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I started learning in 2000, before Google was big and Stack Oveflow didn't exist. I think every new programmer gets a false sense of how easy everything is.

14 years of learning later, I now realize how little I know.

I started coding in high school in 1973 and professionally in 1981 with no benefit of any classes (other than the one in high school). Believe me I prefer to live in the modern age where your knowledge is expanded by the world's collective brains. In the "old days" you only had your own brain and limited library books and periodicals and maybe a good buddy. It was much harder than today to do anything you didn't already know but we didn't know any other way. Today it's much easier to find information, get ideas and opinions. I even use Google to find method names in iOS documentation (Xcode's sucks). But you still need to be able to understand what you read, decide if it is relevant, and how to apply it. Those things you can't just learn from Google fu, it takes experience, trial and error, and a willingness to recognize when you are wrong.

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