Interesting, so I'm presuming there's several VPNs involved between the load-balancer and all the discrete servers. I wonder if they use a VPN provider with a static IP and no-logs policy or if it's simply yet another VPS.
I'd love to hear a little more about the architecture.
If memory serves, I think TPB is somehow related to iPredator [1][2], though I'm not sure if that is the case anymore. This may give them _lots_ of experience running VPN software, which would be usable if that is indeed how they're communicating between VPS providers.
To make the legal side effects "Somebody Else's Problem"? seeing as that's the service many VPN providers offer. Might save them having to get new load balancer VPS quite so often, making it that much harder and more time consuming to knock offline.
I'd love to hear a little more about the architecture.