And it worked, right? Instead of complaining about the way the world works, perhaps it's more rewarding to exploit it and become better at framing your work in a way that fits with how the average Joe sees the world.
People reading this should instead take note that Farhad is pushing a web 2.5 theory and therefore might be more receptive to pitches that fit his outlook.
His job is to filter out all the noise to present a semi-coherent view of the tech scene to upper-to-middle class consumers. Concepts like web 2.5 are his way of guiding the reader through a world they're probably only visiting.
I'm not complaing, just making fun of :). It probably worked in terms of sales. But unfortunately it has the unintended consequences of all these people trying to coin unnecessary gobbledygook words when simple English will suffice. Now sometimes reading a newspaper article feels like sitting through a business school class. IMHO if anything making up terms and introducing more jargon just makes communication harder.
>Many of the basics are now essentially free, which means a business built on the infrastructure laid down by the first two generations of Web companies can gain scale on a shoestring budget, all while giving away its products and services for free. Call it Web 2.5.
Or in other words, things have become cheaper and it's easier to start a web company. Call it technology. Also, this has been true for much longer than the author acknowledges. He's trying to a fit a company into his cookie cutter view of the internet while coining an unnecessary word.
Your perspective seems to have more to due with pitching him than the merits of the article.
People reading this should instead take note that Farhad is pushing a web 2.5 theory and therefore might be more receptive to pitches that fit his outlook.
His job is to filter out all the noise to present a semi-coherent view of the tech scene to upper-to-middle class consumers. Concepts like web 2.5 are his way of guiding the reader through a world they're probably only visiting.