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That's actually the first thing the answer in the post addresses:

> Anything can be done in any language, so the technical answer is "nothing". But the spirit of the question begs for an answer, especially in a company situation with deadlines.

I read that first answer (and the others) carefully before writing the above, and I don't think it does. Well, let me be more precise.

The answer addresses the question I think the questioner intended to ask. What the answer does not do is fully disambiguate the question as asked, nor does it even point out that the question as asked is ambiguous. It just takes what it thinks is the most obvious interpretation, and answers that.

Which is fair enough. Most people are going to adopt that interpretation and understand the intent of the question. That's not addressing the point I'm trying to make, which is that the question as asked is ambiguous, and yet a simple re-wording would not be ambiguous. Or at least, not as ambiguous.

But I guess my point is lost, and people will down-vote this thinking I'm just picking nits. Lost cause, but I honestly don't understand why programmers of all people should care so little about the careful and precise use of natural language.

They appear not to, and I'll have to take that as an axiom without understanding.

To be honest, your reply has made me stop completely and reassess everything. In particular, the fact that you of all people seem not have missed completely my intended point makes it perfectly clear to me that I quite simply have failed utterly to make my point at all. I know your posts and comments on HN, I recognize your nick, so to have you not see the point means that, somehow, it's simply not there to be seen. I'll have to go away and think again as to whether it is in fact possible to make the point, and if possible, whether I'm a good enough writer to do so. Current evidence suggests not.

And finally, you say ...

    That's actually the first thing the
    answer in the post addresses ...
Maybe I've mis-interpreted your use of "that's", and perhaps I don't know which part of what I've written you think is being addressed in that first answer. Perhaps we're just talking past each other.

> Perhaps we're just talking past each other.

Probably. I think most of us saw the title and reacted like the guy posting "well, technically, nothing" and moved on to the however, which is a fairly straightforward list of "what are the things this system is the best at", which is mostly what we're interested in as programmers and/or startup people.

I didn't downvote you, of course, since people can't downvote stuff on articles they have posted.

  > I didn't downvote you, of course, since
  > people can't downvote stuff on articles
  > they have posted.
I knew that, but thanks for mentioning in.

  >> Perhaps we're just talking past each other.

  > Probably. I think most of us saw the title
  > and reacted like the guy posting "well,
  > technically, nothing" and moved on to the
  > however, which is a fairly straightforward
  > list of "what are the things this system is
  > the best at", which is mostly what we're
  > interested in as programmers and/or startup
  > people.
Indeed, and I agree entirely with that. It still completely ignores the point I was trying to make, though, hence my confusion. So to elaborate minimally:

The question as asked is ambiguous. People are putting a reasonable interpretation on it and answering that interpretation, and that's fair enough. I'm trying to point out that more precise use of language costs little, and creates significant benefits in more effective communication.

Seems it's a lost cause, even among programmers, for whom ultra-precise communication is part of their work.

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