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Surely it's inevitable that everything will be surveiled. The quicker we realise this and "encrypt all the things" the better.

What's the point in fighting legislation when you can solve the problem with technology? If the technology doesn't exist now then this stupid legislation should spur it on.

I think that unless the 'problem' that encryption is meant to solve is the existence of governments themselves, then it doesn't make sense to write off engagement with the political process altogether.. "encrypt all the things" only works if you somehow have the power and influence to make all the companies do all the work to encrypt all the things (against their own gain in some cases.) Without some kind of political pressure, or even better the force of law, or at the very least a bully pulpit to convince people that it's a good idea, I wonder if it's necessarily tenable. You can always do both anyway.

>>What's the point in fighting legislation when you can solve the problem with technology?

Because encryption can be made illegal.

The NSA - and I expect the rest of the five eyes, are archiving a very large amount of encrypted traffic in anticipation of being able to analyze it at a later date. What do you think that Utah data center is for?

Unless you know the data will be useless in a short while, it's safe to say you're still talking on the shiny side of one sided glass.

If you think any technical solution is going to solve these things you are delusional.

It will only create an arms-race that will make things worse.

We need laws.

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