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It's difficult to challenge also because it makes it even more difficult for the people who need help, and there will always be some number of rude people that squeak by too.

In the case of ESAs, every fix for this problem will be more work for people with service animals. The most popular fix I've heard of is a nationwide registry, but what kind of signup cost will there be? A service dog is already expensive, what if the additional signup is prohibitively expensive for those that really need it?

Another one I can think of is the disability pass I got the last time I went to a Disney theme park. The pass basically lets you wait like everyone else, just not in line (e.g. 100 minute wait for space mountain - sign up and just come back after 100 minutes to use the Fastpass line). It used to be a direct skip-to-the-Fastpass line, but it _seemed_ like it was abused too much so Disney changed the benefit, but not the way to get it. So the same rude people can still abuse it, but everyone else that needed it got screwed. Bonus points because people like me with no visible disability (wooohoo nerve damage in my legs) look like abusers to the average person.

Then there are the people that get pissed off that I would like to board a plane early because it's totally about me wanting overhead space for....the bag I checked... and it can't possibly be because I would like to minimize pain that drugs can't touch by not waiting in lines.

I don't think this is a particularly new problem. Some people just want all the nice things and have no respect for others.

If you're so worried about what other people think of you while boarding a plane first, why don't you simply board it last?

It's been a while since I've been to Disney, but I don't see how that's any different than a fastpass. Would giving a fastpass be sufficient accommodation?

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