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The short answer is that it preserves the undo stack, if it can do so without using more than 16 MB of additional memory. If it exceeds that threshold it drops the stack. (Hey, I didn't claim to have solved it well!)

The longer answer: when a file is going to be saved, HF identifies the ranges of the file that will be modified, and then identifies every other "byte array" (what vis calls a "piece chain") that references one of those file ranges. This includes data that may have been copied and pasted from the file, as well as the undo stack.

It then attempts to "break dependencies" on the about-to-be-overwritten ranges in the file, by copying the referenced bytes into memory first. But if that copying would exceed that 16MB threshold it gives up. Giving up in the case of the undo stack means silently dropping it, and in the case of pasting into another document, it prompts the user: http://i.imgur.com/6Vq7VyQ.png

The guiding UI principle is to avoid surprise allocations of large amounts of memory or disk space.

You may not have solved it perfectly, but better than a version of Excel I once used. Every time you save, it drops the undo stack. No matter what. I think the latest versions have fixed this by now.

Interesting, I've always wondered how hex editors did it.

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