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I had the same feeling when I did my first side project in Swift earlier this month. My main experience is with CoreData.

An example with 1:n relationships: CoreData returns and expects an (untyped) NSOrderedSet. Now I may either keep the NSOrderedSet, but have to cast each object I want to use - and my Swift code is just as bloated as Obj C would be:

  let obj = mySet[0] as MyClass
instead of:

  let obj = mySet[0]
Plus, map/reduce etc. won't work on an NSOrderedSet.

Or I create a typed Array from the NSOrderedSet, which is fine to work with in Swift - except that it is not managed by CoreData anymore. So I'd have to be careful to synchronize with CoreData manually, and it's not just saving that I have to watch out for, but also other operations like rollback etc.

Another example is NSNumber. NSNumber needs to be manually mapped to Int, while the other direction works automatically. That makes sense when it is unknown whether NSNumber is an Integer or a Floating Point Number, but in CoreData I have specified that it's an Integer 32... (Well, I think it was similar with Obj C, actually).

So, working with Swift in the Playground felt like a huge improvement over Obj C at first, but then working with some Cocoa APIs it started to feel ... more clunky again.

I think it was/is similar with Scala. If you can stay in the Scala libraries, awesome. It is a huge improvement over Java. But Scala won't automagically turn a terrible Java API in a great Scala API. Yes, you'll save a couple of semicolons and type declarations, but it's not that big of an improvement. Thankfully (in Scala), there are a lot of better frameworks or wrappers for existing frameworks by now. I guess Swift will have to go the same way...

I don't know about NSOrderedSet, but for number properties on Core Data objects, you can avoid NSNumber entirely by using primitives. There is an option when generating model objects in Xcode to use primitives, which will do so for you. Properties may be a mix of primitives and objects, too. E.g. if I have a "Car" model that has "tankSize" and "milesPerGallon", I could have "tankSize" be a 32-bit int represented by a int32_t, and "milesPerGallon" a 32-bit int represented by a NSNumber*.

I'm using CoreData via Swift and find it mostly more enjoyable than Objective-C.

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