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A Massively Parallel Computing Solution (micron.com)
77 points by mariusz79 on Oct 8, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 24 comments

The best info is in the paper prepared for IEEE:


"An Efficient and Scalable Semiconductor Architecture for Parallel Automata Processing

Paul Dlugosch, Dave Brown, Paul Glendenning, Michael Leventhal, Harold Noyes Member, IEEE"

Forgive my ignorance, but how is this different from an FPGA?

The AP is essentially a silicon implementation of regular expressions, augmented with a relatively small number of Boolean gates and counters. It has many simple matching elements that can be connected together to create automata networks that advance in parallel. The output of a single automaton is a Boolean decision, indicating whether the automaton is in an accepting state or not. It is natively a MISD architecture, a rather dusty corner of Flynn's Taxonomy, because all active states receive the input symbol at the same time.

In contrast, FPGAs are much more general purpose and as a result have fewer individual processing elements. Indeed, an FPGA can be made to emulate the AP for small designs, but the AP is able to accommodate much larger (or more instances of) automata on one chip, resulting in much greater throughput or bandwidth, depending on the configuration.

It is fair to compare the AP to FPGAs in the context of problems that can be reduced to regex (augmented with digital logic and counters), but not in a general purpose sense. Just because a problem might reduce to regex and can be run on the AP, doesn't mean that it can be done so efficiently. But there a host of problem domains in pattern matching that do map efficiently to the AP.

They run non-deterministic automata. Their class of grammars is bigger than regexps.

I think it is a good thing they have built.

I don't think this is true. All non-deterministic finite automata (NDFA) can be converted to deterministic finite automata (DFA), and regular expressions are equivalent in power to DFAs

Edit: Actually just read the paper that someone linked to. You're right that their grammar is larger than that of DFAs and regular expressions, but it appears that's because they extended it rather than because they're using nondeterminism.

The problem with DFA is that they explode exponentially for number of choices containing ".*". Then you fail to get a locality of reference, etc. DFA also very sequential.

This is why NDAs are better - you can run several NDAs in parallel with their states and inputs. It basically becomes vectorized problem.

Yeah, so it becomes a space/time tradeoff. I think whether which is better depends on the problem you're solving. Many DFAs don't blow up space exponentially, so you'd rather have the DFA in that case. You're right though that for DFAs with an exponential increase in space requirements you are better off just doing the NDA in parallel.

Micron announced they were working on this some time ago. Have they released something new? Or are we just talking about the same unfinished R&D project that we were back in the spring?

Their youtube video is a good intro: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BRWs8L4xnUM

This site actually has more information: http://www.micronautomata.com/

It sounds a like like the Parallela boards, as in it's a 2-dimensional grid network and it sounds like they broadcast to the edge of the grid. My question is how do you scale up bandwidth, if it's broadcast, and not multicast?

TOMI Celeste is a lot more interesting.

The biggest problem the tech behind this has always suffered ,is being able to convince DRAM manufacturers to manufacture using their technology.

This doesn't seem to have changed.

Wait and see! :)


Is this similar to GPU programming? If not, how is it different?

Perhaps the form factor will allow for far more dense clusters? and that its on dram boards, the cost for these is certainly low-ish.

AFAIK GPUs are floating-point centric, meaning you'd have to reimplement some functionality on top of FP. Plus it seems that each 'cell' can be it's own state machine, I also believe that GPUs are less fine-grained than that (you allocate clusters of units to compute a programmable shader).

Actually the throughput of integer instructions isn't that much lower than floating point operations, at least for arithmetic and bitwise operations.


it looks totally like raspberryPI compute module.

Only the interface is the same (RAM bus) otherwise it's completely different, AP not having the CPU as we are used to.

Micron, if you are reading, tell me why do I need to make up a super secure password just to sign up for updates?

"Must have a minimum of 8 characters including at least 1 special character (ex. !, @, #, $)"

FYI, this made me not sign up (at http://www.micronautomata.com/ )

Is there a legitimate reason not to use a password manager for personal use in scenarios such as these?

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