This is a reimplementation of a Scheme quine. It is slightly more verbose than the Scheme version from wikipedia ( because 'quote x is expanded to (quote quote) x. Contrariwise, lisps may contract (quote quote) to 'quote, which is, for example, what Allegro CL 8.1 is doing.
According to, the original implementation is attributed to Chris Hruska. Other lisp implementations mentioned there tend to expand to clojure.core/seq and clojure.core/list in Clojure; expansions usually work as quines in Clojure. This is an easy exercise. :-)
According to, the original implementation is attributed to Chris Hruska. Other lisp implementations mentioned there tend to expand to clojure.core/seq and clojure.core/list in Clojure; expansions usually work as quines in Clojure. This is an easy exercise. :-)