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Most of the standard stuff in homebrew is available in bottled form.

Which isn't to say Homebrew doesn't have its problems— setting up your own bottling infrastructure is difficult/impossible, and basic stuff like caching dependencies isn't there (cf. https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/issues/27457).

For a long time bottling was just done by me on my local VMs. It's pretty simple really; `brew install --build-bottle wget && brew bottle --root-url youweb.com wget`, upload the outputted bottles somewhere and add the `bottle do` block into the formula file.

You can go a step further with this by using the `brew test-bot.rb` script (https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/blob/master/Library/Hom...) that we use for our CI. With that it's `brew test-bot --ci-testing wget && brew test-bot --ci-upload wget` which will write to the formula file, commit and push it.

Obviously there's a lot there that's hardcoded to our use-case but if you can create a feature request issue I'd be happy to work on better docs and more flexibility around this.

Hope that's useful!

That's fair, thanks for the response!

The use case I'm interested in would be running the test-bot automatically in a Jenkins/buildbot/whatever environment, where you point the bot at a repo of Formulae and it dumps bottles to a storage provider like S3. Once the dependency caching issue is resolved, I'm interested in getting this to a point of anyone being able to relatively trivially deploy it.

The other use case would be commercial entities wanting to distribute closed-source libraries or other software via bottle-only. So they'd want to run something as CI that would watch the private repo for a tag, and once tags are created, would automatically bottle those releases and push them out.

I'm not sure what the dependency caching issue has to do with bottling?

The latter use-case I don't have any particular interest in writing code for myself but I'd consider merging PRs for. The prior is possible with brew-test-bot if you do the uploading yourself (although I may be adding S3 support in the coming months). Using Jenkins should make all of this pretty trivial as-is.

The dependency caching is orthogonal to bottling; it's just that there's little incentive for me or anyone else to set up or document the bottling process (for ROS on OS X) until the created bottles are usable, which is not presently the case.

The bottles are usable? Homebrew and some other third parties already use bottles. If they aren't working for you: please create an issue so we can fix them. Thanks!

There's no point in the ROS community bottling ROS packages for Mac-based robotics work until it's possible to install them without a long dependency-resolution step. That's the usability issue.

It can be done (I'm doing it in production), but it is not thought out with this situation in mind. I forked the formula repo at some point in the distant past, and untar it onto each machine. Then I manually manage dependencies when I tell it to fetch bottles from my own source.

A lot of the simplicity and 'it just works' nature of Homebrew is because it's meant to be used in one situation and that's it.

You probably want to be using your own tap and the `root_url` in `bottle do` blocks. I'm open to improving your use-case if you can file a feature request about what you're trying to do. Thanks!

Thanks for the reply. My main beef is that I don't terribly want to modify each standard formula (causing more work when I do sync with upstream), but I want the system to be completely self-contained.

Most package managers separate these concerns. There's the package build stuff (debian dir, spec files, etc.), there's the package install stuff (living inside the packages), and there's the repo stuff (apt, yum). Homebrew's inclusion of the install / dep portion inside the formula rather than inside the built bottle make it kind of impossible to fit into the method that I'm accustomed to. Not really sure that such a fundamental change is worthwhile for you to implement, since 99% of your users probably don't want to install their own bottles from a local repo and not connect to the Internet for anything.

If you create a tap rather than using a fork then this problem goes away as you'll never need to sync with upstream and can provide `root_url`s in your tap so your users can download things from e.g. local URLs.

It's also worth noting that what you've mentioned about "caching dependencies" isn't caching them on disk (we do that already and extensively) but instead being able to cache it in memory to make dependency resolution faster. I don't think that's basic stuff and most users don't seem to have a problem with the speed of such things.

The current arrangement works great for relatively shallow dependency trees; since that's what most homebrew packages have, it's not a big deal.

Having this support in freebsd/pkg may make it a better choice for distributing software on OS X with dependency resolution needs more along the lines of what apt and yum are able to provide.

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