Excellent read. Blazer looks great. Having all of that data available to more than just the engineers really allows more data-driven decisions. When combined with the insight of someone on the local level, I'm sure it leads to great results.
B: Yeah, but … yeah, we could’ve. But I like single-page applications. They feel more responsive.
It's not more responsive when you break the basic functionality of the web. Open in new tab has basically never worked with Instacart's site. I see that they attempted to remedy it a bit since the last time I placed an order (about a month ago). Now instead of generating hashbang URLs that the frontend completely ignores, it just generates broken URLs instead such as: https://www.instacart.com/store/whole-foods/departments/whol.... I get that there are a lot of challenges involved in building a business like this, but a frontend that's had basic functionality totally broken for months shouldn't be one of them.
I'm really sorry about that bug and how long it's been broken for you. We'll have it fixed tomorrow.
We've worked hard to ensure basic browser functionality works. Every link on Instacart should work like a normal anchor tag would. This specific issue has less to do with it being a single-page app, and more to do with those specific Department/Aisle View More links being improperly formatted.
The current issue is not due to single page app, the previous one was. That one was prevalent for about a year since I was using your site when I lived in SF and noticed it then, and it still had the same issue when it launched in Boulder recently.
One thing that impresses me about Instacart is how fast they're iterating on their web interface. My wife and I have been using it for probably a year now, and hardly a week goes by that something isn't noticeably different, usually for the better.