Einstein bagels.. man that brought back memories. Are they still around? EDIT: It's a good article if you take the time to read it. Don't knock the guy just for being good at marketing.
The content is not bad. Basically, he says to focus on the most important thing and provides antecdotes on how he accomplishes this. This is a recurring theme here at hn:
I'm not knocking the guy, but I would not agree that this is good marketing. Am I the only one who is becoming immune to sensational titles and tactics?
Here's an idea: Just call your work what it is, promote it well, and let it stand on its own merit. But, "The Einstein Principal"? Please.
Give this guy a break. Atleast he's trying to be productive. And we can all check back on him during Thanksgiving if the Einstein theory really worked.
However, in his case study he doesn't list any outcomes. He describes what he's going to do.
I think it would have worked better if he'd implemented it, then posted this in a months time and said "I purged all these tasks, focused on these two projects, and enjoyed $quantifiable_performance_improvement".
I can see it now:
The Einstein method of parsing strings.
The Einstein theory of data minimalization.
The Einstein principal of funding your startup.
Who could resist? Before you know it they'll be naming everything after Einstein, even bagels.