink and nudge people and I work as hard as I can to keep folks within that 4 day work week that we've set up.

The battles on extending days we're dealing with are things like getting pinged through HipChat because we're across 5 time zones and avoiding email at night, not forced extra work because you work from home. I'd ask some devs and designers from the team to talk about it but it's Saturday, so they're not working.

So are people expected to work 40 hours/week or not?

> So are people expected to work 40 hours/week or not?

Folks are expected to work 32 hours per week, although if you get technical and throw in PTO and holidays they're actually expected to work 28.9 hours per week.

Okay, so that's a clear rule and that's great--your workplace sounds like a place I'd like to work.

My objection isn't to systems where there is a clear, honest expectation set. My objection is to systems where people say, "We don't give much time off, but you get to work from home a lot. Oh and we won't be able to verify if you don't work the 40 hours we expect, nudge nudge wink wink."

It sounds weird, but the latter is all-too-common, especially at startups.

A little napkin math for anyone else doing comparisons:

28.9 hours * 52 weeks ~= 1500 hours


37.5 hours * 48 weeks ~= 1800 hours

37.5 hours * 47 weeks ~= 1760 hours

37.5 hours * 46 weeks ~= 1725 hours

37.5 hours * 40 weeks ~= 1500 hours

So even if you have 4 weeks off and 10 holidays, Treehouse still expects ~225 hours less work per year, or the equivalent of having 10 weeks off and 10 holidays at a normal 9-5 job with a half hour lunch. Treehouse likely gives 2 weeks off, 10 holidays, and 52 Fridays off :)

Their leave actually looks pretty generous:

18 days (or 4.5 weeks) paid time off

1 week off for the holidays (in addition to paid time off)


An average work day isn't filled with 100% development. You have breaks for lunch, coffee, people asking you questions, meetings, ping pong, etc. For a good workplace a chunk of your time is a social experience like any other. That means if you spend about 2-3 hours a day total socializing, then the 5 hours a day you spend working. For startups, sometimes you have time sensitive releases so that number goes from 5 to 10, but it's still only about 50 hours of actual development per week even though it's 65 with all the other stuff included.

Treehouse has managed to make a 4 hour week work since everyone is working remotely, so that social aspect is not as prominent and consumes less time. For people who have kids spending time for the kids becomes more important than the social experience at work as it should. The 4 day work week all of a sudden makes sense since they have bundled those 3 hours / day of a work social time into one day of a kids time.

I love reading about work style experiments like this and think they're great in some situations. But they make more sense for serial founders who have cashed out before or established cash cows like Google/Apple/Facebook. New founders who are all in on a business can't afford to work 4 days a week because the clock is ticking.

Yup, that's exactly what I mentioned as well. Nobody who's hungry and trying to break through can afford to slack off and expect massive success.

Its good that places like this exist. My experience thus far has shown me that different developers might go through different phases of their careers in terms of how much they like to work. I think the article touches on this a bit, noting that most of these people are married and have families. I'm married, but I still totally feel the urge and drive to work on software all the time. And its not that I love work, its that I love writing software. I could see that drive tailing off with kids and those kinds of deep commitments, though.

This is a nice way for Treehouse to differentiate itself for talent but this is blown out of proportion like Tim Ferris's 4 Hour Work Week.

Employee culture is important but to be honest I only care about how well the founders are executing their original vision then all the yoga classes, free food, Friday's off, beer pong, maid service and other things companies are offering.

32 hours a week is nice for some but that doesn't always equate to marketplace monopolization.

Then again since Treehouse is competing with others this may not be their goal anyways.

We work five days a week, one of which is shared so we can talk. Which five days is up to the person.

Of course since I'm a cofounder I work pretty much 24/7 but such is life...

The stories vary in quality and details, but as far as we can tell the 40 hour week was implemented by Henry Ford in 1926, after careful record keeping and analysis revealed that the ratio of worker output per week to wages paid per week peaked at about 40 hours per week of work.

Now, that's fine for factory work, but as far as I know, relatively little effort has been put into testing that theory in knowledge jobs.

This is just recognition of the fact that productivity is divorced from # of hours at the office, or # of hours spend "working'

In my work (legal) i often find myself overdressed and overstressed about decorum and timetables. But corporate decorum, working 9-5 m-f, has a place.

I remember one incident where a thursday meeting at a startup was canceled because a department head wanted to turn an already long weekend into a 4day holiday. I put my foot down. Fridays are not weekends. If they are, then thursdays become fridays and you'll start skipping them too. That meeting consisted of me in a suit, in an empty office, talking to two people via skype. I call that a victory because the meeting at least happened. (The truth is that all the low level employees on the first floor were there and working. They cannot afford to skip out on work.)

Casual is all well and good until it creates unpredictability and disorder. Contrary to popular myth, things actually get done in meetings. Not every decision can be made while scaling the in-office climbing wall. Some decisions require people sitting down at a table to hammer through a series of points.

Does that thing that happened last night on the server qualify as a breech? I don't care that tomorrow is a friday. Neither will your backers, nor the FBI, when they haul you in to explain why you couldn't be bothered to take a decision until after your ski weekend.

I wonder if they pay part-time salaries to reflect the work hours. Certainly an interesting trade-off. If you have kids and a stay-at-home spouse I can certainly understand the appeal! Otherwise, perhaps not so much...

I interviewed with Treehouse a while back, and from what I recall, they were a little below market (for an experienced remote dev) but not outrageously so.

I would have been willing to accept the pay given the hours and other aspects of the job, but we didn't work out for other reasons.

We come pretty average for the U.S. but under SV pay. We don't cut pay to adjust for the shorter week, though.

>> "I wonder if they pay part-time salaries to reflect the work hours."

It's only 8 hours less than the average work week so I'd expect the salary cut to be minimal.

Would you consider 20% minimal? because that's the hours from a 40 hour week that are cut.

True but if they are actually productive in those 32 hours it could work out the same. How many hours per day do startup guys waste playing ping pong and browsing HN? Maybe if they have the Friday off they would procrastinate less during the 32 hours and output would be the same. Personally I think a shorter work day would be more effective than a full day off as regards to productivity.

Also, look at the number of companies that do/have done 20% time. If giving employees 20% of the week to do whatever makes them happy result in better productivity it would be fair to keep the salary the same.

That's a good point. I'm all in favor of people spending less hours at work and more of it working productively and getting paid the same.

It's not just startups. In my experience, most people spend a good portion of their time playing around, chatting, doing stuff that doesn't matter to appear busy, etc etc at work. Then they come home tired. It doesn't really make sense.

I think the fear is, if hours were reduced, people would still would tend to do the same types of things. So, it appears the standard setup is underpay, overstaff, keep everyone there more hours than they need to be, and assume at least some of the people are working some of the time.

Productive works that matters. Not the working hours.

Now this could be an early sign of a bubble in the making. Here's why:

1. The bay believes that solofounders are a bad deal - mostly - because starting a company is a lot of work. And so it is - a lot of work!

2. Now here we have a handful of _startups_ that confess there's isn't enough work to keep everyone in the nimble team up on toes for even forty hours a week! This contradicts with 1.

Sure it means team happiness and all that. Fine.

3. For each _startup_ that has confessed situation at 2. there should be at least 'X' times the number of start_ups who do not accept this reality. I don't know what that number 'X' would be but let's take it 10.

Which means what - a bubble?

[Left open]

> here we have a handful of _startups_ that confess there's isn't enough work to keep everyone in the nimble team up on toes for even forty hours a week

I don't think they said anything of the sort. There's no claim they don't have enough work for 40 hours; I'm sure like most of us there is no end to the work, and it can and will consume all the time we're willing to give it.

They're just not willing to give it as much. It's possible that will put them at a disadvantage to their competitors. It's also possible that they may be sufficiently more creative to overcome that disadvantage.

Yeah, but negative vote is a perfect example of how stupid this community has become. Not even able to digest even the slightest counter-thinking, and the recoil is never short of abusive.

Look at the moron below who calls "up on toes" as corporate slang. NO. It's not a corporate slang, rather a pursuit of a start_up to beat the rest.

Hopeless! This site used to be quality. Now it's full of sheep with one-track mind. My last note here. Go ahead vote it down, enjoy your dumb echo-chamber and live through your satisfaction.


You got downvoted because your post doesn't make sense.

I would guess that companies that have these sort of policies are already profitable and might often be considered "lifestyle businesses". I don't mean that in a bad way, they just aren't necessarily trying to be the next billion dollar business by next year.

The work is pretty endless, we just stop at the end of the day.

"up on toes"? Corporate slang is just getting to be too much for me.

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