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I'm going to share my experience with HN here. It is a treasured experience, and something I hold near and dear to my heart. I was able to spend 3 months in Haiti as a volunteer. It was supposed to stay for a year. It was after the earthquake and I was stoked to go down.

When I was there I didn't really have any real work to do. They wanted me to create some software but this was the beginning of my "Hacker" career and I was using Access (don't judge). But the thing I really did while I was down there was play with the kids.

That piece of my time down there was more treasured then anything else I have. I got to know the kids so well it was heartbreaking to leave. One of the parents asked me to take his son (who was my pal and Creole teacher) to the US with me.

Just take a moment to think about that. This man loved his son. He took him to work and he was proud of him. You could see it in his eyes. Ose was a GREAT kid, mischievous, but great. His father was willing to sacrifice his time with his son for me to take him. I honestly didn't want to say no.

I built similar relationships with some of the girls at the orphanage. I can still remember the sound of them singing one night. It was the saddest most beautiful song I'd ever heard. 50 orphan girls were singing while beating the rhythm on whatever they had at hand. I don't know the lyrics but that moment was sorrow and happiness.

I had to leave suddenly and wasn't able to make it back, due to riots that closed the airport and running out of savings. When I finally could go back, I decided to go to Bolivia instead, there is a more stable volunteer community there and I could afford it.

I've never regretted something more then not returning to Haiti, but given the choice I'd do it again. I know that in my short time there I was able to make friend and pick up peoples spirits. I know that doesn't seem like a lot, but it was.

I'm still looking for a way to go back and help again, but I just don't know how. I think this sponsorship program sounds like a GREAT idea. This is something so many of the kids down there need.

Have a look at the Colorado Haiti Project. A friend of mine works with them, and says they've been managed to be effective by focusing on one particular area. The leadership and dedication of a few individuals in the local community has been critical as well.

Thank you. I'm looking into it now.

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