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I am not normally one to put on a tin foil hat, but all the events of the last week seem so orchestrated that it is hard not to be cynical. Security agencies facing the sunsetting of powers granted after 9/11 "suddenly" discover all these threats the very same week that laws are due to be voted on. There seems to be almost no evidence against individuals raided, only one arrest and that on the basis of some intercepted conversations where the idea of attacking someone was mentioned (and all this, we are taking on faith from security agencies themselves which have a massive vested interest in getting new laws passed). Even if you interpret the threat literally, one individual was proposing to attack one Australian - for this we need to discard our basic freedoms protected for hundreds years (deriving from the magna carta no less)?

I think there ought to be a moratorium on passing any new laws until there is not any current terrorism scare, it is exactly not the time to be making rash judgements about what laws we need.

> I think there ought to be a moratorium on passing any new laws until there is not any current terrorism scare, it is exactly not the time to be making rash judgements about what laws we need.

Agreed. I think it's hard to orchestrate two police officers getting stabbed (one in the head), but I disagree with the knee-jerk erosion of freedoms, as well as Australia's entry into the Middle East.

The Western world put their foot down when Obama tried to enter Syria several months ago and it gave me a glimmer of hope for the future. The events of the last week have done nothing but disappoint. Why are we all so quick to forget being lied to about Iraq?

What is the most effective forum for citizens to express their concern?

"all the events of the last week seem so orchestrated that it is hard not to be cynical"

Uh... make that the last 51 years. If you only just noticed, you're not paying attention. And I only say 51 years from picking an arbitrary point (JFK assassination) for when the deep state's evil ways became really obvious.

"If the people were to ever find out what we have done, we would be chased down the streets and lynched." -- George Bush, cited in the June, 1992 Sarah McClendon Newsletter

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." -- William Casey, Director of Central Intelligence. An observation by the late Director at his first staff meeting in 1981. This observation reveals the mentality of cynicism which infests the US Federal control structures, and the reality that these structures regard the American people with total contempt.

> This observation reveals the mentality of cynicism which infests the US Federal control structures, and the reality that these structures regard the American people with total contempt.

Yeah, I wouldn't call plans to brainwash and mind-fuck 330 million people a "mentality of cynicism". Contempt is not quite enough either. How about "evil, malicious hostility"?

> Uh... make that the last 51 years. If you only just noticed, you're not paying attention. And I only say 51 years from picking an arbitrary point (JFK assassination) for when the deep state's evil ways became really obvious.

McCarthyism: 1950[1]

J. Edgar Hoover: 1935~1972[2]

[1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McCarthyism

[2]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._Edgar_Hoover

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