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Aaron hits on an interesting point pretty much in passing: Gmail's UI is pretty encouraging to the archiver vs. the deleter. The Gmail Android app, for example, has a "swipe to archive" feature that lets me push the message back to my archive with a single motion. If there were "swipe to delete," I'd probably end up deleting a lot more.

The real reason I save so many messages, though, is honestly because it feels safer to do so: It costs me essentially $0 to archive a message instead of delete it, and if 10 years from now, there's a little transactional email that helps me win a lawsuit or something, I'd be glad to have it. If I paid for Gmail storage like I paid for storage elsewhere, I'd probably think a little harder about the value.

> Gmail's UI is pretty encouraging to the archiver vs. the deleter.

From purely a support perspective it makes a lot of sense. You can't undo a delete but there is little hard from accidentally archiving something.

I find even my own applications that I'm much less keen on giving users the option to delete things.

There is a setting for switching to "delete" as the default swipe action. From inside gmail: Settings -> General Settings -> Gmail default action.

Please excuse my late reply, I've spent the last week deleting EVERYTHINGGGG

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