Do you have some example use cases for your form descendants vs. event bindings issues? I'd like to see how they could possibly map to React form libraries.
It's kind of an abstract problem to describe without code examples or without diving pretty deep into React, but let me see if I can just make something up without getting too far in the weeds. Imagine you're trying to make a ModelUpdateForm component that you can just drop in, which manages all its own state:
var ProfileUpdateForm = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return <ModelUpdateForm model={@props.user}>
// I don't actually have a reference to `form`.
// I can't have a reference to `form`.
// But I need to link state between the ModelUpdateForm and its inputs.
// Anyway, this is never going to work.
<ModelInput type="text" valueLink={form.modelValueLink("name")} />
Weird workaround that I'm not sure is an officially sanctioned way to deal with it and fear might break in future React versions or have unintended consequences:
var ProfileUpdateForm = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return <ModelUpdateForm
do={function(form) {
// Instead of taking children, ModelUpdateForm takes a `do` function prop.
// It passes itself to `do` which give you a reference to which you can link its inputs.
return <div>
<ModelInput type="text" valueLink="form.modelValueLink("name")} />
Another idea I've been kicking around and haven't tried would be to create some sort of linker object. Here's the hypothetical end result:
var ProfileUpdateForm = React.createClass({
render: function() {
var valueLinker = new ModelUpdateForm.ValueLinker()
return <ModelUpdateForm model={@props.user} valueLinker={valueLinker}>
<ModelInput type="text" valueLink={valueLinker.linkState("name")} />
tl;dr - The way React typically wants you to do things, ProfileUpdateForm would have to manage the state. But what I wanted to build was a reusable model-bound form component. If I have to write a lot of model-binding code every time I write a new form, then there's no point to trying to make a reusable component at all. So you start having to try weird-ish ways to get it to become feasible.
It looks like this could make use of React's context feature once #2112 [1] lands.
I have similarish form components [2] which need to do this the hacky way in the meantime (cloning [3] their children in order to pass the form prop they need all the way down):
So are you traversing the entire tree of children here? I'm familiar with cloneWithProps, but I've been wary about this technique because of how deep the components I actually want to bind could be and how much traversal it could take to find them.