Not every idea will scale for everyone. Especially dropping out to make iPhone apps. But overall paths to affording college do scale. Community College scales. Turns out they open more branches when the student population fills up.
Your two friends in your same program are, 1) going to agree with you 2) from same location / program therefore could have had same disappointing instruction & facilities and don't offer any further example or statistic for a wider population.
Not going to school and deciding to make iPhone apps doesn't scale either. The world NEEDs most people with a good education so they think critically. For example accepting that they may be wrong. You don't like paying money back that you borrowed. You feel unfulfilled or didn't get what you feel you deserved for your money. you feel that NOW. What is this your first job? How much credibility do you think anyone has who has a struggle with finding work and then decides to generalize their experience on the majority of the world?
Your two friends in your same program are, 1) going to agree with you 2) from same location / program therefore could have had same disappointing instruction & facilities and don't offer any further example or statistic for a wider population.
Not going to school and deciding to make iPhone apps doesn't scale either. The world NEEDs most people with a good education so they think critically. For example accepting that they may be wrong. You don't like paying money back that you borrowed. You feel unfulfilled or didn't get what you feel you deserved for your money. you feel that NOW. What is this your first job? How much credibility do you think anyone has who has a struggle with finding work and then decides to generalize their experience on the majority of the world?