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Oh, sorry, my comment was out of line then and perhaps reflected my own frustrations as a parent. If you've managed to teach such small children not to spend all theit time with a tablet without explicit enforced time limits then I raise my hat to you. Children are different though...

>>> I humbly suggest you attempt

>> I did

> If you've managed to teach

I attempted by using enforced time limits. I did not succeed.

My child became addicted. I discovered him sprawled out unconscious like a junkie, with dead batteries littering the floor like so many used syringes, and knew he'd managed to obtain a hand held unit from somewhere.

Other comments made light of addiction, yet it's very real for some people. The slingshot response to control, overindulgence, seems to be common. Success stories about alcohol, drugs, pornography, and other adult subjects usually involve teaching self discipline early on with things such as sweets.

Try not to get too frustrated. The challenges of parenting don't last much more than three, maybe four decades.

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