News.YC isn't trying to compete with Digg and Reddit. Really; the last thing I need is to have to manage servers with that kind of traffic. The goal here is just to be the watercooler of the startup world. That is a quite small world, tens of thousands at most. I'd much rather this site had really good comments than huge volumes of traffic.
No doubt. What's interesting though is that the level of discourse has been really high, and apparently we're good folks to have visiting other sites (according to this article).
Have you updated your traffic graphic recently? It'll be interesting to see if we can maintain good participation after Startup School and this batch of YC applications.
I used to read reddit, never commented/submitted anything, however. Reddit, these days, is full of things I have absolutely no interest in. n.yc is perfectly aligned with my interests. I hope it doesn't degenerate into another reddit.
news.yc takes the bulk of my web browsing (hard to believe, right?) and reddit is still great for non-startup buzz. I'll peek at digg every so often but the quality of top submissions seem to keep dropping.
The reviewer at CenterNetworks is right on with his observation on the quality of referral traffic. The users of news.yc are less prone to be the visit-quickscroll-exit types that inhabit a lot of social news sites.
Their videos are not very good (I apologize ahead of time if it's your web site.) But, they are the best (and only) I've seen. I think it's a good trend.
Hi - Allen here from CN (I made the video) - can you help me understand what you don't like about it? I know the part at the beginning where I say my name is a bit off but I try to do pretty good screencasts. As soon as I can sign some more advertisers, I am going to try to buy better video equipment. But please let me know so I can try to improve as much as possible! --- Allen