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I've written down some general principles we should follow, but any reasonable implementation of them seems pretty far off:


tl;dr: (1) Reproducible builds, (2) Make sure everyone is getting the same thing (to detect targeted attacks) and (3) Cryptographic signing.

Package managers and appstores are the best we have right now, but they're missing (1) and (2). In the meantime, offering a pgp-signed installer file is a lot better than curl | sh.

I'm really surprised this hasn't gotten more attention from the commenters here. :(

^~ To the people scrolling by at 70 mph: READ THIS

`curl | sh` is protected by a ssl certificate issued by CA that my system trusts.

"pgp-signed installer file" is protected by a key from a stranger.

Both are insecure.

Could you enumerate several points that show "pgp-signed installer file is __a lot better__ than curl | sh" ?

Say we're trying to download the PHP source code from php.net. If all that's protecting us is SSL, then if an adversary compromises the php.net servers (happens all the time, and actually has happened to PHP), they can immediately replace all the downloads with backdoored copies. Whereas with a PGP signature, the key can be stored off-line (even on an air-gapped system), so that even if the web server is compromised, the adversary can't make me believe the file is legit.

PGP can also be used in a trust-on-first-use manner. Get the public key once over an insecure channel, and if the attacker missed that single opportunity, you're safe until the key changes. With SSL, on the other hand, you're at risk every single time you make a connection, because any of hundreds of CAs has the power to sign that certificate, and as above, you have to assume the web server isn't compromised.

Another reason PGP is important is mirroring. Big F/OSS projects let others' volunteer mirrors. Even if those mirrors support SSL and the transport from the author to the mirror is encrypted, there's absolutely no guarantee that the mirrors themselves are not malicious. The mirrors could be backdooring their own files. The fact that you have an SSL connection to the mirror doesn't do anything to prevent this. But with PGP signatures, you're assured the files come from the software's developer, and haven't been tampered with by the mirror.

So the difference is: SSL secures the connection between your browser and the web server. PGP ensures you're getting the file the software developer intended you to get. It's a semantic difference.

I'd also argue hard against `curl | sh` for (assuming it exists) the psychological effect of teaching users that it's OK to pipe random things from the web into sh.

If an adversary compromises php.net server then naturally the files will be signed by adversary's keys. In both cases, all you need is the ability to replace files (the package files, signature files, html instructions), nothing else. I don't see how gpg is __a lot more__ secure here.

You need some other channel to communicate what keys should sign what files. You need some other channel to import the keys. Catch 22.

"trust-on-first-use" do you mean something like the certificate pinning?

Let's consider https://www.torproject.org It uses GPG signatures for its packages.

If SSL is compromised as you say then all I need to fool you is to give you files that are signed using my keys (unless you know that you should use 0x416F061063FEE659 key (magic secure channel) and you've already imported it (again the magic channel) and tor never changes the key.

Where should I go to check that 0x416F061063FEE659 and pool.sks-keyservers.net are correct values (google?) if we assume that the key and the key server (and the connection to it) are not compromised?

Ask yourself: when was the last time that you've tried to check that the instructions that show the key fingerprint, the key server to use are genuine?

Also, If you have paper walls I wouldn't try too hard to make the door impenetrable. It is a trade-off: if you are downloading code from stranger's repository then you won't get much from replacing `curl https://github.com/... | sh` with a gpg-signed (by the same stranger) download.

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