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Could you expand on the "all bullshit" part then because it comes across as saying that there isn't any point to being civil with people.

No. You seem to deliberately want to misunderstand me. Many != all.

It wasn't deliberate. I wasn't grokking what you were saying. I was reading:

  Many people talk nice, but [niceties are] all bullshit.
Instead of:

  Many people talk nice, but [their talk is] all bullshit.
The ambiguity of that 'it' is really what this stemmed from.

So, basically you might be talking bullshit here. There is NO correlation between being a verbal assh*le and being efficient. People can 'deliver' without insulting others. Linus is a high headed rude man, and there's no need for that. You can be straightforward and succinct without being insulting.

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