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HN: share your unneeded Google Wave invites
57 points by falsestprophet on Sept 30, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 291 comments

This post may be premature. If that is the case, I will atone for my mistake by collecting the email addresses from this thread and throwing up a simple invite sharing site for use later on.



from Google: “We’ll ask some of these early users to nominate people they know also to receive early invitations — Google Wave is a lot more useful if your friends, family and colleagues have it too. This, of course, will just be the beginning. If all goes well we will soon be inviting many more to try out Google Wave.”

for more information read http://mashable.com/2009/09/29/google-wave-invites-2/



Leave a note and your email address (you can protect it from bots with reCAPTCHA mailhide http://mailhide.recaptcha.net/)

Share the love after you get your invite


To prevent waste, leave a reply to a requester's message before you dispatch the invite

Also: thanks for sharing

As far as I know people won't be able to invite others, so there is no invite to share. You'll only be able to recommend (8) friends, and they will have priority on the others.

BTW: I am in the developer preview but I haven't received the invite for the real thing. I asked to the others in the sandbox but it doesn't look like there's any invite being received so far.

According to google's official blog (http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2009/09/surfs-up-wednesday-go...):

- They're sending 100.000 invites starting from today

- They'll ask some of the invited users to nominate others to also receive early invites

So they're probably not giving all of them away today, not everyone will get invites to share and if you do they won't be direct invites but nominations.

According to the Google Australia team, they won't be releasing the invites until tonight so that they will be up to handle the influx of users. http://twitter.com/twephanie

Also, here's my email, if the nominations/invites exist: johngunderman[at]gmail.com Thanks :)

I would like to have a recommendation as well even if it ends up being just that.


Thanks in advance!

Thanks for sharing this. There is definitely a good chance this thread is a lost cause.

It's like a HN version of the recent Reddit exploit...

Thanks in advance [my_Hnews_Username at gmail.com]

Invites are coming later in the day according to Stephanie Hannon (Google Wave team member): http://twitter.com/twephanie/status/4497929072

Hi, I posted this notice, but can no longer edit it.

Join http://groups.google.com/group/hn-google-wave-invite-pool instead of posting your address here. Hopefully, when the invites come out we can help each other out.

As of 5:41 eastern 9/30, I am no longer manually adding posted email addresses to that group.

Great idea - now to just resubmit it as its own topic so it hits critical mass.

153 comments and counting. I don't know who will find my comment in the mix of all this, but here's hoping:


Me too please. I've been itching to get my hands on this. http://mailhide.recaptcha.net/d?k=01Nqt2EebxBs9XkUbznZL-hg==...

I will state here-forth that I am prepared to perform such deeds, to go lower than man has ever gone, to plunge the depths of degradation just in order to gain an early invite to Google Wave.




If anyone can be bothered. Annoyingly I actually got the email invite for the dev sandbox a while back, but the form to actually request the account didn't seem to work for me.

If there are extra invites, I would greatly appreciate one (I'm a college student working on a project potentially involving XMPP, and looking to learn from Wave).


Thank you.

I'm curious as to what everyone in seeing when the navigate to wave.google.com and if that can be used to discover if you're going to get an invite or not?


I don't know if invites can actually be shared or not, but I'll throw my name in the hat anyway. I'd appreciate an invite if they are available.


When invites are available, perhaps something similar to the GMail Invite Spooler (http://isnoop.net/gmail/ ) could be created?

It would certainly beat the inevitable mass-posting of email addresses in comment forms (and worse, there's no way to be sure when someone has received an invite)


I'll share the love with whoever wants! Also, I want to write some plugins and extensions, to learn about xmpp + Wave + python.

Once again, thanks.

I would love an invite, and be sure to share it with my friends and the rest of the internet! dunahttp://mailhide.recaptcha.net/d?k=01ooqQAT1f2IamH7Hs5yGGCA==...

I'm very interested in Google Wave and I'd like to test it. Thanks in advance for sending me an invitation! http://mailhide.recaptcha.net/d?k=01DoMyGjsADac31NPnaspbSA==...

Well, it's worth a shot. I remember signing up early so if I get any invites, I'll also share. Here's my email just in case:


I'm not sure if this submission is in the spirit of Hacker News, but nevertheless I'd really like an invite, so here goes:


Thanks in advance!

Thanks in advance,


On a sidenote: I think you should reply to your original comment once you have one so there isn't duplicates.

Great idea. thank-you! Will "share the love" after receiving. http://mailhide.recaptcha.net/d?k=017SVVsVRfJMC1XmE9Td3T0g==...

I'd also like an invite. If anyone has gotten one through the HN community, please pass along the invites.



Yeah, why not. Been wanting to test it since their first demo. http://mailhide.recaptcha.net/d?k=011dsUrNgCue-RGivTU55OZw==... Thanks!

I guess I'll join the mob. http://mailhide.recaptcha.net/d?k=01C6wkdGXr0QIN4uwHnJX4Zg==... Thanks to those that are willing to share.

I don't know if invites can actually be shared, but I'd appreciate one if so. Thanks!


Please send an invite.

See http://mailhide.recaptcha.net/d?k=01NL3VPhKzy6IujMa32g4rcg==... to view my Email address (trying to stop spambots)

Wow, great idea. If anyone has an invite left please feel free to donate me one ;)


If one is still kicking around, I'd very much appreciate one. http://mailhide.recaptcha.net/d?k=01Hp4wieGTMjXdISPjc-ukZw==...

Thanks, falsestprophet, for explicitly saying what I was implicitly thinking.


Here is my email within mailhide, please send me a invite to GoogleWave as well.


Cheers, Bobby

If you get this far down the list then I'd love an invite! http://mailhide.recaptcha.net/d?k=01V37yrpy3chd_pTAtE2rghA==...

Dogpile! (If you send me one I'll draw you a picture!) http://mailhide.recaptcha.net/d?k=01InZayykXTp_okbmXon7ZqA==...

I would really like one as well. Thank you in advance! http://mailhide.recaptcha.net/d?k=01vh1YGn3xR8RGzdwcGD6Pvg==...

On the off chance that someone sees this: http://mailhide.recaptcha.net/d?k=01VgVbMru07D63CeznvKKt6g==...

It would be very appreciated!

Wow, you guys are awesome. Here's my email to append to the queue!


I'd love an invite too if someone has one to share. http://mailhide.recaptcha.net/d?k=01bsnltEKtpWgb2Yz3kxUoHQ==...

Thanks! Mike

Thanks to whatever wonderful person decides to send me an invite!


If anyone would give me one that'd be awesome http://mailhide.recaptcha.net/d?k=01k3Fhyp3ZmrXcmbYtTnsPLA==...

I would be sooooo thankful for an invite :) http://mailhide.recaptcha.net/d?k=018ul5vyQ9Yw59lVQfO0Qk6g==...

Would appreciate an invite if someone see's fit to provide one to me.



Would really appreciate an invite. http://mailhide.recaptcha.net/d?k=01cK-0TAKjrCGgK-4XFt9biw==... Thanks

I would love an invite! I'm happy to share mine once I'm in. http://mailhide.recaptcha.net/d?k=01M-z0vygKzY6aNETAh9wpew==...

Thank you so much for this. I've got my fingers crossed.



Would greatly enjoy an invite!! Read my profile for more info about me.

I'll return the favor to others if I get an invite!


If anyone has one I'd absolutely love an invite. :)


I too would like one please.

(my mailhide link)[http://mailhide.recaptcha.net/d?k=01L3Bp5W2JAShHki3eZvsr5g==...]

Joining in on the invite fest. Thanks in advance


PLEASE :) I will be very glad too! Thank you :)


Great, I would love an invite. Many thanks and thanks for sharing:



Thanks to whoever can send me an invite. ~John

I would greatly appreciate an invite. Thanks!



I thank the kind donor in advance very much.


Thanks so much. Can't wait to check it out!

I'd love to be recommended, promise to share with others and to help out Wave by reporting bugs and possibly doing some extension development. Appreciate your help! http://scr.im/3fl

I would much appreciate an invite. http://mailhide.recaptcha.net/d?k=01kgqabHahLbbIkUhvBUa6Rg==...


I would love an invite if someone has one to share, would be happy to let you in on our beta (http://ridewithgps.com) if that is of any interest to you: zackham@gmail.com

Gotta love a barter system

Please send me a google wave invite.


Thank you!!!

I will jump on this as well.


thanks in advance!

I would love to be able to test it.


Thanks! :-)


An invite would be fantastic. Thanks!

hmmm.. this should be at the bottom :\

Just in case there are invites:


Many thanks!

Got one, never mind.

I'm running a small business with several developers, and we all use Gmail right now to communicate. I really think Google Wave can really help us out. Thanks in advance! scoota@gmail.com

This is nice, and I hope I get one, even though I seem to be pretty late here: http://scr.im/shrik is my email address.

I don't think I'd want to deal with these idiotic "capcha emails" if I had a quick 10 seconds to share an invite. Post your address into profile, people.

My girlfriend is a web developer and we've been trying to snag an invite so she can play around with it. Thank you in advance


i suppose that i'll throw mine in here if people are generous enough to be passing them out. likewise, if i get an invite, i'll share anything i get.


I'll jump on this bandwagon! Thanks to you if you send me one! (If you're in San Diego, I'll buy you a beer)

andy at andyleclair dot com

daviddjf at gmail Also, it's not invites like it was with gmail. All they can do is recommend for invitation.

please, please, please, let me get what I want, lord knows, it would be the first time: http://mailhide.recaptcha.net/d?k=01Qm9KrtqdBi8o5MNXJpuO1w==...

Wow, that's a lot of people who want invites but I might as well add my name to the list. Email in profile.

Have there been any invites sent out from HN so far - I've yet to see any replies indicating they have

To atone, instead of throwing up an invite sharing site, you should be forced to write an iphone app.

Well, if there actually are "unneeded" invites floating around, I'd like one as well :)

Mail in my profile.

Hey why not. I'm a technical advisor for a recently created non-profit development group, and we could really use Wave to help us collaborate.


great idea, and thanks to anyone willing to share!


I would like one.

And I'm not scared of spam or people knowing my email:


Thanks in advance to anyone that sends me one.

i'd love an invite if any are left..



here's the mail address:


Thanks in advance!

Sure would be great to get an invite, Wave looks revolutionary!

hellotylerhushhush @ gmail . com

An invite would be much appreciated. Please send to mshafrir @ gmail.com

I'd love an invite - ben.bleikamp@googlesfreeemail*service.com

[username] @ [username] .com

Don't have an invite yet. I'll help out if I get one.

I got on Wave and sent out my invites. No need to send me one.

I'd love to check out Wave. My email address is in my profile.

Hopefully I can snag one of these as well! cullenk@gmail.com

I'm running a small business with several developers, and we all use Gmail right now to communicate. I really think Google Wave can really help us out. Thanks in advance!


Pretty curious about this! info[at]fireflies[dot]nl

Nmercer _at_ thatdevelopmentcompany dot com thanks!

Can someone send me an invite please. Thanks

joshi.nus [at] gmail.com

I'd appreciate one. Address on my profile page.

Appreciate the generosity!

sarah dot francesca at gmail dot com

why are so many innocent seeming requesters getting downvoted?

and yes, pls consider me if you have an invite to spare: hardik84 at gmail

+1 for me, thanks! denniscliu [AT] gmail.com

I would love an invite as well.

email: [myusername]@gmail.com

Would love an invite as well.

johng at forum foundry . com

nick at getpeek dot com --- much appreesh!

I would absolutely love to try this out.

will.schupp at gmail.com

Thank you!

Ramit -- ramit at ramitsethi.com Thanks!

My first name at my username dot net.

O sweet, hook me up! jhogue at gmail

iam _at_ nicholasmolnar (dot) com

Thanks a bunch. I signed up, but have not received one. Google doesn't love me.


Much Appreciated: username@gmail

I would like invites too,


benjamin dot pollack at gmail dot com, if you don't mind, would be awesome.

I'd love an invite.


Patience is a great virtue.

Email in profile - thanks.

same as brutimus:

my username @gmail.com

Thank's for the post and thanks for whoever sends the invite

terencekwan at gmail.com

Tristan - kungfooguru AT gmail com


would love one

christopher [dot] ryan [dot] neal [at] gmail [dot] com

thank god i got my invite from http://getgooglewaveinvites.blogspot.com/ they got like 3k invites. I feel lucky :)

Please Download Our Toolbar to get your invite?

and a link to snugcash . com hidden in the text?


conorgilsenan at gmail

I would love to try out google wave! Thanks

nlanier @ gmail.com Thank you in advance!! :)

please send invite to me please please please


please :) collintmiller@gmail.com thank you

m a n i . e m s y s a t g m a i l . c o m

thank you !! :)

<username> [at] gmail [dot] com

wajiw.casey at gmail.com THANKS :-D

my hackernews name AT gmail dot com


promise to come back and share :)

myUsername + z [at] gmail [dot] com

ekpyrotic '@/at' gmail './dot' com

would love one! damonish@gmail.com

my hacker news username @gmail.com


(on the off chance :))

I would love one!



postalservice@gmail.com thanks!

received my invite, can be taken off the list!

nir@lonick.com many thanks.



my username {at} gmail.com

my username + @gmail.com

if you can spare one =')


kevinkaske at gmail.com

Please! Thanks!

yegg@alum.mit.edu Thx

jtth at jtth dot net

jeremias.kangas [at] gmail.com


aninvitewouldbeh -.at.- artcore.ch


transburgh @ gmail . com

thank you!!

ooo, this might be nice firstname.lastname at gmail dot com


Thank you!

ed@ my hn username .net




dodeja (at) gmail




gonsas (at) gmail (dot) com

Thanks a bunch!

alt255 (at) gmail (dot) com


Any spare invite I'd love one http://mailhide.recaptcha.net/d?k=01Hs9d6Ijfs8uGkaA75hXdZw==... Thank you. I'll invite 8 other HN'ers if passed an invite.

Excellent idea. I am posting my email address for an invite in case I don't get mine, and also, when/if, I get my invite, I will invite 1 or 2 from this post!!

email address: http://mailhide.recaptcha.net/d?k=01sYXrQbW4xa4NYB3VDXaaBw==...

I will paypal you $10. Casey at elevationlab.com. Thanks.

jeromebrock a t g m a i l d o t c o m

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