Since the Pi is meant to be for education, what I think would further this goal is to turn the Pi into a graphing calculator as a replacement for the TI series that is currently required in many high schools / colleges. So you would take the basic design, add the case, battery, button pad, cheap screen. Think of a calculator that has the Pi's SD slot, HDMI, USB, GPIO, etc ports.
When used in class or on tests, it can run a built-in program from its ROM. For use in full computer mode, you boot it off an SD card. Anti-cheating can be done via DRM features that are already available on the chip (although open-source purists wouldn't like this part, but it shouldn't get in the way in "full computer" mode).
The way the anti-cheat code could work is simply a calculator function which gives a digital signature hash based on user input. Student enters a serial number from the test, and writes down the function's output (which is derived using a private key burned into the chip, and only accessible by the built-in calculator-mode code).
The reason I think a calculator form factor would work better for the education market, is that every high school already requires a $100 graphing calculator, so might as well make it the calculator be of more use.
Most people I know buy second hand TIs which aren't expensive. They are around the $20-50 (GBP conversion) mark here in the UK.
The Pi is not exactly a good proposition for a calculator either based on form factor and power usage. Also you really do need a tactile input system for calculators as they help avoid costly and confusing mistakes.
I'm not sure why there is so much hate for TI to be honest; they are very functional, very robust, have very good battery life and good resale value. I myself however use a $20 Casio 115/991ES PLUS.
I'm not sure there is really hate for TI calculators, but rather a general sense of "wtf are we paying for" when they've been the same spec and the same price for 20 years. No one really thinks they're bad calculators, but really they should be $20 by now, with a $100 color version or something to round out the high end.
> every high school already requires a $100 graphing calculator
I can't help but feel this is a historical aberration, and one that is bound to correct itself eventually. The reason it's so entrenched at the moment is, I imagine, standardisation--which is why a custom raspberry pi solution would not be suitable.
As an side, I'm not entirely sure why a graphing calculator is even required anyway. I never used one once in my entire school curriculum, and don't feel like I suffered for it. Being able to plot a function by hand is something of a skill in its own right because it teaches you the analytical tools to be able to learn how a function behaves, and as long as the teacher knows the correct solution there's nothing to be gained from every individual student having their own calculator.
> I never used one once in my entire school curriculum, and don't feel like I suffered for it.
I'm glad someone else said this, because I wasn't going to admit to it. I got through 4 years of high school math and science, and four years as a CS major/math minor and I don't remember ever using anything other than the permutation/combination functions and some basic graphing. The TI-83 was much more important in getting me into programming than doing real math.
Creating programs to do the same steps over and over once I understood it was the biggest benefit I got out of my graphing calculator. However, having a larger screen with a scroll history was a close second, so even just using it as a standard scientific calculator with a large screen made it very useful to me.
My high school didn't require a graphing calculator though, and most of the class didn't have one as I recall.
I'm actually in the same boat, I was in HS back in the 80's. But after raising 2 kids that seemed to need a new calculator for school each year (either due to a new model, or they lost the one from last year) I kind of figured making it a pocket computer that hooks up to their TV would make them "stick around" and be worth the price more.
I wasn't thinking so much as turning the actual Rasp Pi into a calculator, but instead the foundation making a decent calculator that can also fill the function of the Pi (HDMI/USB/SD ports, runs Linux). Figured they would have enough visibility to make the PiCalc the next standard (or work with someone like Ti to make a PiCalc).
It just seems a waste to spend so much money on what I consider junk (single-purpose calculators, and for kids who aren't into math they are useless outside of the classroom). Although as calculators, the Ti's aren't really that bad, but my preference leans to the older HPs.
This is a really interesting concept. Trying to start kids on rougher edges, it really is amazing what some kids this will get them to do. I might buy them for my kids.
But if it's not the approved device, then kids can't follow along in class, right? Do you need full emulation of the competitor interface? It would be neat to see such a device succeed, seems like a tricky path.
I think it's more likely that we converge on something like a tablet form factor and get cross-platform apps. $100 will definitely buy a solid educational tablet.
Cool! Back in 2012, I got impatient and put together my own resistive touch screen for the Raspberry Pi: I just got a small LCD, a resistive touch panel, soldered up a microcontroller, and wrote a simple kernel module ( to get it all working. Unfortunately, I never really got around to documenting how I did it, and it looks like this makes it obsolete, but it's all for the best :)
This is great news! I have one of my RPis attached to a MDF plate together with a breadboard. I have bought several temperature sensors, relais and 434 MHz transmitters/receivers to play with. For now I'm doing all "development" with an old eee laptop but it would be nice to do it directly on the Pi with a BT keyboard. At some point I want this up on the wall where the thermostat is and have it control music, the heating and check for example. So a stylish case would be nice :)
I believe, based on descriptions of the prototype, that it will be 800 x 480. That seems rather small, but they want to hit a price point (< $70), consistent with their primary mission of providing an affordable educational system.
The Raspberry Pi is a developer board which brings out the pins of an ARM chip designed for use in low-end tablets. If you want a tablet using the same chip, you can easily buy one. The price point on Alibaba is about $30-$50. Even on
Amazon you can get one for $50.
That's fine, IF those things can be rooted and have released any proprietary drivers so you can load your preferred ARM-compatible Linux distro.
If, however, you want to run Plan 9, RISC OS, FreeBSD, Haiku, or anything else that isn't Linux, then you'd probably still come unstuck regardless of Alibaba's openness.
in terms of buying products from alibaba, most equipment on their uses the MTK tool chain. MTK offers full drivers to run most of their hardware, and can run under a multitude of Android OS is. I also have a friend who took the MTK tool chain and installed debian on his HaiPai Noble N7889 phone. It didn't run very well at all, but it did run.
Actually the Chinese tablets use different SoCs from the RPi - I don't know of any that use a Broadcom one.
Allwinner, Mediatek, Rockchip, and VIA are far more common; and the interesting thing is, it's easier to find hardware-level documentation for many of these than Broadcom's SoCs.
AdaFruit have been selling a $35 PiTFT 3" touch screen - which is useful as a small control screen but not for making piPads. (well, maybe piPad nano...)
I'm curious what the actual price for this will be. I'm more interested in just mounting this somewhere so I don't need a keyboard or mouse for the pi.
When used in class or on tests, it can run a built-in program from its ROM. For use in full computer mode, you boot it off an SD card. Anti-cheating can be done via DRM features that are already available on the chip (although open-source purists wouldn't like this part, but it shouldn't get in the way in "full computer" mode).
The way the anti-cheat code could work is simply a calculator function which gives a digital signature hash based on user input. Student enters a serial number from the test, and writes down the function's output (which is derived using a private key burned into the chip, and only accessible by the built-in calculator-mode code).
The reason I think a calculator form factor would work better for the education market, is that every high school already requires a $100 graphing calculator, so might as well make it the calculator be of more use.