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That's good for you! I don't personally find the tool in question exactly the most appealing to me personally, but what I am excited about is that the industry is moving on, as C is far too dated as a language and even C14 doesn't give much hope. So, as you suggested that you don't appreciate the abstarction this tool adds, would you consider Rust, as it compiles right down to machine code? Essentially Rust is much C-like in terms of basic syntax, but has expressivenes of a functional language, safety-aware compiler and a ton of other features, including the fact that it's aimed at system-level applications and one should be able to write a kernel in Rust.

We differ on our opinions of C. It may be dated for you but I can I know how to manipulate the syntax to get the desired result. Rust has been on my list of things to check out, but not use for clients. Right now all roads (from Javascript, C++, Objective-C and Java) lead to C. So when I write a library in C, I know I can use it my iOS, Android, node.js and C++ projects. I cannot say the same for Rust. I do not want to be on the Rust journey quite yet because I am still smarting from node.js. And in 2012 when I was using node.js to solve problems was when I was close to becoming a problem engineer, as you believe I am.

Rust does allow you to write a dependencyless C-abi library, without requiring any runtime or such. Hope we'll see you around at some point. :)

(It seems errordeveloper is doing exactly the same flag waving they originally unfairly lambasted you for...)

Lol, supposedly mine wasn't of the same origin. To be fair, you just broke my whole idea of the two groups of people, which indeed was a very poor attempt that by itself will fall into another group. I am going to asume codehero is a nice guy and walk away from this incredibly amusing discussion. Thank you, dbaupp, for pointing this out.

Pattern matching looks cool but I have some concerns. What is the best forum for Rust discussion? I get the feeling HN would rake me over the coals for bringing up switch, falling through case labels and of course, goto.

reddit.com/r/rust is probably the best place to have exploratory discussions.

Although, our pattern matching is a strict superset of C's switch (other than fall-through). But yeah, fall-through and goto aren't supported yet, and if we were to get them (in safe code), they may have to be restricted to preserve memory safety.

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