You're correct about it being sort of awkward at first when you are figuring out how to structure an isomorphic applications. It gets even weirder when you only use JavaScript as a compilation target.
I created an example isomorphic Clojure and ClojureScript application ( and wrote about how it works ( It was an interesting experience. I wouldn't recommend it for production quite yet but I'm looking forward (and working toward) the day when we can easily deploy isomorphic applications that are not written in JavaScript.
I've seen that! I'm happy to see other languages do this as well. I love Clojure(Script) and there are several things I've borrowed from it (if you look in my code, I use CSP channels and transducers). :)
No, I will readily admit Clojure(Script) is a better language. The only concern might be getting all your team on board with a Lisp, but if that's not a problem, go for it.
If you are not entrenched in the JS world, I would look into Clojure(Script). They've got a lot of really cool stuff going on.
I have significant mental investment in JS, and I work on the JS debugger for Firefox, so I feel like I need to be a heavy user of JS. Also I know so much about all the little corners of server/client JS, package management, how to deploy, etc. I don't think the return would be great enough to re-learn all of Clojure's tools.
If I were to start on certain types of apps (high-performant data modeling, or anything that requires special care about complex flows), I may look into Clojure. But honestly I'm interested in starting to write games so I'm probably going to spend mental energy learning Rust.
If you come from a JS world and like the code->refresh->code->refresh workflow (I do) Clojure is hard adjustment because it requires a lot of boilerplate code up front and you have to remember to run a slow leiningen daemon for each project you're working on.
You're correct about it being sort of awkward at first when you are figuring out how to structure an isomorphic applications. It gets even weirder when you only use JavaScript as a compilation target.
I created an example isomorphic Clojure and ClojureScript application ( and wrote about how it works ( It was an interesting experience. I wouldn't recommend it for production quite yet but I'm looking forward (and working toward) the day when we can easily deploy isomorphic applications that are not written in JavaScript.