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As a French person, I lived in Australia. People often kindly made fun of not only our strikes, but of my rebelious mind and constant tendency to protest and organize against negative change. I would kindly make fun of their extreme docility on knee-jerk rules such as residential and corporate policies.

Unfortunately, seeing this example, I still wish Australians were keener to be involved in politics and defend their awesome land, culture and economy.

> I still wish Australians were keener to be involved in politics and defend their awesome land, culture and economy.

It's worth thinking about whether the culture and the economy is at least partly due to Australians' docility about these sorts of things. Always rebelling and protesting isn't necessarily conducive to working together efficiently.

All Australians are involved in politics somewhat, because it's one of the few countries where voting is compulsory.

That also means that Abbott, unfortunately, represents a majority of the population, not just the politically motivated individuals who would vote without compulsion.

Abbott represents a majority of the population because the majority of the population knows about politics from the mass media, which is almost entirely owned by Rupert Murdoch, who printed nothing but pro-Abbott and anti-Labor content for months.

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