It does seem to me that the author has unfortunately encountered a more negative interpretation of the meme. Personally I've read the original RGWIB essay and took away a couple interpretations. First, a simpler implementation is generally better for developers. Second, since developers are tasked with maintaining this code, and getting a mental grasp on it, they're better off imposing their will to a certain extent on users, rather than pile on every feature requested. Now, the second point can be taken to an extreme in the market by just pushing a bunch of hacks out quickly and forcing users to deal with that. But I think that's the essential difference between HOBWIB and RGWIB: the former is about the pure imposition of one's will upon users while RGWIB is about the imposition of will in the name of simplicity. Personally, I think RGWIB is a force for good, but perhaps needs a new meme to distingiush itself.