That's $30,000 per month. These pods will last 3-5 years, which is $1-$1.8M of S3 storage.
Say you store 3-4 copies of the data on the BackBlaze pods in order to attempt comparable durability, and then the cost comparison comes down to power, space, network, and manpower costs. These costs are extremely variable, so depending on access to these, I could see someone still going with S3. S3 also scales larger and smaller quite quickly, unlike investing in your own equipment.
Say you store 3-4 copies of the data on the BackBlaze pods in order to attempt comparable durability, and then the cost comparison comes down to power, space, network, and manpower costs. These costs are extremely variable, so depending on access to these, I could see someone still going with S3. S3 also scales larger and smaller quite quickly, unlike investing in your own equipment.