There are latex to HTML converters and they only work for a subset of latex functionality. It is not as simple as defining a driver that outputs HTML.
Latex and HTML work in fundamentally different ways: latex typesets for a fixed paper size, and specifies its coordinates in physical dimensions. HTML is free flowing; if the user resizes the window the layout should adapt, they layout has to work on mobile devices, etc. The HTML way asks for a completely different way of designing layout, and Latex is simply not the right tool for that job.
Incidentally I believe that the Latex way of typesetting for a specific paper size is superior, because it allows the typesetter to manually arrange everything until it looks just right, whereas with HTML there are x number of browsers, with y number of screen sizes, and you have much less control over the final look.
Let me be more clear: Long ago a friend kept suggesting
that I write a converter from TeX (maybe also LaTeX)
to HTML. I kept telling him that that was essentially
impossible because TeX is a programming language,
likely Turing machine equivalent, complete with
if-then-else, allocate-free, file read-write, while
HTML is just a text markup language. No doubt
JavaScript is Turning machine equivalent, but I'd have
a tough time believing that HTML is.
So, my suggestion here was not to convert TeX input
to HTML.
Instead my suggestion was just to convert TeX output,
that is, a DVI file, to HTML. Why? Because a DVI file
is essentially just text, or, as I outlined, it
specifies put this character at these coordinates on the
page, put that character there on the page,
go to a new page, etc.
To be more clear, say, about the file reading-writing,
that happens when the TeX program reads the user's
TeX input and before the DVI file is generated.
Given only the DVI file and displaying it,
there is no file reading-writing.
So, it looks like could convert TeX DVI output to HTML.
You pointed out that maybe HTML with a browser has
more flexibility than TeX output. Okay, maybe. But
I didn't claim that, given an HTML file, there would
be a TeX input file and a corresponding TeX DVI output
file that my envisioned converter would convert to
the given HTML file. Instead, I just claimed that
for a given TeX and DVI file, the converter would
generate an HTML file.
Or the converter would
be a function from the set
of all TeX DVI files to the set of all HTML files.
That is, for each TeX DVI file there would be
a corresponding HTML file from the converter.
But the function would not be onto the
set of HTML files, that is, not all HTML
files would be a value of the converter;
not all HTML files could be obtained
by using TeX input, the TeX program,
the DVI file and the envisioned converter.
You also mentioned some ways in which
HTML, say, with <div>, is more flexible
than TeX. Fine. But I was discussing
just converting TeX DVI to HTML.
And, again, I see no way to convert TeX
input, which is a programming language,
to HTML, which is not a programming language.
The point isn't to convert a TeX program into an equivalent HTML program, it's to be HTML an output of a TeX program. For example, make \emph{foo} output "<i>foo</i>" instead of "/Times-Italic 12 selectfont (foo) show" or whatever the PS output would be.
> The point isn't to convert a TeX program into an equivalent HTML program.
You are correct, of course. And one of my main
points is that such a conversion is essentially
impossible. E.g., TeX can read and write files, but,
thankfully for Internet security,
HTML can't.
So, my solution and envisioned converter is to
convert TeX output in a DVI file to
an HTML file. Such a converter seems doable
and to solve a concern the OP had.
my envisioned converter from DVI to HTML would
do just what you are describing.
Or, the DVI file has to put the 'f' of
'foo' at some coordinates (x,y) on the page in some
font, say, some bold font. Fine. TeX can handle
lots of fonts, the many standard ones and
more if want to make routine use of the ability of
TeX to handle essentially any font given in the
form TeX wants.
Want to create your own fonts? Knuth has been there,
done that, and left a terrific tool MetaFont, open
source, beautiful documentation. Create all the
fonts you want and have TeX use them. Then create
equivalent fonts for HTML and that a Web browser can
use. Such work with fonts is just making routine
use of what TeX has had for decades.
So, from the DVI, write to the
HTML the markup string
at a position given by absolute coordinates while also specifying the desired font. That's about
all there is to it. Seems quite doable to me.
Want to convert to PS? Okay, from the times I
read the big, red Adobe books on PS, converting from
DVI to PS is also quite doable. Indeed, there
is likely a TeX device driver for that conversion
now, as there is from DVI to PDF -- which I use
heavily. Indeed, checking, my script for converting
DVI to PDF uses EXE
and that EXE is standard in the TeX world.
It works fine.
Any reasoning about TeX being able to do things that HTML can't is irrelevant. TeX -> PDF can be done without an intermediate DVI stage using pdftex. There could therefore be a similar "htmltex" which could directly convert TeX -> HTML.
In the same way that pdftex has the advantage of knowing its output format (and can e.g. write pdf metadata), this hypothetical "htmltex" would know that its output is html, and could do things like allowing paragraph re-flow and embedding maths using MathJax.
Of course, this wouldn't be easy, you'd likely need to fork TeX to implement it correctly (or only support a subset of LaTeX features like the current TeX->HTML converters), but it's far from impossible.
You are correct. And I am correct. But we are
not taking about even a little
bit of the same thing.
Once again I will try to be clear:
Knuth's work resulted in a computer program, TeX,
as an EXE file, say, tex.exe.
A user of TeX as a word processor types
in a file with three letter extension TEX,
say, my_math.tex. This file, my_math.tex,
actually is a computer program, that is,
has allocate-free storage, if-then-else,
file read-write, arithmetic, string manipulations,
etc. This computer program my_math.tex is
not Knuth's program tex.exe.
Yes, maybe not
all TeX users have their TeX input files,
say, my_math.tex, do file reading or writing,
but such file manipulations are just routine
usage of TeX that I do nearly always. And I
have some TeX macros I wrote that do
storage allocation-freeing. Maybe not all
TeX users do such things, but they are routine
usage of TeX, and I do them.
To be more clear on just why file my_math.tex
is a computer program, when Knuth's tex.exe
runs file my_math.tex (interpretively), the program
my_math.tex can read files. Then the output
my_math.dvi can vary depending on what was in
the file, say, my_math.dat that program my_math.tex read.
Well, there can be no file my_math.htm
that will read a file my_math.dat, that is,
read the file
and process it like my_math.tex can.
So, if only for this reason, as a result,
program my_math.tex can never be
translated to a file my_math.htm.
And program my_math.tex can't be
translated to my_math.pdf or
But a file my_math.dvi, from my_math.tex and a particular my_math.dat, can be
translated to a file my_math.pdf or
And in this thread I have been suggesting that
there could be a program that would
translate my_math.dvi to my_math.htm.
> TeX -> PDF can be done without an intermediate DVI stage using pdftex.
Although this is a small point,
for pdftex,
I am quite sure that internally a DVI file
is generated if only because that is
what Knuth's program tex.exe generates and
rewriting Knuth's TeX code, likely now in C,
say, tex.c,
would be both unnecessary and the
difficult approach. Just generating the
DVI file is the easy approach, even if
don't have the user aware of the intermediate
DVI file.
What PDFTEX does I do frequently by putting in the
extra step of going to DVI and then from DVI to PDF.
I want the DVI file because I like the
DVI preview program I have and like it much more than
than using a PDF viewer. When I get something that looks
good with my DVI preview program, then usually I go
ahead and make the PDF file.
However, what I am doing getting a PDF file
and what you are talking about with pdftex are
not, in the sense I am discussing, a translation of TeX to PDF. Not at all.
> Any reasoning about TeX being able to do things that HTML can't is irrelevant.
True for what you are talking about. False for
my point that a file my_math.tex can't be
translated to a file my_math.htm.
Or, for a short explanation, you are saying that
a file my_math.dvi can be translated to
file types PS and PDF and maybe also HTM,
and I agree.
But I am also saying that a file
my_math.tex cannot ever be translated
to a file my_math.htm.
To be still more clear,
HTML is a mark-up language, and TeX looks like
it is also a mark-up language, so
one might try to translate TeX mark-up to
HTML mark-up. Well, such a translation is
just impossible, and will always be.
>HTML is free flowing; if the user resizes the window the layout should adapt, they layout has to work on mobile devices, etc. The HTML way asks for a completely different way of designing layout, and Latex is simply not the right tool for that job.
I agree that HTML should re-flow. Let's try with the OP article.
Latex and HTML work in fundamentally different ways: latex typesets for a fixed paper size, and specifies its coordinates in physical dimensions. HTML is free flowing; if the user resizes the window the layout should adapt, they layout has to work on mobile devices, etc. The HTML way asks for a completely different way of designing layout, and Latex is simply not the right tool for that job.
Incidentally I believe that the Latex way of typesetting for a specific paper size is superior, because it allows the typesetter to manually arrange everything until it looks just right, whereas with HTML there are x number of browsers, with y number of screen sizes, and you have much less control over the final look.