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Show HN: Give 7 billion people a physical address (locationawarenames.org)
95 points by roberdam on Sept 4, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 103 comments

I don't think I'm on board with this. Here are two names from the same street:

NOZAXO-JEJEZU, NUZAXOJ-JAJEZUN and here's one from another location in the city PABAXO-GAKEZU. First, I wouldn't like to prominently use these names on my business as I would be naming them nearly the same as any other one on my street. Second, it is not clear at a glance that the second address is in the same area. And without specifically saying "Atlanta" you lose all types of information about taxes, police, fire and other government type things which apply to areas bound by complex curves in lat-lon space.


Two of these are about 10 miles apart and the other is thousands of miles away. I can see some similarities to the ones close by but if just given a single UBI name, I doubt I'd have any clue where it is. It seems that actually seeing lat-lon numbers might make it easier to see that locations are close together.

This is also ignoring streets, which carve complex paths through lat-lon space. I'm not sure if the street name is wrapped up in these UBI names but losing that information would be terrible for locals or honestly anyone else traveling. If you know something is on "broad st." and you are on broad st., then you can follow the road to get there. If you are looking for NUZAXOJ-JAJEZUN and you are at NOZAXO-JEJEZU, you may not realize that you are on the same street.

I didn't go through the entire set of slides as it was pretty onerous, some having 7 clicks to reveal everything in them. I think I got the basic idea though and I don't really see a use case for this replacing any part of our current system. I would never name a business using these. They are unnatural and difficult to pronounce, so I'm not sure how the "Pine Hill" example is valid. Adding these to existing addresses would be useful, in the sense that adding lat-lon to an existing address would be useful but I don't find them more readable than lat-lon. And the UBIs have the negative effect of needing to be translated to lat-lon in order to find locations.

Hi Wuliwong and thanks for your comments is a great feedback, Im Robert the developer behind the idea.

Location Aware Names used as Global Addresses is one of the choices you can use. If you want to keep the current Street & Number format you can use Location Aware Street Names, so your business address can be at street "Clerigo Tigorros 155" and the building in front of you will be at "Clerigo Tigorros 158", you can use it just like any other street with the Street name and number.

You can get there using your offline address like "Clerigo Tigorros 155@gazado-fifene" or even if the town is already on a map using "Clerigo Tigorros 155@(Naranjito, itapua, Paraguay)" so every street in town will share the same Zone code @gazado-fifene if you want to know if they are in the same area.


In case you wonder this name was generated for a spanish speaking town, clerigo means "cleric", so you can use any language you want to generate the street names.

I made a non animated and "cut to the chase" slideshow you can acces on a "Slides are too slow?" link now on the website, hope that improves the experience!.

If you have any other question or suggestion let me know.

That is the big take-home problem here. I looked up the address that they said was in Nigeria (it's actually in Mali), REJATE-POKAJA. I wanted to know, "well, what's the address of the building across the road?" and it turns out that that is: RIJATE-PIKAJAS. I think my first thought is, "Is that really what you want?" Those sound pretty darn similar, and it'd be easy to get confused. In reality you already have a lot of info about a place implicitly, so you want to focus on the stuff that you don't know, magnifying that to cover the whole number.

It seems that they get something like 16-20 bits per word or so. I think my first approach in this case would be to feed lat/long through a cylindrical equal-area projection, since the math for those is pretty simple (so it can be implemented in diverse systems easily) and at least there is a semblance of fairness to the resulting numbers -- but really, I think what you want is to cover the Earth with a massive geodesic dome of points and just number the vertices with some algorithm, perhaps placing a great circle on the Greenwich line and then descending around in some sort of spiral. There's no fundamental reason I can see why we'd need to project at all, really.

So, you form two numbers with the Gall-Peters projection:

    2^9 * (most significant 9 bits of x) + most significant 9 bits of y
    2^9 * (least significant 9 bits of x) + least significant 9 bits of y
or else you label each of 2^18 geodesic faces in a spiral and do coordinates on the faces; either way.

You take these numbers, and multiply them by some large prime, modulo the number that you've got. Prime multiplication is a simple way to permute the numbers so that adjacent vertices are unlikely to be numbered similarly. If you really wanted, you could then XOR it with some fixed pattern and multiply by another large prime, which may help with names being similar at the poles themselves or something (depending on the size of the prime). Any quasi-random permutation will work, I just figure "let's take the ones that are only a couple fixed lines of code." The nice thing about these permutations, too, is that they're invertible: someone gives you a name, you convert it to a number, you pass it back through this, and you get map/geodesic coordinates.

Then you convert those numbers into syllables. This way you can know that your city is mostly DAFAXO except the northeastern part is part of LINUZU, completely different names. The most significant bits are thus scrambled but isolated. The least significant bits are scrambled separately and give every point on the ground a wildly different name, so that nobody confuses your place with one down the street.

Hi Drostie, It is an excellent analysis, when designing the algorithm there are 2 choices, to make the Global Addresses somehow related, so you can know that REJATE-POKAJA is near RIJATE-PIKAJAS, or to make them totally different so you wont get confused by the similarity, both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages , and as you say, is not something difficult to implement

This system doesn't (currently) solve the problem it was created to solve, which is to create a system that can uniquely encode locations that also produces phonetically coherent names. The problem is, by encoding the location so precisely in each name, you leave no leeway in the speaker's pronunciation.

Different languages have different sets of phonemes. For instance, in Japanese, "L" and "R" are allophones, meaning native speakers consider the sounds to be the same. So, take these two UBI's:



Smack dab in the middle of Tokyo, about 15 minutes apart from each other.

Also, this would require speakers having the same vowel distribution/phonological rules. I pronounce "PACASU-FADERO" and "PACASU-FEDERO" pretty similarly. Relying on letters that are only different in voicing is also risky. For instance, take "P" and "B". It's easy to mistake "PACASU-BATERO" for "PACASU-PATERO".

Finally, street names have an advantage over UBI's. Street names are usually formed from words in the inhabitants' native language, so they sound more natural and will of course be easier to pronounce.

Hi heshishei Thanks for your comments , Im Robert the developer behind the idea.

I totally agree with you in that there is no way a single algorithm can produce pleasent result in every language, what sounds fairly good in Italian or Afrikaan might sound illegible in Japanese.

But even then, might be a little easier to send a SMS saying "Meet me at NALADU-MAMOKE" than "Meet me at 35° 42' 36'' N, 139° 38' 24'' E ".

If the resulting name does not work for you as name you might want to use, see it as a tool available to handle easier "35° 42' 36'' N, 139° 38' 24'' E "

>Finally, street names have an advantage over UBI's. Street names are usually formed from words in the inhabitants' native language, so they sound more natural and will of course be easier to pronounce.

You can use Location Aware Street Names, using not generated names, but words in your language that form street names, like "Doctor Stifus" for example, and using street numbers on it, so you can say I live at "Doctor Stifus 50" so your address will be "Doctor Stifus 50@gazado-fifene"

I made a non animated and "cut to the chase" slideshow you can acces on a "Slides are too slow?" link now on the website, there you can check the Street Names concept.

Also if you ever had to do any automated phonetic name generation on a global scale its hilarious how outraged people get about words sounding like swear words. Any alo that doesnt solve this i worthless for real world application.

It's not trying to solve a phonetical problem, its permalink of planets.

Place names have huge emotional content associated with them. Place names are changed for example to honor a person (Washinton, DC) or an important concept (Union City, CA). There's something very human and basic about that mapping between place names and our identities.

I think this is an innovative idea you propose, but because it runs against the grain of what it means to be human, it may not receive the uptake you would like.

Hi not_that_noob Thanks for the comments!.

I certainly agree with you, but you dont have to replace the names you are already using to take advantage of this, you can say:

    Washington Ave 123
    Washington DC
Floods, tornadoes, tsunamis and natural disasters can wipe out landmarks and leave addresses or conventional signaling unusable , that last line can make all the difference in such situations since it remains always unalterable.

And then you have Location Aware Street Names, where you can use words in your language to form street names, so you might use words that are more cultural meaningful to us.

Those aren't names, those are random jumbles of letters that are somewhat pronounceable. They might be also hard to localise for places that don't use English words.

A name is a word with a long tradition of being used as a name, or sounding really close to one.

Perhaps a better idea would be to use 3-4 word names like "Third Rainy Pine Hill" where you have a large dictionary of words that can be strung together and you can translate them in different languages.

You mean, like http://what3words.com/ ? I really like the idea.

"50% of people in developing countries live in places where there are no maps, addresses or street names, UBI gives them an immediate alternative for their needs."

Because everybody's got a device that has GPS and can decode these opaque strings, right? /facepalm

More people in India have a cell phone than have access to a toilet.

True, but does those feature phones have GPS?

no need, once adopted we'll change all the signs on every street and every building.

Plus, do those 50% of the people tend to get lost going from place to place in their daily lives? And do members of the other 50% have a need to be able to precisely locate any of those people without maps, addresses, or street names?

I humbly submit that this is a very nice solution in desperate and ultimately fruitless search for a problem.

And because if it isn't on Google maps it doesn't exist, right?

GPS coordinates work regardless if there is an image on the Google map... a coordinate is a coordinate (which is why the military, aviation industry, maritime industry, agricultural industry, etc... all use coordinates instead of some silly system like this phonetical one.)

Its a nice little thought experiment, but current place names have been optimized for human memory. Objects, names, events are all synaptically linked to enable the average human to master a relatively complex set of locations. The provided system also completely excludes cultural background (also important for how "good" a location name is for a given person). tl;dr: Systems like this already exist (e.g. longitude/lattitude). The proposed system is on the same usability scale for individuals like existing systems. Does not improve anything.

Thanks for your comments MrDosu, I definitely agree with you, but the Location Aware Names concept can be used to take language and cultural factors into account , to create a reference that is indistinguible from any other non Location Aware Name , fast forward to slide 47 and let me know if that answer your comments!

Why would a town that historically has not needed street names have a need for convulated "street ids"? Small towns like this dont have street names because they are superfluous. Mail arrives, people find places.

This seems like a good suggestion for a global system of Postcodes (Zipcodes).

As others have mentioned, lots of other human readable info is stored in a traditional address, so this really won't do as a replacement, but as a "line at the end of an address" that works anywhere in the world it's pretty cool.

(the advantage it has over the straight geo coordinates is obviously that it is pronounceable, and hopefully easier to remember.)

That's right tehwalrus, you don't need to replace current location systems if they work for you, but you can use it as an aditional line to gain accuracy and resiliency

The example phonetic address they use for a bunch of examples is "RERI-NUCA". Not very memorable.

And what happens if you misspell it? The example of spelling "Pine Hill" as "Pine Hil" is easy for a human to see and correct; would I be able to realize that "RERY-NOOCA" was a typo?

These are also utterly useless for navigating without GPS. Even if we assume that all maps are replaced with ones that have this letter-based coordinate system as their grid, I still can't see it being easy to give directions, or to navigate without a phone.

How does this work for languages that do not use Roman characters?

There is a scheme for creating "street names" in this (though it doesn't seem to handle streets that turn). However these names are all pretty much gibberish names. And naming all streets this way would remove the local character of place names - a Los Angeles street name has a different character from a New Orleans street name, and a Parisian street name has a stranger one yet.

I dunno. It's moderately clever but it doesn't really feel like it's designed for human-scale interactions.

This is yet another attempt[1][2] to turn the already-very-good-and-precise coordinate system into something more overly-complex and unnecessary.

If you need to meet at exact locations where both parties don't have a common name for and no commonly-assigned address exists (like someplace in the middle of a large park), just provide a coordinate -- it will be accurate and all GPS/Map systems can take them, including your phone.

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8052908

[2] http://www.mapcode.com/

100% agreed. In Atlanta, we name all our streets some version of "Peachtree". Definitely gives a feel to the place. Doesn't help navigating so much, but whatevs. :) In Philadelphia, we have an area called the "tree streets," for Chestnut St., Walnut St., etc. Just can't see that stuff going away.

Oh yes, and the Roman characters. I was thinking about that. I'm pretty sure in China, loads of popular websites are just number strings. I can't imagine that this UBI system would be better for them. So knock off 1 billion people right there. hah.

How does this compare to http://www.mapcode.com/ and http://what3words.com/ ?

And how does one achieve the sort of critical mass where the average person on the street knows their own home location?

I like what3words - it's about as good as you can get for the same goofy idea. Those ubicate names are shorter but ... ugly. I like that my data centre is at *fish.wages.jelly but not TACEGE-CARAFAN.

If I'd heard my office name over the phone using the ubicate system I might instead head for http://ubicate.me/TACEGE-CARAVAN ... which looks to be about 30 miles off the coast of Holland, not on the York ring road :-)

So I get the idea, but this algorithm produces awful names.

what3words noticed that you needs less than 1800 words to assign a combination of 3 words to every square meter on earth, so those words can be chosen to be different from each other, unambiguous, common etc. Still ENGLISH and not very international, but it's a much better idea.

Totally agree, What3words is way better for communication. But even there, if you read me the locator, I have no idea where the location is. With traditional addresses, I have a good idea of where things are, and how I might get there, just by hearing the address, the same is true with lat/lon or MGRS to a lesser extent. This system means I need a device to figure out where anything is.

This whole idea seems like a variation on "the world would be better if only it was run by computer logic" (where better = more orderly and machine readable). For whatever reason, other considerations (cultural affinity, convenience in a daily context, etc.) seem to be more important to most people.

They do support a lot of other languages, although the words aren't the same between languages as far as I can tell (so they can't be 'translated'). Still, I bet they cover most of the world's population in their local language.

Knuckle dragging, likely down voted...but dear god, online equivalent of powerpoint...whatever happened to writing a paper to describe your idea? Yes you can download as a pptx or a pdf, but slides really don't always convey the whole message.

This is a general rant around this rather popular method of sharing presentations.

I came to the comments to the understand what this is because I gave up on the slide show after a minute of furiously clicking NEXT.

Pretty much every such similar presentation that get's linked to, I do the same thing. I really miss the days where a paper usually preceded a talk. But different times...

Having to hit "next" to have to step through the additions to a particular slide is the worst.

Sorry about that!.

I made a non animated and "cut to the chase" slideshow you can acces on a "Slides are too slow?" link now on the website, hope that improves the experience!.

My humble advice for this slide deck is: get to the demo. In this case, it's phonetically encoded coordinates. It's a cool idea, but requires adoption of a "majors system" like system for converting numbers into sounds. That's asking a lot!

Thanks for the advice michaelq, I will change the slide to get to the rel life apps first and explain the concept later!. What do you mean by "major system"?, could you explain more?.

The idea is to use what we already have now, "Names" but encoding information inside them, if you get to the Location Aware Street Names slides, you can see how it can be used to make some very interesting stuff, fast forward to slide 55.

Also when you publish a presentation it is really better off just give the non-animated version (even the pdf version with 4 pages to just load from pic 1 - pic 4 is still not a good idea).

Just my 2 cents.

I made a non animated and "cut to the chase" slideshow you can acces on a "Slides are too slow?" link now on the website, hope that improves the experience!.

Neat idea, but things that become really successful slipstream into the existing way of doing things, rarely do they supplant it in such a radical way. If the US can not even change to the metric system, think how hard this will be to adopt.

Maybe a chance in third world countries, but then you need to partner with all major online map makers to make this the default or a prominent identifier in all their softwares.

Seems like the easiest metaphor for this is "DNS for GPS" - i.e. in the same way DNS translates IP addresses into something human-readable, this translates lat-long into something easy to remember and work with.

I disagree. No algorithm connects google.com to whatever IP Address it is associated with.

In this case, there is a one-to-one correlation. Functionally it is somewhat similar, but you could figure out the location of one of these crazy names by running through a simple algorithm, locally. You don't need to make requests to a remote server, to do the DNS lookup.

I would also disagree that these "names" are easy to remember. :) They are pretty random. I doubt these names follow any of the "rules" that human language does, either. They are mapped to a system of numbers. Human languages share some common rules and organization, I believe.

You could apply the algorithm to IP quads. But I agree, it's barely better than Base58. It's like "BasePhoneme" or something.

I'm not sure what you mean by applying the algorithm to IP quads? If you give me the name "google.com", there is no algorithm I can apply which yields the IP address, correct? Because that IP address could be reassigned to a different name, right? The only way I can make the connection is to do a DNS lookup, which I thought is essentially just searching a database for "google.com" and returning me the corresponding IP address.

This is a clever idea, but I don't think it will fly; at least not in most places.

Human phonemes exist in a continuous N-dimensional space. There are two problems to defining a universal phonetic set: 1) different populations use different areas of the space. For example, some cultures use hardly any vowels, some hardly any consonants. 2) different populations quantize the space at different boundaries. So even two cultures who both have 5 vowels may find that what is unambiguously 'e' in one culture is 'a' or 'e' in another. And those are just the major problems. The usual solution is to have a set of glyphs that the are labeled in a locally distinguishable way. We have those - digits.

Could make some classic songs interesting...

"I found my thrill / on MARAMUT-GACIRA"

"JODEGE-SIFAJAR is in my ears and in my eyes"


You realise that in the UK, an address is completely specified by house number and postcode? Nine characters max.

Not all houses in the UK have numbers, especially in rural areas. If you don't live in a village or larger, it's pretty common to have a house name, and no number. (Edit: I just checked the village I grew up in, and was surprised to find that out of 48 houses covered by the postcode, 41 of them only have a house name, no number -- I'd have guessed closer to a 50/50 ratio).

Even in cities, it's not particularly unusual to have houses that don't have numbers, especially older houses -- in my parents' postcode, two of the houses only have a name.

House names are fully supported by correctly implemented postcode lookup systems -- for example, in the common online use-case where you enter your postcode and a list of houses is brought up, the list will include the houses that only have name identifiers.

> Nine characters max

Post code is max 7 characters. People could live at number 123, which is over 9 characters. Or they could live at a flat and house number - flat 1, number 12. Which is again over 9 characters.

So 10 characters max. Actually 11 because I think you could have 123a

You should never have to specify more than 1 number. If you have to say flat 1, number 12 the post office needs to assign you a new number (e.g. 12a).

Still beats the hell out of MARAMUT-GACIRA, especially as post codes give a lot of information (I know instantly whether a postcode is in or outside London, and if inside roughly where)

Instantly, that's impressive? I can only manage that if you define London as "The area covered by the London compass-direction based postal districts" If you choose either "governed by a London Borough Council", or "Within the M25" or "Within the City of London", I'd have to look it up.

The postcode district states which sorting office delivers to the address, leading to upmarket Windsor having a Slough postcode SL5

EC1A - inside The City; EC1M - outside The City.

EN1 - in a London Borough; EN10 - In a Hertfordshire borough.

KT9 - Inside M25 and in a London Borough; KT11 Inside M25 and in a Surrey borough.

Maybe not for everything, and i'm sure there are loads of technicalities on the edge of london.

But for your examples:

EC1A and EC1M are both in or around the city

EN1 is enfield I think? So far north, EN10 I imagine is just further north

KT9 I think is Kingston. Both KT9 and KT11 are probably south west near the edge of london

> I can only manage that if you define London as "The area covered by the London compass-direction based postal districts"

That's actually basically what I meant. Compass postcode = london, non-compass is effectively outside london (or on the very edge)

Either way, the point that post codes carry a lot more information than codes generated from GPS coordinates still stands

OK OK, I lose to pedantry :-)

that works great for a place that post is delivered to, but what about when you want to specify a different location. What3Words is the better solution.

Here can try the concept http://ubicate.me/

BTW, you have written hole instead of whole in the line 'This simple step opens the gates to a hole range of new possibilities and innovations'.

Thanks lotsofmangos!, typo corrected

Interesting! I'm using this open implementation for this type of addressing: http://www.mapcode.com/

Great!, codes are shorter than on ubicate.me, the main difference is that Location Aware Names try to use the encoding as names , did you see Location Aware Street Names on slide 44?

Looks pretty similar to MGRS (Military Grid Reference System) and/or Maidenhead Locators. Yeah, this proposal produces names which are pronounceable (in English), but that's the only advantage I see.



"Pine Hill" is excellent information if the parties involved agree on what it means.

You can say that it's meaningless to a person that doesn't, but in a context where everyone does you can't argue that it's "low quality information". In the same sense, totally disregarding that people sometimes share a cultural heritage, personal history or conversational context and use this to their advantage, "Yes" or "No" would be really awful information. Nothing is a good conveyor of information by itself.

What does BAJASU-BONEXO say about anything before I stuff it into a computer that arbitrarily translate it to a set of coordinates (an existing system invented to solve the same problem)? If everyone needs a device to decode it, what advantage does it have over just sharing the coordinates?

With 1 meter granularity, what prevents people from assigning different names to what is essentially the same place, in a way that potentially prevents either of the hundreds of thousands of names generated for a 1 km^2 Pine Hill from ever catching on?

Don't get me wrong, I think it's a neat idea. Turning coordinates into pronounceable words means that you could easily share an exact location over a phone line. It's just that I think that it's arrogant to say that the tradition of naming places is somehow inferior to what essentially is a totally different thing. To present them as something that is meant to replace an "old algorithm" (referring to a practice that is mostly non-algorithmic) is big-headed and geographically and culturally ignorant.

Thanks for all the feedback, I was not expecting so many responses!

The main idea behind the concept of Location Aware Names is to re-think the way we give name to places, from a information point of view.

Is there a better way to use names as an information unit? can we improve the current "algorithm" that we use to name places?: I think so.

It will replace the current way we name them?: I dont think so.

Is UBI the best use of Location Aware Names?: Hopefully not!, UBI is a proof of concept of the idea, maybe you can come up with something much better.

Is using RERI-NUCA better than the Street & Number: Maybe not if you already have your street and number location on a map , but is one step forward from 65° 42' N,170° 35' 60.0'' W

Actual names are made from words in the inhabitants native language, UBI names are odd: The Location Aware Names concept can be used to take language and cultural factors into account ,and create a references like "Doctor Stifus" or "Isaac Nousol" that are indistinguible from any other non Location Aware Names (see slide 43)

It will be very hard to adopt: Of course, but it can start as simple as an option to encode from the current http://goo.gl/maps/EdGCc on google to http://goo.gl/maps/FULABOS-LUNETE

The idea of Location Aware Names is to add a different set of options to our current way of see and use names, with their advantages and disadvantages

There is a very important convention hidden in this method: it relies on the GPS (WGS84) geodetic system in order to encode names.

The thing is, geodetic systems, WGS84 and others, are an approximation, that is mostly invisible since maps are also in WGS84. The problem only appears when you try to convert between geodetic systems. When you convert your coordinates, the errors from the approximation might not be the same between your two geodetic systems, to correct those approximation you need an intermediate model, which depends on local topography, and that can be calculated only when observing directly that topography.

So, if for some reason, we have to abandon GPS for another localization system, this naming convention will be likely to load to wrong physical locations when coordinates will be derived from names. Then we will need to build those local models globally, and rely on them forever, or rename everything, or rely on human memory to rebuild maps just like the ones we have, but with the legacy of those encoded names, far worse to remember the the ones we already have.

A few comments:

0: How does the street algorithm work?

1: Not everywhere can effectively be described as a point with varying degrees of precision. Some places are long and thin. How do I tell my friend that I'll be somewhere along a certain meandering river, but not the adjacent canal?

2: Dumb IDs are good, they are stable, and even if they happen to contain some kind of hint, no one is relying on the hint and can still use them. How do you account for tectonics? Dammit! an earthquake! I'll need to tell everyone my new address!

3: Internationalisation. RERI-NUCA and GASAVI-CALILO will be difficult or impossible for some, if not most literate local residents of those places.

Even if legible, some sequences may be phonologically incompatible with the language spoken in the area. Therefore, you'd ideally want different versions of the algorithm for different natural languages. This might then require the addition of another datum to denote the algorithm used, so that I don't get lost going to en:RERI-NUCA when I'm supposed to be going to pt:RERI-NUCA.

Thanks for your comments frobozz,

>0: How does the street algorithm work?

I will publish the algorithm hopefully next week on the website as public domain

> 1: Not everywhere can effectively be described as a point with varying degrees of precision. Some places are long and thin. How do I tell my friend that I'll be somewhere along a certain meandering river, but not the adjacent canal?

At the time you can also describe streets , or lines on space with Location Aware Street Names.

>2: Dumb IDs are good, they are stable, and even if they happen to contain some kind of hint, no one is relying on the hint and can still use them. How do you account for tectonics? Dammit! an earthquake! I'll need to tell everyone my new address!

You are right, floods, tornadoes, tsunamis and natural disasters can wipe out landmarks and leave addresses or conventional signaling unusable , Location Aware Names remains always unalterable.

>3: Internationalisation. RERI-NUCA and GASAVI-CALILO will be difficult or impossible for some, if not most literate local residents of those places.

I totally agree with you in that there is no way a single algorithm can produce pleasent result in every language, what sounds fairly good in Italian or Afrikaan might sound illegible in Japanese.

But even then, might be a little easier to send a SMS saying "Meet me at NALADU-MAMOKE" than "Meet me at 35° 42' 36'' N, 139° 38' 24'' E ".

If the resulting name does not work for you as name you might want to use, see it as a tool available to handle easier "35° 42' 36'' N, 139° 38' 24'' E "

The idea of different versions of the algorithm for different languages is something worth of researching.

I'd be concerned that locations like "NELA-GAZA" would be confusing, as Gaza is a real place.

I was thinking some of the names will probably offend people in some language.

New York is confusing, as York is a real place? :)

Tongue in cheek of course, but I don't think that _that_ problem would limit the adoption. I fail to see how this might reach a critical mass, but ambigious (parts) of names? We already have that today and handle that fine in general.

First problems:

- Nearby places have very simillar names; Just changes one letter "U" with "O"

You would still need another line for multi-story buildings. For example, I live on the 2nd floor of a building. On google maps, my flat is located above a restaurant. I guess I would have to write "apartment 3" before the ubicate address.

Good point.

This is a rather wonderful concept. English names are good but often when names in another language are converted into English and typed into Google maps they can be spelled many different ways, .e.g. "Dwarka Mor" or "Dwarika Mod" or "Dwarika Mode" or 10 different other combinations (which Google maps using Google suggest can fix thankfully)

But how does this handle misspellings? Not sure if it already has it but there should be CRC check in the first or last letter to make sure the address printed misspelled a C instead of a G.

Great idea superasn, right now if the misspell result in an invalid address it will let you know, but you can make a mistake that result in a valid address anyway.

What's the algorithm for mapping between locations and names? If I wanted to integrate this into my own code how would I do that -- is there a library?

Coincidentally I published a post about almost exactly the same thing only a few hours ago, http://h14s.p5r.org/2014/09/z-quads-strings.html. But it focuses more on the algorithmic side which is why I'm curious about the mechanics of UBIs.

plesner, I will publish the algorithm next week on the website as public domain, your algorithm is very well explained and maybe even better than mine, basically your approach is using Z-Quads and my current algorithm encode the actual Gps Lat/Long into names.

How resilient is this type of encoding? i.e. if I pronounce this to someone over the phone, they may write down the phonetics incorrectly or with a different take on the spelling.

What happens if they do that?

I see a lot of names depending on consonant-E and consonant-A pairs, but in the English language how you pronounce those sounds can wind up being very similar dependent on context.

Yes, I absolutely agree. Several of the addresses I encoded would be easy to mistake via voice which is why I thought the "Pine Hill" example very poor.

This is a neat experiment but how important to the concept is it that these named areas are circular? I'm thinking that it'd be illogical to lose naming of streets because that's exactly how our physical world is laid out - but you can't accurately do that with circles.

The slides are really cool – there's a lot of depth. I was really impressed that vectors could be encapsulated in names, removing the need for street information to be stored. Can the system encode non-linear vectors, i.e. curvy streets?

Thanks rusew! , at the time I was able to encode points and street names (lines) , hopefully more complex non-linear vector can be also encoded into short name forms.

Esperanto for maps

That's a fantastic idea, phonetic is not important now, this is a code, then you can customize algorithm later for example more language/layers.

This should be started for people names too, stop silly names and lets put some genetic into.

Thanks Petrosh!,

That's the idea, to start thinking about names and how can be improved, Location Aware Names is just a starting point not a final product.

This seems like a great idea. You have points and lines (streets). What about areas? For instance, real estate lots. It would be great to replace undecipherable legal descriptions or platting schemes with your system.

Thanks Joshuaheard

you can use zones for that, but at the time works for circular areas, try RERI-NUCA 800

I'm concerned my street and the street next to me are very similarly named. I suppose this can be confusing in the long run as similar places will have similar names.

it might work better as a more chaotic (two-way) hash function, true - next door streets different by at least half the letters, or something. Or at least with a prefix for the higher-significance bits, like "town", and a suffix for the lower significance bits, like "street".

I'd prefer plain lat-lon coordinates over this any day.

All I can think of this idea is, just like internet time.

Like the thought experiment. One note is the fade in animations slow things down when you are trying to move rapidly thru the slides.

I made a non animated and "cut to the chase" slideshow you can acces on a "Slides are too slow?" link now on the website, hope that improves the experience!.

Why don't we try first to get the International System of Units going worldwide? (;

Isn't this basically how autopilot waypoints are handled?

it seems to me a longer version of geohash http://geohash.meteor.com/

Is the API/ algorythme available somewhere ?

working on it, hopefully next week will be published on the site.

RERI-NUKA is so much better than Pine Hill?

Don't like this one. mapcode.com ftw.

Any interest to open this on GitHub?

Sounds like geohashing

Yea, it seems this is a 50 slide presentation to try to justify it.

A ".org" CIA project?

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