a todo list app
shopping list app
simple crm
tracking lego minifigures in your collection
Basically pick anything you would use, then dive in and start developing it.
You'll be creating a basic CRUD app initially but you can expand and improve on that as you go/learn more skills.
I'm not sure js/node is the best starting point but use what you know. Typically I recommend learning
html/css/js/jquery/php/mysql/(rails or laravel) then top it off with angular.
I recommend rails or laravel.
railscast.com or laracasts.com have lots of great tuts.
Coding something up from scratch before diving in to a framework is probably a good idea. The first time a started learning rails it was tough to follow what was going on behind the scenes. But after creating a few apps from scratch in php/mysql rails was a lot easier to learn.
a todo list app shopping list app blog/cms simple crm tracking lego minifigures in your collection
Basically pick anything you would use, then dive in and start developing it.
You'll be creating a basic CRUD app initially but you can expand and improve on that as you go/learn more skills.
I'm not sure js/node is the best starting point but use what you know. Typically I recommend learning
html/css/js/jquery/php/mysql/(rails or laravel) then top it off with angular.
I recommend rails or laravel.
railscast.com or laracasts.com have lots of great tuts.
Coding something up from scratch before diving in to a framework is probably a good idea. The first time a started learning rails it was tough to follow what was going on behind the scenes. But after creating a few apps from scratch in php/mysql rails was a lot easier to learn.
Good luck, have fun.