Note that this seems to be a grab-bag of papers/posters referencing "deep learning" from 2014. I'm not sure what this adds over the equivalent Google Scholar query.
If you're interested in very recent advances in machine learning (including deep learning), optimization, I'd suggest also looking at the papers accepted at top conferences in ML, e.g.
inline Show HN: or give ScholarOctopus a shot :) ( ) A pet project that takes papers from these top conferences and embeds them in 2D with t-SNE based on tf-idf L2 content similarity, so you can see clusters of publications - including for example a cluster of deep learning papers if you search "deep".
Yes, I know the bibliography is a bit sparse right now, but we're gradually increasing its coverage. Will also add more annotations to it (per category), e.g. areas where deep learning could be applied but is lightly or not at all applied yet.
yes but I want to scan for Hinton papers I have missed ... the fact it's backed by bibtex means it should be easy to generate said missing information. A bibliography in the academic sense would highlight those important tidbits of info. Titles alone, especially in a large listing, is not enough for me to make a high level choice on what to read next.
EDIT: I just text searched Hinton and one paper was in that total bibliography, making me think this is not a very scholarly list.
EDIT2: oh its papers beyond 2014 only, makes sense now. It is scholarly, I apologise
If you're interested in very recent advances in machine learning (including deep learning), optimization, I'd suggest also looking at the papers accepted at top conferences in ML, e.g.
ICLR 2014 -
ECCV 2014 -
EMNLP 2014 -
KDD 2014 - (research track)
NIPS 2013 -