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This is anything but minimalist.

Why do I need a slower plugin manager that requires editing .vimrc to enable/disable plugins, when a couple of simple shell commands is faster and less error prone?

  vimenable() { mv $VIM_DISABLED/$1 $VIM_BUNDLE }
  vimdisable() { mv $VIM_BUNDLE/$1 $VIM_DISABLED }
  vimupdate() { for p in $VIM_BUNDLE/*; do (cd $p; git pull); done }
The dependent plugin support is interesting but until all the plugins include a standard dependency spec, I have to do it manually anyway.

It's a single file. It works with or without the ruby-dependent parallel plugin installations and upgrades. It allows for plugins to be loaded only when they're needed (e.g. only for JS files). That's minimalist.

In case someone argues about parallel updates, you could do something along the lines of "parallel git pull < ls $VIM_BUNDLE". I'm nowhere near convinced to switch, especially because I keep my vim plugin space small.

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