I don't know about that. Borges, Sartre, Nabokov were widely translated and read. Among the less purely intellectual, St. Exupery, Coelho, Umberto Eco, Carlos Ruiz Zafon, are regularly found in US bookstores.
In fairness, much of Nabokov's work was originally in English, like Conrad. But to your list, I would add Kundera, Kafka, Mann, Garcia Marquez, Murakami, Chekhov, ... to name just a few authors one easily finds in American bookstores, and who are often read by American students.
The major 19th-century French authors have also long been standards in the US, both among general readers and in the reading list of K-12 education: Victor Hugo, Alexandre Dumas, Gustave Flaubert, Jules Verne, etc. However that was established in a period when American literary culture was heavily influenced by the French one.