In addition to this, the release duration is somewhat experimental.
Why such short support windows? The strawmen of three
months between releases and a one month grace period are
ridiculously short support windows. The reason I propose
them is because- like I mentioned in the design goals- we
want the smallest delta from how people work today. Right
now, there is no concept of stable versions, and we're
trying to introduce it. Starting off with a more standard
support window of something like two years would be a
radical shift in how library users and authors operate
today. Three months is very short, but it's long enough for
us to test the process. As time goes on, we should have
serious community discussions on how long a support window
we should have. (I, for one, am fully in favor of extending
it well beyond three months.)
so "1.1" is the version of the whole thing, even if most of the packages haven't changed; as opposed to the usual way of versioning each package independently?
edit yep, looks like it: "an LTS Haskell release reduces it all to a single version number for "my Haskell ecosystem""
This page says "Run weekly point releases"
Is this a bizarrely very-rapid software ecosystem where a week is considered "long term". Or am I missing something?