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On the CRM/targeted marketing side, there are use cases for finding out address and other personal info from any tidbit of information you have. Many times you only get an email or phone, or on the flip side a name + address.

Few examples: In a call center environment, looking up the name and address of the caller to know who you're talking to. Matching loosely on name and zip code can provide the operator with a good idea who they are talking to. The system can then match the caller to demographic and interest data to better support sales/marketing/routing decisions.

We use fullcontact to get social profile (twitter, fb, angellist, linkedin, etc) based on an email or phone number in order to better know the user and their social influence that they can have for our customers. Why? Many third party booking systems (flights, hotels, misc travel, etc) provide only the required fields to make the booking stick with the provider (hotel, for example), in order to prevent the provider from contacting the customer directly and taking away that third party booking service (Expedia, for example) revenue. As such, if Expedia only sends name and zip code, or name and phone number, we can match that with existing public data and/or look it up in fullcontact (or something like this phone reverse lookup) in order to get a more complete profile of a guest.

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