Hey I've no idea of anything, and don't have a dog in this fight either, but reading everything here I think decentralization is actually the answer. Yes, you'd not get that global reach, and your network of contacts would be severely limited (presumably to those you know). But a decentralised system could do E2E and P2P and run from home. Running that beside traditional, clear-text and consequently spam-proof email strikes me as a sensible balance.
One (open, centralized) system for global comms. Another (closed, decentralized) for secure comms. Maybe even more than one "another", if contexts require different audiences.
I'd rather not have most of my communications (even mundane ones) read by a third party that also reads everything else. Gmail is bad enough, but this is a really Big Brother.
One (open, centralized) system for global comms. Another (closed, decentralized) for secure comms. Maybe even more than one "another", if contexts require different audiences.