An interesting aside in all this is potentially getting a free cellular
data modem. Progressive provides a free 30 day trial of "Snapshot"
according to their FAQ [1], so it's possible to get the device itself.
Inside the device is (supposedly) a cellular data modem by u-blox [2]
according to the Forbes article.
Much hilarity and havoc could be wrought if you can get the modem
working outside of the snapshot device. Would you like to be the poor
sysadmin at Progressive who notices that one Snapshot enabled car keeps
trolling Homeland Security and downloading hermaphrodite dwarf porn?
Much hilarity and havoc could be wrought if you can get the modem working outside of the snapshot device. Would you like to be the poor sysadmin at Progressive who notices that one Snapshot enabled car keeps trolling Homeland Security and downloading hermaphrodite dwarf porn?