Generally what we're talking about is the ability to say something like "for all types X which satisfy a predicate P, we have this code". The ability to quantify over "all" types is a key property of dependently typed languages. Likewise, a lot of Haskell's ability to simulate DT languages comes from its ability to reason about HKTs.
In a DT language you have something called a Pi type which is a bit like a function type. An example would be to compare the types of two functions which, essentially, determine whether two integers are coprime
coprime1 : Int -> Int -> Bool
coprime2 : (a : Int) -> (b : Int) -> Maybe (IsCoPrime a b)
The important part is to look past the syntax and note that IsCoPrime is a type which depends upon the values of the first two arguments. Another way of reading this is as follows
coprime3 : forall (a b : Int), Maybe (IsCoPrime a b)
this emphasizes that the type of `coprime3` is quantifying over all values in Int.
Then we can take this idea to the higher-kinded level by looking at the type of, say, monoids
monoid : forall (A : Type),
{ zero : A
, plus : A -> A -> A
, leftId : forall (a : A), plus zero a = a
, rightId : forall (a : A), plus a zero = a
, assoc : forall (a b c : A) , plus a (plus b c) =
plus (plus a b) c
Here we can see that the `forall` notation lets us freely abstract over "all types" just like we previously abstracted over "all values". This continues to work at every level. For instance, we can note that `monoid` above is "a type of types" or maybe a "specification" and we can abstract over all "all specifications" as well
Surely your monoid example should be a Sigma type (`exists`), not a Pi type (`forall`), since a monoid is a specification of data for a single type A, not for all types A. Indeed, the empty type has no monoid structure, so the Pi type you wrote down is necessarily empty.
What are examples of taking it further?