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I'm advocating tax deductions as an incentive.

If I give $350 in cash to the American Red Cross, I can take that charitable deduction from my annual filing. If I donate a unit of blood that gives ARC $350 in products, that's not deductible.

The incentive side steps the donor-with-marginal-income problem, unless I'm missing something.

IRS Pub 526 on Charitable Contributions, Page 2:

  Not Deductible As Charitable Contributions:
    Cost of raffle, bingo, or lottery tickets
    Dues, fees, or bills paid to ...
    Value of your time or services
    *Value of blood given to a blood bank*
It's amazing how many details the IRS pubs cover. I like your proposal though.

That's a clever way to pay richer people progressively more for their blood.

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