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Ask YC: What happened to WattVision (YC S08)?
25 points by physcab on Sept 19, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments
I was pretty excited to hear about this company during their demo day. I signed up for their e-mail newsletter but haven't heard a peep. Anyone have any news?

Hey friends of wattvision! Yes, it's been a while -- we've been working hard on the hardware. Send an email with a digital photo of your meter to info@wattvision.com, and we can put you in the queue to get hooked up. Expect something soon and thanks for the support!!!

maybe you should update your blog every now and then ?

By the way, you are no doubt aware of this, but just in case you are not, there are now also meters that indicate consumption using a blinking LED.

Total radio silence since June 10th, see http://twitter.com/wattvision

WattVision sounds like it would be useful as a backend for one part of my YC W10 proposal. I hope to get the opportunity to work with them in the future.

Last I heard about two weeks ago, they were still plugging away. I'd expect something soon.

YC W09..

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