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AJAX PHPMyAdmin Alternative (sqlbuddy.com)
44 points by vaporstun on Oct 23, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 21 comments

Not bad.

I just gave it a shot - 3 things occured to me.

Firstly despite their claims it is fairly similar to PHPMyAdmin but with some Ajaxy stuff and a different layout (not a bad thing - though it is not as "friendly" feeling at times).

Secondly I dont like the login with DB details thing; anyone sensible has long, secure, passwords and I certainly cant recall all my database IP addresses :P

Thirdly I dont like the idea of installing it directly into a website subdirectory like that. Having MySQL administration accessible from my hosts control panel (i.e. unrelated to my domain) feels safer. I can see this becoming a decent alternative to PHPMyAdmin if hosts pick it up as an option!

I have to admit I LOVE the simplicity of the install. Kudos for that - it was as simple as they promise.

I actually liked that it was similar to PHPMyAdmin. I was looking for an alternative because I was tired of how heavy it was and came upon this. I was also tired of constantly refreshing PHPMyAdmin which, due to its heft, took quite awhile. SQLBuddy had neither of those issues.

Yeh - I didnt mean it as a totally bad thing.. I was just put off slightly about their claims to be so different when it's not :P

Hah yeah, they are a bit grandiose and set up unreasonable expectations. I sincerely hope no one takes their claim that this will "change the way people think about MySQL" too seriously.

When I don't need the power of PMA, I use tinyMy: http://spicausis.lv/tinymy/

Nice, but since it's not being developed anymore, might be useful to mention their referral to http://www.gosu.pl/dbkiss/ which is also 1 file, easy to install, and pretty easy to use... and supports both MySQL and PostgreSQL.

While we're on the single file, lightweight bandwagon, there's also Adminer: http://www.adminer.org/en/ Works pretty well and still looks halfway decent.

This is awesome, thanks for pointing me to that program. Very lightweight (a single file) and as simple as it gets to install.

Kind of cool, but I like the MySQL GUI tools instead of a web interface.


These are terribly unstable on OS X... and I don't know why.

There's always Sequel Pro (the successor of CocoaMySQL): http://www.sequelpro.com/

+1 for Sequel Pro. I have been checking this out for the last little while and it has been pretty solid.

I tried the GUI tools. But what I love about the web interface is the ability to CTRL + F anything on the page. And I can also "copy" any text I want in it.

I use NaviCat

best phpmyadmin alternative: terminal

I'm ashamed to say I do an awful lot of administration from the Rails console. "Oops, I botched my email address, can you help me?"

c = Customer.find_by_username "wrong@example.com"

c.username = "right@example.com"


I know, I know, I could do it with SQL but I have noted a remarkable ability at the day job to forget to include the where clause after a week of crunch. That can have remarkably negative consequences, particularly since the Rails DB doesn't have any particular constraints on it. (It has ActiveRecord validations and, beyond that, you typically have to type more stuff, rather than less stuff, to cause massive screwups.)

Very cool alternative to PHPMyAdmin. They'd have to add support for foreign keys for me to make the switch though. Also, I'm not sure it actually uses any AJAX at all (at least not that I've noticed). Lots of pretty JavaScript though. shrugs

Oh wow. This is really nice.

I'd like to see something like this as a Rails app or plugin ... even if it was just read-only

phpMiniAdmin is pretty good too: http://code.google.com/p/phpminiadmin

E_NOTICE: Undefined index: login in /phpminiadmin.php on line 44

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