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IntelliJ IDEA 14 Released (jetbrains.com)
204 points by film42 on Nov 5, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 83 comments

I just realized that Jetbrains changed their student plans! If you're a student, you can now automatically get a license for all their software for free! I think I had to pay $99 for a student license of IDEA 13, so this is great news!

Link: https://www.jetbrains.com/student/

The student license is valid for only one year.. but its a great opportunity for students like us to use these tools for free..

It's renewable as long as you're a student

Yeah, the idea is that you like the products enough to buy them after you graduate. Microsoft does the same thing with Visual Studio directly with many colleges.

Get people to use it when they're in school, and they'll ask their employers to buy it when they start working.

And? They make a tool that is useful and multiplies my productivity. If my boss wouldn't buy it I would, and then I'd start looking for a boss who is willing to spend a reasonable amount on my toolset.

doesn't microsoft have a similar program with colleges for the last 10-15 years or so?

Yes. We use Visual Studio at school, and I can get it for free from their website. But looking at how much do the premium versions cost, I try not to get used to any of the features too much.

You shouldn't let that scare you away. There's a good article from Joel on Software about how software is priced. It might be this (it's long enough and old enough it might be right): http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/CamelsandRubberDuckie...

but essentially you're likely to find many models of software (from large software vendors) with a lot of different models for how you can try / use / own it. My sense is that most commercial software vendors want you to use their software and want you to get it legitimately and want to find a way where you can pay what vaguely seems like it should be mutually agreeable (if you're using it educationally, there are often ways to get it for free, if you're a developer for a large organization, they want that organization to actually pay for it and support the value they're getting out of you using it).

I worked on MS Office and I once remember Sinofsky (then in charge of Office) once talking about the pricing structure of Office and saying nobody paid the ~$400 MSRP. People get it bundled with new computers, pay substantially lower upgrade fees, or something else. I don't remember if he went so far as to say "at some level, people pirate it" but that's a reality that only the really oblivious would ignore. The point is - try stuff out, see what you like, and try to figure out what makes you the most productive without worrying about "some day I won't be able to afford this" (but by all means you should also rabble-rouse if you find the prices for the software you use are unreasonable and inflexible).

All jetbrains licenses have to be renewed yearly, AFAIK. Personal licenses certainly do (unless you don't want to upgrade)

When you upgrade you receive the latest version plus updates for one year. I have a personal license and can upgrade for USD 99.00 today. You don't have to upgrade -- the software will still continue to work, but obviously you won't typically get any updates.

I bought the IntelliJ when it was not free for students around March last year. I got an email saying I could upgrade to an individual license as if I had already purchased the individual license. If I want to upgrade to IJ14, would I need to buy an upgrade or do upgrades last for a year after my purchase?

As far as I remember, you should be able to upgrade for free if it's within a year of your purchase date.

I called them and there was a policy change or something. Customer service was really friendly. Now my choices include registering for an educational license or renewing as an individual.

I am a university student, but have never been able to take advantage of these kinds of deals because my country doesn't use '.edu' domains for educational institutions. How is it in other countries? Or are these offers specifically meant to be US-only?

You can request to have your school's domain accepted. My school in Canada has a .ca domain and I have the student license.

They don't mention it on the "what's new page", but it looks like this update also includes all the new features in Webstorm too, including support for a bunch of JS frameworks and tools including React/JSX, Meteor, and Gulp.


(FYI) Webstorm 9 is already out since a couple of days

I recently switched to IDEA after 10+ years of Eclipse use. All in all, I'm rather happy but I still have to fire up Eclipse from time to time.

The main PITA is that multithreaded debugging in IDEA is awful: it is not possible to suspend all threads and resume only one thread.

In spite of the "Improved debugger" it seems that this problem is not fixed in v14: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-43728


Selectively suspending threads is a good feature, but be warned that it can cause arbitrary deadlocks, which won't be possible otherwise. Eg. it's possible to suspend a thread in a synchronised method and then the other thread will just block.

That is not a deadlock. That's a paused thread a running thread is waiting for. If you unpause all the threads again your program should continue as usual. If not then you have some fun debugging of race conditions ahead of you. (Ignoring time outs and watch dogs)

I wonder if HiDPI support for Linux (and Windows) finally works.

Edit: just grabbed the community edition and the answer is... no. Even with -Dis.hidpi=true - no luck.

Looks like Oracle is not going to support it out of the box in upcoming JREs, so we're going to do it by ourselves in our custom jdk.

Can you give any more details about this? Are you going to be trying to fix a lot of the bugs on OSX on JDK > 6 too?

Is this only an issue on Linux and Windows? I'm running Java 8u25 on OSX without an issue. Java 7u40 introduced high dpi support [1], but I didn't know it was only a fix for OSX.

[1]: http://bugs.java.com/view_bug.do?bug_id=8009754

I really hope it does. IntelliJ is the main reason why I didn't buy a HiDPI laptop yet (Chromium also has some issues, but Firefox works great).

Try Mac Book Pro with Retina. Works perfectly

Looks crystal clear on my retina macbook pro running yosemite. Might be an OSX specific fix however since HiDPI is way more common in the mac world.

Works fine for me on Linux. Some icons are too small, but apart from this, no complaints.

Could you share your setup - Distro, Desktop Environment, settings, etc.

try with JDK 1.7 (Java 7)

How I would love to see IntellijIdea support Mono. It would make my life so much easier.

Been using EAP for quite some time now. Really impressed.

Congratulations Jetbrains. Keep it coming. :)

A summary of the new features: http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/whatsnew/

I bought a license for IntelliJ IDEA 12 during their end-of-the-world sale, and I can upgrade to 14 for $99. What a great deal.

I've been paying the yearly fee since then. I love the IDE, so I can't complain.

Wait, I did that too. Is the upgrade perpetual like the previous license?

All new personal license upgrade purchases (95EUR+VAT in EU) give you the latest current version and 1 year subscription to the upgrades, regardless the version number.

In other words, to stay up to date you must pay this upgrade price once a year.

I'm really impressed with the javascript debugger showing relevant vars on a line by line basis as the code is executed, although that's more a matter of a Webstorm feature trickling down into Intellij.

The Java debugger does the same thing.

I'm posting this here instead of their issue tracker because I keep getting errors on the page. Hopefully someone sees it.

The auto-formatting of Scala code is absolutely horrendous. Hitting backspace will delete all whitespace up to the previous line. If I'm typing case statement oneliners, I'm going to want the next line to line up with the previous. Having the two extra spaces appear is ok, but hitting backspace shouldn't bring me up to the previous line instead of just... going back a space.

Maybe this is the plugin, and not the IDE. Anyway. Rant over.

If I understand you correctly you will want to disable Preferences > Editor > Smart Keys > Backspace smart indent

Well now I just feel stupid for not being able to figure that out.

Sure, because nothing screams "obvious" like a setting that's buried four layers deep.

I agree, though, that the menu structure made it about as obvious as was possible.

Just keep typing. It will fix it after you type the word "case".

Anyone else experience some issues opening a project in the new version? My $USER_HOME$ seems to have changed from one directory in another. I can still open the project in 13.1.5 but 14.0 can't find any of the files, since it looks in a different location. I can't define a new USER_HOME in the path variables to fix the problem, either (says it's already defined).

I can fix the project files manually with a find and replace (probably) but mostly posting this in case the folks at JetBrains are watching.

Can't edit anymore -- but if anyone was curious, the find and replace did the job as expected, and my other computer had no issues. The only difference was multiple drive designations -- the computer with the issue had the program installed on the C drive with the project on the D drive. For some reason, it decided the $USER_HOME$ was D:\ instead of my user directory, and 14.0 technically corrected that problem.

I loved IntelliJ when I was doing Java years ago. Now learning Python for some machine learning R&D. Anyone have any experience with Python in IntelliJ? Are there better options?

In addition to IntelliJ and Rubymine (which I have current upgrade support for) I have in the past bought a few versions of PyCharm for Python development. PyCharm is excellent, especially for someone like me who does not use Python much: the real time syntax error display, autocompletion, etc. really help.

In principle, IntelliJ has the same support as individual products like RubyMine, WebStorm, and PyCharm. I still like to have the language specific products; I use them so much that it is worth the money.

BTW, I do a lot of work in Clojure, and IntelliJ with the Clojure plugin works very well.

What advantage do you see in the individual language products over Ultimate? Just simpler configuration because they only do one language?

The language specific IDEs are lighter weight (boot faster, etc.)

PyCharm, from the same company?


I've been using PyCharm for a while now and it's fantastic. I love that it will make dependency assumptions so I can cmd+click on a function and go its implementation. That was a killer feature while working with Django.

Just try PyCharm and see? They have even just released a free education version: https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm-educational/

Even before EE they had a free edition of PyCharm.

I've been using PyCharm which is apparently just a Python-optimized version of IntelliJ. First introduction to Jetbrains software and love it

I 'just' used PyCharm for python development and it's really awesome (now not coding python much anymore, that's why 'used'). I don't know exactly about the Python Plugin for IntelliJ but I heard that it's almost the same as just taking PyCharm.

Hoping the latency issues are solved... Would be great if it were as fast as sublime (but I'm doubtful...).

> Would be great if it were as fast as sublime (but I'm doubtful...).

You're comparing a text editor to an IDE. They're different classes of software. Sublime can't do 10% of what IDEA does - which is fine, they've got different use cases.

While I agree, Visual Studio doesn't lag when you're typing code or using IntelliSense.

Honestly, neither does IDEA, for me at least. I've heard it can be pokey on spinning disks, so maybe that's part of it.

I'm on a newish MacBook pro with an ssd, and it's hardly instant.

Xcode isn't nearly as laggy, yet is a full IDE.

Scala support is still just a plug-in (as opposed to Java)?

C# support would be interesting as well :).

Python support in Intellij Ultimate is also "just a plug-in". Adding the plug-in gives equivalent functionality to running the stand-alone PyCharm.

Apart from that, the support for Scala is not at the same level as the support for Java. Given the differences in language complexity, it is much easier writing tools handling Java code than writing tools for handling Scala code. Combined with the scale of markets, I would be very surprised if Scala support was even near Java support.

With that said, I can't get Scala to run in my IntelliJ 14 install, so I'll have to stay in 13 for now. Sigh...

It seems you need to reinstall Scala plugin in Intellij 14 even if it's installed in your previous version of Intellij.

Thanks, but I already tried all the different standard solutions (reinstalling, installing by hand, etc). Still no luck.

It is a plugin, but it is a Jetbrains made plugin, so it's not as if it's lacking in support. The upgrades in this version are enormous: The debugger in 13 was only semi-usable because it's pretty hard to write any interesting debugging expressions in Scala without using a lambda, and lambdas were completely unsupported in 13. It's not quite the Java debugger, but I'll take it.

I have yet to try if their SBT support has improved as much as it should: The old SBT import worked if your project was simple, so it worked for all the toy projects I have, but it always failed on anything serious I did for work.

The Scala plugin lags behind the Java support a little (I'd love to have the new annotated code feature that Java has in Scala), but IMO, it sure beats doing the same work in eclipse, or in an editor that doesn't understand the language at all.

I'm ok with that. They have a lot of stuff available as plugins. Even as a Scala user, I'd rather they pushed more stuff out into plugins to make the core smaller.

Further, integrating it ties is to the main release cycle. If it's a plugin, they can rev it faster. And I'd hope that they're revving it faster; their Scala support is good, but they could do a lot more with it. In particular, I'd love to see better automated refactorings; when working in Scala I'm envious of all the Java refactorings.

Full agree on the C# support. VS+ReSharper is nice but it's become a bloated blob of triple keyboard shortcut assignments and sloppy performance. It really needs some healthy competition.

MonoDevelop is surprisingly good, but IDEA is simply an order of magnitude better. With Roslyn out there, it should be strictly less work to make an IDEA for C# than it is for, say, Python, right?

They should just include the Scala plugin by default. It's the most popular plugin by a very wide margin.

Python support is a plug-in and I haven't noticed any deficiencies between it and PyCharm.

I really love my intellij, I dont know how I went for so long without it; my only complaint is creating new projects - why does creating a new node.js project have to be so difficult? Why is express the only template?

With the improved android support, is there any good reason to keep Android Studio installed on my workstation?

Well the price is definitely a good one. Then only one, as far as I can tell.

What are the main advantages of IntelliJ IDEA with respect to Android Studio?

> Well the price is definitely a good one. Then only one, as far as I can tell.

IntelliJ Idea Community Edition includes the Android support as well.

> What are the main advantages of IntelliJ IDEA with respect to Android Studio?

Android Studio can only handle Android projects, but gets Android features a bit quicker. Those are the only differences between CE and AS. UE adds some advanced features (web, java EE), some of which are supposedly in the pipeline to be open-sourced (code coverage, advanced refactoring).

We use it for its outstanding grails support, so we're already paying for it. If it can keep up with Android Studio I can get away with using only IDEA instead of IDEA + Android Studio.

Android Studio is always ahead in Android support, so if you want to take advantage of some new feature in a future update, you'll have to wait for Intellij to get it. That said, most common things like gradle support and SDK support are useable since version 13.

Afaik they ported improvements made in Android Studio back into the 'mother platform' with this new version, so the IntelliJ Android plug-in should be on par with Android Studio.

Does IntelliJ Idea offer all the same stuff as Android Studio in regard to Android support? Doesn't Google add anything from themselves?

How on earth can they write "Your Finest Code" just above a screendump of bad code (at least bellow standard) ?

The screenshot is showing decompiled java code. Looks pretty good to me...

The LOG.debug commands are executed when the singleton is used, but not when it is created. I think it should be the opposite.

The create method called from getInstance should probably be private.

It is called without parameter in getInstance, but has a mandatory String parameter. This seems inconsistant.

The presence of two return instructions is also against many guidelines.

There is an accumulation of too many issues for such a classical pattern.

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